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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Oct 3, 2003
Hiya, i have got loads of bruises from where i have bumped into myself, ouch
Tell you what though, you def do appreciate the relaxing times though, last night i didnt do a thing, was supposed to do a lot of reading up on last weeks course for tom, but i remember most of it, so decided i should take the time out and relax! Was great Sometimes there is nothing better than getting my son of to bed, curling up on the settee with a bottle of wine, and not talking to a soul! Love it.
Ostrich syndrome, i know LOADS of ppl suffering from that! Drives me up the wall.....
Its my mad weekend, not that its going to be that mad, working tonight 5 - close, but we are having an 80's do tonight, so getting dressed up in 80's gear, should be a good laff, few drinks while working as well then college in tom 9.30 till 5, than out tom night. Then working 3 - 7 on Sun, so the weekend should be quite good
You got anything planned?
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Nonametraveller Posted Oct 7, 2003
can't think of a smart answer to that....just gonna have to rotflmao!!!!
Yes i can relate to worries sometimes in fact cos i truly enjoy being on my own and just floating around in my own little bubble....i reckon i am going to end up as one of these eccentric old geezers that youngsters take the piss out of!!!!
Often in the past i have gone up to the bush for anything up to 6 weeks at a time, and after getting what i called 'bushified' after a few days i would reach a stage when i got irritable even if i saw another it was invading my space!!....wacko or what?
Yes i have to say that it does seem to be prevalent...especially within my own family!!
So how was the weekend?....mine was pretty hectic....16th birthday party here on saturday, although we had a dinner party at the same time...and the house was full for the whole weekend with all sorts of things going on.
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Oct 8, 2003
Nah, im about the same, love to be on my own sometimes! I remember having a huge row on the phone with my dad, i un-plugged the house phone, turned my mobile off, didnt realise that anyone had realised i had had an argument with him, in the morning i had so many answer phone messages and texts from my family wondering if i was ok! Made me laugh, i just explained sorry, didnt want to talk to anyone! Ill prob end up and eccentric old woman one of these days as well
W/end didnt turn out as quiet as i had hoped, didnt get out of work till 3.30 in the morning (friday) was shattered on my course, than sat ended up having a bit of a mad session! Good weekend though, had to start work at 2 on sunday (was supposed to be 3) and i didnt get up until 1! Talk about a rush, but a good weekend was had
So how did the party go? Know you was saying you wanted to get out of it!
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Nonametraveller Posted Oct 10, 2003
...that kinda brings back memories!!!....except that i would get on a plane and disappear for a year or two....and there were no messages when i got
We will have to keep on chatting....that way when we are both old and eccentric 'weirdos' we will at least have someone to share it with!!!
The party went well...the whole weekend did...and certainly Sam had a great 16th.I struggled a bit with my dad....but i avoided any conflict, the only trouble is that i came across as being quiet and not really into it apparently....can't bloody win!!!!
I have been busy setting up a couple of meetings for next week to start trying to sell the Titanic video which i am looking forward to, and i am also writing an article/feature about it that i will hopefully be able to use as a marketing tool to generate a bit of interest.
I have also been working on another story that is turning into a bit of an epic....up to nearly 50 pages already and only really a third of the way through the story...thinking that i could maybe turn it into a small book!!
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Oct 10, 2003
Glad the party went well! I do hate those no-win situations though, I always end up in them
Wondering, now wont you be an eccentric old man before im an eccentric old woman sorry
Sounds like you could def do a book there! I wrote an essay the other day, first one i have written in 10 years! Scary stuff! !Im pretty pleased with it though, think i have done a good job on it, well i hope so anyway.
So anything planned for the weekend? I have a quiet one, video and pizza with my son tonight, he goes on holiday tom for a week, with his nan! Going to miss him Than my course on Sat, work Sat night, and working 3 - 7 on Sund, so pretty quiet! Well, sensible should i say
Have a good ogood one, whatever it is that you are going to get up to!
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Nonametraveller Posted Oct 11, 2003
I am normally pretty good at avoiding those types of escape this time well...i guess i knew that before i came, and at the end of the day i have to smile and remind myself that it is all part of the journey i am on at the moment!!!
.....wondering?..are you running away from me for being so cheeky?....or are you running to try and catch up with me (which obviously you will never do with me being so much fitter and faster!!...
I guess it is a state of mind...personally i still consider myself a relative youngster, although i have to admit that living in England for some reason makes you feel older....maybe it is having kids around me as well, but somehow it is more than that...i have spoken to a couple of people who i went to school with and have been horrified at their outlook on life....they really consider themselves old and virtually over the hill!!!!......frightening......often think that i might well whizz off and live in the bush where there is noone to remind me about ageing!!!
So what was the essay about....can i read it?
Just a quiet weekend for me....apart from working on the one article i will be watching rugby and of course the England v Turkey game. Had friends over for fajitas last night and am looking after the boys tonight. A couple of things are going on though so something else may develop.
Take care old girl!!!....
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Oct 12, 2003
Oh, obviously running to try and keep up with you 's! Old girl
Watch it you
Yeah, age is how you perceive it, I know ppl that are in there early 20's and seem to be going onto there 40's, just so old for there age, than there are loads of ppl i know that will never grow up! In there 40's and a hell of a lot worse than ppl in there 20's, so yes, it is how you perceive it!
Ill forward the essay onto you, i sent it to my mum, so will prob just forward that onto you, so you will prob have some chit-chat that i have sent to my mum as well in it just ignore all of that
A couple of ppl on my course have read it, and have said that it is really good (they are a couple of years further ahead than me) and they said i have really grasped the concept! It is about how counselling can help ppl with drink/drug problems! Having a prob with one of my tutors on that course, I really feel as if she is singling me out, i am much further behind than everyone, but she seems to be quite hard on me, not sure if it is because she doenst like the fact i am on the course (found out it is very rare for them to accept ppl on this course without experience or without couselling course experience) or weather she thinks i have potential, so is trying to push me to get the potential out, so as they say, im going to rise to the challenge! Hope it is the latter though! Found out she is from a pscyodynamic approach (a couselling approach) I have some paper-work on that approach, so im going to read that and see if i can see where she is coming from. Thing is, on that course, one person has told me im a natural, another person has said i have a very good understandstanding of it, much more than what she had her-self at my stage, and someone else has said i will do it, as i have the drive and determination to do it! On the Tuesday course (where i am at the same stage as everyone else) a few ppl that i have worked with have said im ging to be good at this! Sorry, this woman has got under my skin a bit! Hence the rambling on, ill stop now
Anyway, the footie, good result, really wished we had beat them, but hey, i can live with the result! Worked last night, was really busy, good shift though, great laugh!
Im going to finish up now, as i have rambled enough, enjoy the rest of your weekend, im going out with a mate tonight, catch-up should be a good one!
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Nonametraveller Posted Oct 13, 2003
Chuckling....ok , no more old girl!!!you beautiful young goddess you!!.....however i can see you running so hard there that i will slow down a bit for you
I would say that i am a bit of a many ways i grew up very quickly, had no choice in the matter really, but on the other hand i was intent on satisfying the 'wildness' in me which keeps me very young at heart and has helped me avoid getting stuck in any ruts along the way, good or bad ones.
Not necessarily saying it is the best way, quite frankly i may well pay for it one day when i am old as i have always moved around as opposed to really putting down solid roots....but you know what,(without wishing to sound flippant) some ways life is just an illusion.
If you think about it....the past is a memory which is an illusion in our illusion of what we have seen, heard and felt. While the future is in our imagination....also an illusion in our minds. The only thing that is truly real is the here and now.
I of course don't live my life literally to the extremities of that logic, but an interesting thought all the same....don't you think?
.....As you can see i waffle too!!!!
I am looking forward to reading your essay, i hope you get a chance to send it through soon.
Sorry to hear that one of the teachers is giving you a hard time, however i think you're attitude towards it is perfect. At the end of the day it does not really matter at all what her motivation for singleing you out is.....if she is trying to help of course that is great....if she is being bitchy it is her problem....just so long as it motivates you to rise to it is all that matters.
Great idea to read about the Psychodynamic studies that she has undergone to get an idea of where she is coming from. As i understand it it is all about the connection between our conscious and unconscious mind, and how the result of that combination determines how we see things and deal with them.
You can ramble on as much as you like sugar....apart from the fact that i enjoy 'listening' to you it is all a very fascinating subject for me, and i would like to know all about this particular 'journey' that you are taking. I was reading somewhere that in London there are projects in place where people of my age are invited to do similar work on the basis of their own life experiences...a very interesting concept i thought.
Great result on saturday, it would of been nice to win but i can live with it probs....we were clearly the better side by far, i don't think anyone can deny that.
Great first game in the rugby world cup too on sunday, although i am really looking forward to next weeks game against South Africa.
Anyway, don't forget to send me that essay....i really am looking forward to reading it. Hope you had a good night last again soon. Take care.
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Oct 13, 2003
Yeah, psychodynamic is all based on the unconsious/consious mind! Interesting theory. Havent really looked at it yet, but from what i know, i dont like the idea of it.
Ill agree with you, the past has gone, you take what you want from it, the future is just a dream, it is the here and now that matters, but than you do have to remember that you have to live with your past, and you have to build for your future, but the present is here, so you have to live in that moment! My god good, you have gone an opened another can of worms for discussion! You know something, think we can both talk about crap forever
Last night was really good! Was supposed to be sensible though, but it ended up quite messyssy! Saw loads of ppl, and my friend and i got ratted! Left the cars, ended up having to get a bus this morning to collect the car before the traffic wardens started there rounds! But a really good night
Just noticed the time, got to go, but ill sort that essay out later
Have a good one
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Nonametraveller Posted Oct 15, 2003
I cannot say i have studied it particularly, but from a business, and particularly sales point of view i would say that it can be very relevant. Put simply, if a salesperson thinks he/she is not going to get a sale he/she will never get one....however, if he/she phsyches themselves to such an extent that his/her whole being believes he/she is the greatest .......... consciously and subconsciously he/she will always get one. i am not sure if this is relevant to what you are doing but i thought i would mention it anyway.
very well do have to live with your past and build for the future...i guess it is all about finding a good balance. Great subject....crap or not!!! we said the king and queen of royal wafflers!!!
Sounds like you had a good one, i love those impromptu nights...they are always the best. However, don't laugh but i have decided that i really am happier when i am not drinking and have stopped again....i just don't want to get drunk anymore. I will always have a puff, and maybe a drink on occasion but for me it is over. I actually gave it up a few years ago but since i have been here i have been drinking a bit to be sociable, the fact is though i just don't get much out of it anymore....and if i have a hangover it is really not worth it at i am afraid that i have gotten all boring again!!!! need some vices!!!!
Great essay, i have just sent you a mail now.
Chat later...take care
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Oct 16, 2003
Makes sense (about the sales-person) But it just seems that approch is all based on your past, inc. when you was in the womb, like i said, havent really read it, got to get round to it soon though!
Not drinking isnt a bad thing, i just drink as its a social thing! Nothing more than that, plus its nice to have a glass of wine with dinner occasionaly! Boring, yeah gues you are sorry, only kidding mate
Definately King and Queen of Wafflers though
Have a good one! You up to much, im just of to the gym now! Should be good Catch you later
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Nonametraveller Posted Oct 17, 2003
Yeah yeah.....i'r a truer word spoken than that spoken in jest!!!'m deeply offended, battered and bruised, my ego is all shot to pieces and i am contemplating retiring to the wilderness for a life of reclusive eccentricity!!!
I have no doubt there will be times ahead where i have a bottle or two of wine round the table with friends over dinner, and maybe even the odd occasion but essentially i am teetotal from here on in. The hardest part is the fact that it can be so ******g boring.....when parties start cranking up and people start getting drunk and speaking shit that is when i start thinking about getting about a reversal!!!!
In fact i gave it up a few years ago, but since i came here i have tried to be social but it just does not agree with me anymore. So i will just have to live with the boring tag!!!
....just earning my King of waffle tag M'
Been quiet these last couple of days but had some good meetings in town tues/weds....the guys loved the video and are going to get their distributing agent involved next , fingers crossed still.
Otherwise, i am still not sure where to from here.....bit like a fart in a force five gale really....pathetic!!!!!, that is being a bit hard on myself i suppose, speaking to people both here and in SA, i just don't seem to have good focus at the moment. I'll get there.
Are you still doing the boxercising?.....that is probably what i should do....go and beat the crap out of a punchbag for a while!!!!
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Oct 17, 2003
i like that, fart in a force five wind!
Nah, nothing wrong with being boring! I am only kidding by the way bruised and battered ego, dont beleive ya
Glad the video seems to be ok!
Direction, all i can say on that is i have never had any direction in my life, this is about the first time , doing these courses! But knowing me, ill lose direction on that as well!
Def got this waffling down to a fine art eh! And the eccentric part and im speaking about the pair of us there
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Nonametraveller Posted Oct 18, 2003 that smile!!
You Don't believe me!! i.m even more bruised and battered....Trodden on trampled and boring...thats me!!!
Hopefully i will be showing the video to the agent on wednesday...that will be the real acid test.
Me...i have always had direction...its just that it changed regularly..
Now gotta tell yourself that you are going to see this thing through come hell or high water!!!....are you finding some of it tough going in some ways?
You know what?....waffling and eccentricity is great...especially in pairs!!!!
Have a great weekend...take care....waffle again
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- 461: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Oct 3, 2003)
- 462: Nonametraveller (Oct 7, 2003)
- 463: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Oct 8, 2003)
- 464: Nonametraveller (Oct 10, 2003)
- 465: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Oct 10, 2003)
- 466: Nonametraveller (Oct 11, 2003)
- 467: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Oct 12, 2003)
- 468: Nonametraveller (Oct 13, 2003)
- 469: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Oct 13, 2003)
- 470: Nonametraveller (Oct 15, 2003)
- 471: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Oct 16, 2003)
- 472: Nonametraveller (Oct 17, 2003)
- 473: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Oct 17, 2003)
- 474: Nonametraveller (Oct 18, 2003)
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