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Nonametraveller Posted Sep 11, 2003
I am not really into it to be honest....always feel so flakey if i partake....but it does seem to be rife in the world today...(banal bullshit that is!!!)
Yes i am well thanks fine fettle and having a fabulous time recently....night after night of parties or clubs or food and drink...its been great.
I already asked you if you know of the one restaurant we went to....called Momos, just off regent street. As it turns out it is a Moroccan place...i strongly reccomend it on a friday night....brilliant bar downstairs that is like walking into somewhere in fact the whole restaurant is like that....nice food and a great vibe and then the bar downstairs turns into a very coll and funky nightclub around 2am which was cooking for the rest of the type of place!!!
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Sep 13, 2003
I was kidding about the banal bullshit thing
Sounds like a good place and sounds like life has been treating you well! I start my drink/drug course today, Really looking forward to it, but quite nervous about it all! The studying starts
and on Tuesday, i start the course at college for the councelling
So its all coming together
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Nonametraveller Posted Sep 13, 2003
thats a happy grinning post that smile!!....glad to hear that you were kidding about the banal stuff!!!.....wasn't sure to be
All the very best with your course and studies Candice....i have absolutely no doubt that you are going to breeze through it all with will probably meet some lovely people along the way too.
Things are cool with to watch young max play rugby just now, at home to Harrow...then a BBQ afterwards....may duck out of that though as i get tired of the conversations which revolve entirely around kids....all very nice but when you have not got a personal interest they get to be a bit trying.
I am going to be spending a couple of days a week from now on up town , going to just hang around see who i can get introduced to ...who else i can meet...see what is going on the tourist thing and enjoy soho and the likes....who knows , maybe a nice story will develop before me that i can write thing is for sure , if i am going to stay here i am going to have to start making things happen and start developing my own social structure again.....should be fun...gonna get a travel card when i go and flit about all over the place.
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Sep 17, 2003
Yeah, can get a little tedious talking about children when you dont actually have one! Can be tedious when you are a parent as well but hey, thats life.
Soho, well being male, im sure you will find many things of interest up there!
Im ill, again, not fair, i never get ill
thats twice this year that i have been ill now. Went to the doctors last night and i have the flu
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Nonametraveller Posted Sep 19, 2003
It just gets me occasionally....i like it on the whole....i guess i need to start breaking out a bit and get my own life together...balance things a bit more.....which i am starting to do.
There is a lot more to soho than just the seedy side whole area, especiallly to the north slightly and all the way up to oxford street is centred around the film and media industry....hundreds of pubs all with there own character, charm and characters......hundreds of coffee shops...bistros and restaurants...and apart from dozens of other attractions it is probably the best place in the world to go people watching....i love it up there....always have....i somehow feel more alive when i am there.
Anyway...i am already getting some nice intros into the media world...especially on the film side...the one editor says i should concentrate on writing a book which is encouraging!!
I also bumped into an old acquaintance from SA who now runs a pub right in the centre of things....he has a function room upstairs with various types of evenings...comedy club....jazz club etc etc....and i may go and run the bar for him for a few nights a more people...socially and well as getting a good idea as to whether i would enjoy doing my own little wine bar story down this way....i will make my mind up in the next couple of weeks.
Really sorry to hear you are not so well again babes...wish i could do something....just have to send you some good vibes...warm thoughts and a huge 'virtual' hug or two....hope you are feeling better by the time you read this.
How is Luke?....and how is the course going?
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Sep 21, 2003
I know there is a lot more to Soho, but i was stero-typing! Ill, so my sense of humour is crap at the mo, well worse than usualy anyway!
Sounds good about all the contacts! Writing your own book, go for it, nothing to lose! Talking about the film industry, a guy on the course im on asked me yesterday if i had ever been in drama, which is a no! He said it was just the way i am, and said if the opportuinity ever came my way, i should take it!
The pub sounds good, comedy clubs are tops! At least that way you will be able to see if you want to get into it or not! Enjoy.
The course is going really well, missed the first day of college though because i was so ill, really nervous about going in on Tuesday, just worried about ppls reactions to me as i missed the first session, doesnt really show any dedication or anything. But the drink/drug course is going really well! Enjoying it, and the ppl on the course are really nice, so that helps! Luke is great thanks! Just started football again, just at the school, going to get him into a club again, but its hard because of my course, i will have to talk to his father about it all, as he will have to take him.
Thanks for the 'virtual vibes' im feeling quite a bit better, but got a heavy cold now, and still tired, my best mate said to me the other day its so scary how ill i have been, as i just dont get ill! I hate this, oh well, not a lot i can do!
Anyway, hope you have had a good weekend, and i will catch up with you later.
Blind Conversation
Nonametraveller Posted Sep 23, 2003
lol....your sense of humour is fine hun....nothing wrong...a little dry but i like that personally....
drama in drama queen??
Yes i am thinking seriously about doing would be an ideal opportunity to see if i would like that sort of life vefore spending my own money...and i think it would be nice to meet some of my own friends socially, as well as maybe some business contacts....cannot really think of a reason not to do it...the money is a bit sad...well very sad actually but that is not the reason i would do yeah...i think i will speak to him next week.....hey i should come to you for some
I hope Lukes dad does the right thing with the football and all.....what are the alternatives if he doesn't?
So you must be getting into the course now....everything going ok?
Sound a bit like you got ill through worrying if you don't mind me probably do but i've said it anyway.....i do the same thing or have done in the past....or if i am really unhappy with something and feeling trapped i can make myself ill too!!!!.....whatever, more virtual hugs and vibes coming your way babes...hope you get on top of it all asap.
The weekend was fine...pretty laid back this week with no hectic partying or, wine and food at home was the main theme....very laid back.
Looking forward to hearing how you are doing...i have no doubt that everything is going well though....probably just take you a few weeks to get into the rythm of it all, get your routine organised and get into the groove!!!....must be quite tiring for you.
Blind Conversation
HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Sep 23, 2003
Nah, not ill through worry, but maybe through burning the candle at both ends too much! Much better now, cold seems to be clearing up, so thats good!
Drama queen, yeah, thats what i thought when he said it but he meant it seriously! Said it was a compliment! Oh well, ill got for the drama queen, more like me
Started the course tonight, quite slow really, but guess as ppl get the hang of it, it will speed up a little! At least im not worrying about being able to cope with it all now! Just worried about it being to slow
If Lukes dad cant be bothered to take him to football, then the alternative is to wait until i finish the course, sure he will though, as Luke will hassel him like mad about it Just trying to get us organised at the mo, what with the amount of school work he is brining home, and all the studying i have to do, its quite hard to get us both into a routine that works! Ill do it though, may just take a couple of weeks to get it all straight though!
Sounds like a nice chilled weekend you had! And nothing planned for the week, at least you can kick back and chill, thats always good Go for the bar, like you said, at least you will be able to make contact etc. Will all help for the future, decisions and all that stuff!
Well take care, and sure ill catch up with you at some point!
Blind Conversation
Nonametraveller Posted Sep 24, 2003 that is what it is...oh well....still sending ya good 'virtual vibes'
I am sure everything will start to flow nicely hun....give it time!! will probably be bitching that there is too much to do before
Got a bit of a hangover tonight as it goes....went up to the Titanic exhibition earlier and then through to soho where i got involved in a bit of a sesh for the too many guinesses!!!!....had a good wlk afterwards around covent garden etc but i can feel the babbalas taking over.....oh no!!!!
Blind Conversation
HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Sep 25, 2003
Sounds like a good one Hangovers are no good though, yuck!!!
Yeah, im sure ill be bitching about it all soon as well! You know what us women are like eh
Anyway, take care you Think i may have had one to many today, and one to many
today as well!
Blind Conversation
Nonametraveller Posted Sep 26, 2003
Yeah it was fun....cancelled the next day though!!!
Yeah i guess i do!!!!....lmao
Good for you for having a few....i think i need some of that whistling too.....been six months now apart from one weekend in the middle of summer!!!....i've been so good...
I am looking after everyone this weekend while my sis is in Prague for a few days....not sure how i will feel on monday....i have just been through my list and with all three of them i have 16 taxi missions over the next few days!!!......16!!!!
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Sep 27, 2003
16 trips, ah dont worry about it, my son ended up going to his fathers, if he hadnt i would have had to have done about 8, and that is for one child alone! Kids fun eh But then try doing that on a continous basis! Its fun
Hope you are enjoying it all
I went out last night, supposed to be a sensible one as i have my course today, turned out to be a mad one, got up though! Set my alarm clock before i even went out, which was lucky, otherwise i wouldnt have done it when i got in! Got to go to work in a min as well, forgot, we have got bloddy karoke on tongiht, i HATE karoke! Oh well, will have to get some ear plugs or something Hope you have a good one
Blind Conversation
Nonametraveller Posted Sep 27, 2003
I think the worst thing about it is when you have dropped the last one off and you are on your own and left thinking that your life is for them!!! you ever feel that as a parent?.....i guess it must be a bit differant when they are your own.....but other than that it is fine..,....i know why you are sending me those big grinning faces though!!!!
To be honest if i knew where your pub was i would pull in there this evening and buy you a drink....i don't think i have ever been to a karaoke evening.....must go and check it out some time....not that you will catch me up do seem to remember being in one place one time where it was going on but years ago!!....i hope you have a grand evening anyway.
Well done with getting up for the course this morning....were you hungover as well??....when the going gets
Seems ages since we caught up online at the same time.....take care again soon.
Blind Conversation
HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Sep 29, 2003
Oh yes, sometimes you do think, my life is just for them! But hey, they are demanding, but you get so many rewards its all worth it
So why am i sending all these smiley faces then? Got me there
Karoke, trust me you dont want to have to experience it, but to be honest, it was a really good night, some of the ppl where really good, it was busy, and to make a change, ppl wernt up there murdering love songs, they where all singing good songs so made a nice change!
Yeah, does seem quite some time since we where on-line at the same time, i know one thing, im so busy at the moment, dont seem to stop! But there you go.
Did you have good weekend?
Blind Conversation
Nonametraveller Posted Sep 29, 2003
I figured that the big grins were because you know exactly what it is like having kids to look after and maybe you knew i was in for a bit of a that or it is a case of grin and bear it!!!!
It wasn't a bad weekend....not totally on top form though....need to start getting my own life in order....getting a bit fed up with feeling like i am living someone elses.....not that i want to sound like a misery or complain in any way....i was wrong to think that i could just take a year off though....can't do it!!!.....and the studying is not enough....
Anyway...starting to make moves....very conscious of not doing anything impulsive known to happen before!!!!
I had a little fall out with my sister last week which i got a bit frustrated about...storm in a teacup really but it has put a slightly differant complexion on things for me......just have to be cool, calm and collected....getting drawn back to SA...but worried it is just a kneejerk reaction to my frustrations!!
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HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Sep 30, 2003
Yeah, your right about the smilies! Knew what you where letting yourself in for
Know what you mean about taking a year out, its hard to do nothing all day long! Im very similar, the boredom gets to you! Its especailly hard when you decide to make a real life change, i know, im really struggling with it all!
So, if you dont mind me asking, why did you have a row with your sister? and have you got it all sorted out now? Arguments yuck. My brother and sister have just fallen out, im really trying to patch it up with them, but they are so different, my sister is very highly strung, where as my brother is so laid back, so common ground is hard to find! Oh well....
So have you got anything planned for the week?
Blind Conversation
Nonametraveller Posted Sep 30, 2003
Glad to hear that i had read your smilys correctly....was beginning to think that i am not seeing anything clearly at the
It is hard....there is no way i will be able to take the year....even january seems like far far away. Worse though is that i came here largely to try and build some relationships with family and it is not brother has still not been to visit once....i could count on one hand the amount of times i have seen my parents ( i am sure they would of been here more often if i was not here)...i have reached a point where i am thinking that my being here will only worsen things...especially now having had a row of sorts with my sister.
In a nutshell, i told her youngest off for something....she went off the deep end, and part of the verbal was that she was not having her son spoken to badly in her house....i made myself scarce for the evening only to have her going off again when i got home...and it was all in front of the 16 year old...ultimately i get told that as much as the boy should apologise to me i had to apologise to him....never heard of anything so absurd (he kicked me, what she objected to the most i think was me telling him that kicking was the action of a nasty little person) is her house...but there is no way that i will allow anyone to speak to me in such a fashion...and unfortunately, no matter how sweet she is being now...she still said what she said. I forgive her, and i understand the motherly bit, but to be honest it upsets me further to think that she shouuld feel the need to protect her kid from me.
Your brother and sister have similarities to here...i am the laid back one.
Having said all of that i ackonwledge that i am the 'lodger' here and feel awful that this has happened and that i have caused it....the last thing i want to happen...there is no way i will let it happen again....the trouble is, that leaves me in a position where i am no longer free to speak my mind or relax completely whilst here.
So, on the contrary to bulding relationships, i seem to of reached a point where i am thinking that by staying i can only worsen them....very unsettled.
I will be up town for at least one day this on thursday. It is Sam's 16th birthday party on is ridiculous but i wish i could get out of it!!....the exact opposite of my reasons for being her....madness really
I need to go and have a chuckle with the mirror!!!!.....another fine situation i have gotten myself into!!
Blind Conversation
HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) Posted Oct 2, 2003
Ouch! Sounds like you are having fun! I know that when my sister moved in with me for a while it was hard, im really laid back, but my sister being so highly strung was awful, i ended up having a fight with her, where i got her on the floor and gave her a black eye, mmmmmmmmm, wasnt good. And im not known for any violence, i hate it with a vengence.
Dont know, think that sometimes when families move back with each other it can be hard. But you just have to work on your differences.
Really dont know what to say to that one. Thats hard. It is hard when you try to build bridges with family and they dont seem to be interested, have you told them what you are trying to do? Or do you just presume that they know?
So on a lighter note, how did the chuckling in the mirror go? Any good? And hows your week going? I swear that i have probably bumped into myself, mmmmmm, about a dozen times over the past few weeks, i dont seem to stop at the mo well guess its better than being bored hey!
Anyway, take care you
Blind Conversation
Nonametraveller Posted Oct 3, 2003
Oh well....all part of lifes rich tapestry....BAH!!!!.....biting my tongue, but at least she is trying desperately hard to get back where we were.....i even suspect that she knows i was not wrong!!!.....funny when things like this happen and then in the following days people say things, or something is on tv that is totally unrelated but somehow very 'close to home' and comparable, which makes you think...jeez i was wrong about that or right about this!!!!
I also hate violence, especially at home, and this is my home for the time being anyway. Home must be a calm and peaceful place, a sanctuary of love and laughter.....
Yeah they brother is a prick though and i am beginning to realise that my dad suffers from the ostrich am also realising that the two of them are very alike!!!
Chuckling in the mirror always works for me babes...always....i do it every night before i go to bed....literally....always go to bed with a smile on my face, it helps me to wake up in top form!!.....mind you, somedays i have to pull a few funny faces to get the smile
Bumping into yourself.....i like that me chuckling.Careful that you don't bruise yourself there hun, or give yourself a black eye or worse!!!....but I would say it is infinitely better than being will enjoy the quiet times much more when you get them as well.
Is this your quiet weekend or a wild one coming up?....whichever...have a great one if i don't hear from you before.
Take care
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- 441: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 9, 2003)
- 442: Nonametraveller (Sep 11, 2003)
- 443: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 13, 2003)
- 444: Nonametraveller (Sep 13, 2003)
- 445: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 17, 2003)
- 446: Nonametraveller (Sep 19, 2003)
- 447: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 21, 2003)
- 448: Nonametraveller (Sep 23, 2003)
- 449: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 23, 2003)
- 450: Nonametraveller (Sep 24, 2003)
- 451: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 25, 2003)
- 452: Nonametraveller (Sep 26, 2003)
- 453: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 27, 2003)
- 454: Nonametraveller (Sep 27, 2003)
- 455: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 29, 2003)
- 456: Nonametraveller (Sep 29, 2003)
- 457: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Sep 30, 2003)
- 458: Nonametraveller (Sep 30, 2003)
- 459: HELP_IM_LOST (why are there not enough hours in the day?) (Oct 2, 2003)
- 460: Nonametraveller (Oct 3, 2003)
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