This is the Message Centre for Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 181

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiya David..smiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

Sorry for the delay,smiley - grovel
Oh well i went to Edinborgh yesterday,got back today,and what should have been a great nite out didn't realy end up being like thatsmiley - sadface.
It's all our own silly fault really,the day started off being delayed,so we only got there bout tea-time,but i didn't sleep any the night before,then was up early anyway,then started drinking vodka on the way up there and hadn't eaten much really,and same goes for all of us,so it ended up,we all got pi$$ed really early on,all felt drained of any energy,didn't eat anything,so it seemed the night just seemed to get gradually worse.smiley - sadface,and for such a big city it was terrible trying to find a taxi rank,and when we actually found one the queues were a mile longsmiley - steam,the people weren't even pleasent,we stoped to ask loads of people for directions but just seemed to be going on a wild goose chase(so too speak),smiley - grr,so by the time we got back to the hotel i think we had all had enough....but when we got back me and the girls had a better laugh,we should have just stayed in really...
We all went for abit of a walk round by the main street,near the castle for abit ,then came home,but i didnt even have the energy to even raise a smile todaysmiley - erm,just felt compleatly exhaustedsmiley - yawnsmiley - illsmiley - hangoversmiley - yuk...
The girls all said we'd never go back there again for a pi$$-up,but would like to go back and do abit of sight-seeing..,so our yearly pi$$-up next year will be either Blackpool as usual,maybe Newcastle.Leeds,or a weekend in spainsmiley - boing,.
Anyway i think i'm gonna have to give my liver and kidneys a rest from the smiley - ale,ive drank farrrrrrr too much over this last couple weeks,smiley - ill.i need a break from going i'll just have to ask everyone to stop asking me to go out,Miss Popular me yunno,smiley - biggrin.

Well i start back at work in the morning after havin 2weeks off,smiley - wahnah actually i'll be glad to get back to abit of normality again.

Oh and happy birthday for the other day,what date was it...cuz mine was the other day toosmiley - smiley..I'm very much a typical Leo The Lion...what about you??

gonna sign off now coz i'm sooooo tired and achey,i could do with a good rub downsmiley - drool n a cuddlesmiley - cuddle,not that i'm gonna get one from anywhere..smiley - wah..

Chat soon,be good
smiley - hugsmiley - ticklesmiley - smooch

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 182


Hi Em, my dear girl, it's great to hear from you again smiley - smooch.

Sounds like you had a crap time in Edinburgh, I do the same all the time on trips like that, start drinking too early and am out of it by 10 pm. We must have no self control, especially were alcohol is concerned smiley - winkeye.

My mate just got back from a weekend trip to Berlin and said it was bril, so a few of us are on about going in October, should be fun if we ever get there. If I were you I would go for the weekend in Spain next year, had a weekend in Madrid a couple of years ago and it was superb, them spanish know how to party smiley - cheers.

My birthday is 21 August, I wont tell you what year! but thinking about it I may already have, I remember you calling me a coffin dodger or something like that. I don't know if I am a typical Leo, though you sound like one.I might be loyal and generous but not as out going as you, not that I believe in all that zodiac mumbojumbo.

Back to work for me tomorrow smiley - sadface another weekend dealing with drunken idiots, there has to be more to life than this, I am in a bit of a rut and abit down smiley - sadface, but I am sure I will snap out of it soon.

Sorry I wasn't round to give you a rub down and cuddle, it sounds like just what I need at the moment smiley - biggrin.

Lovely to hear from you, don't work too hard, keep safe, and chat soon smiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - cheers.

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 183

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiya Davidsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

I'm feeling pretty fed up today..smiley - cry,had another cr@p night lastnight,my ex kicked me front door in again and got abit pushy/shovey with me,we're not gettin on very well lately,so theres alot of arguing going on again..ive completely had enoughsmiley - sadfacesmiley - cry...arnt men tosserssmiley - erm..

anyway i'm babysitting my devil-child nephew from today until sat-afternoon,i actually volunteeredsmiley - weird..only because i'm trying to give me kidneys & liver a rest from the smiley - ale ,ive been drinkin far tooooo much this last 2-3wks,but thats been for different reasons like my birthday and stuff,so if i babysit i cant go out then..theres logic there somewhere!!!smiley - biggrin
anyway ive just kept them quiet for abit,me and my mate took them to spike island-widnes for a picnic and playground,then on to speke airport to watch the planes,so that shut them up for a while smiley - smiley..

anyway dont work too hard this weekend,and none of those drunken idiots will be me this weekend........for a changesmiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout
be careful and be good.

smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - alesmiley - crispssmiley - smoochsmiley - ticklesmiley - hug

smiley - diva

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 184


Hi Em, smiley - smooch.

Sorry to hear about your ex being such a #####, not all men are like that, whatever you do, don't let him keep bullying you, get the police or go to a solicitor and deal with him once and for all. (sorry to get on my high horse and I know its none of my business, but blokes like that wind me up AAAHHH!!).

Anyway I know what you mean about too much beer, I've been on the wagon now for a week, which is a long time for me. I have been fed up recently and started drinking too much to make me feel better, and then I have been eating to much as well. Ended up looking like ##### and feeling like ##### and generally feeling sorry for myself. No way to live, so I have cut out all the crap from my diet and stopped drinking. It wont last though cos it never does, I am out from work for a leaving do next Friday so I will drink there and end up back to normal. But two weeks sober will help my liver. Problem is when I do go out on a 'do' I can't just have a few drinks and be merry, no I get well and truely bladdered and end up making a show of myself, usually involving some poor female being slobbered over. A deeply unattractive thing to do, so I have made a vow to moderate myself and perhaps I will.....but there again.

Hope your liver enjoys the weekend and the children behave themselves.

Keep smiling, love david smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - cheerssmiley - ale

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 185

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiya Davidsmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

Oh well,things haven't really got any better,had the tosser's bint phonin me up and threatening me again on friday,and then pullin up outside my house..smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - grr,although she's already had a warning for harrassment,so hopefully the police may deal with her...ive had about as much as i'm prepared to take from her now.smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - grr..i swear the next time it will come to blows cuz ive had enough of her,she's an absolute jealous @rsed loon.smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - grr..anyway enough about that cr@p....

Although i said i wasn't going out at the weekend,i actually did saturday night after work.smiley - biggrin i was probably just another drunken idiot round townsmiley - drunksmiley - biggrin.,,i was faaaaarrrr too drunk,but i didnt do anything stupidsmiley - boing,for a change.smiley - biggrin.
right well anyway gotta dash cuz i'm childminding my best mates son for a few hours and he's the devils twinsmiley - devil..smiley - wah

smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 186

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

ooooopps summat i said..smiley - ermsmiley - huhsmiley - erm

smiley - spider>>>>>>>>>>>>>>smiley - spider>>>>>>>>>>>>>

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 187


Hi Cuttie smiley - smoochsmiley - smooch!!!.

No nothing you have said just been working loads in the last week and haven't had the chance to get on line. Working long hours and going to bed early, no fun really, but you know how it is working shifts.

Did go out on Friday on a works leaving do, got hammered again but did not make too much of a fool of myself and did not slobber over any women smiley - tongueout and got home in one piece. Though I did nearly get into a fight walking home. There is a little entry/walkthrough close to where I live and as I walked down it at 2am, I saw a group of about 7 lads standing there. As I got close one of them asked me for the time, I though 'here we go'. I told the lad the time and he made some remark about my watch. I just ignored him and walked on. I had gone about 10 yards when I heard the lad shout 'Dickhead'. I would normally have ignored it especially as there were 7 of them, but I was drunk and turned round and bollocked the lad. He started to square up, but one of his mates recognised me as being in the poice and dragged his mate away.

Lucky there I think.

Anyway on nights next week and babysitting all weekend as my partner is going to York for a couple of dayssmiley - biggrin.

Hope you are OK and you have sorted out your domestic problems.

Keep smiling smiley - smiley, lots of love Davidsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss.

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 188

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiyyyyaaaa Davidsmiley - hug

Sorry for the late reply,smiley - sadface

Erm these personal situations seem to be getting worsesmiley - grr...ive completely had enough of my ex and his bint,she is just causing so much trouble now,shes also making up stories as ive just found out from my ex's dad...i swear i'm begining to understand why some people turn to gbh or flip sometimes,,,,,,i'm being pushed and pushed until i do something, because of her and her intimidating,jealous and threatening ways,smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - grr,i haven't got any criminal record but if she continues i swear i will have,,,grrrrrrrrrr,arrrrgggghhhhh shes so annoying,i wish i could tell you the whole situation,but obviously on here i cant..smiley - erm

anyway sorry for that....

How are you anyway??,hows work,not working ya butt off are yasmiley - biggrin...hope little ones okay,,,mine has just come down with a flu bug yesterday/today,so ive had to keep him off school,i'll have to see how he is though,he hates staying off school.smiley - smiley

anyway have you been round town recently??,ive actually stayed in for the last (nearly) 4weekssmiley - wowsmiley - boing....yep i know i'm shocked too,god i amaze meself at timessmiley - biggrin..
nah its only coz i'm trying to give my liver and kidneys a rest from all the ale i had drank in the weeks before,and saying that i'm only a weekend p!$$headsmiley - laugh,anyway its not gonna last for much longer,as i'm supposed to be out this friday night round town,as per usualsmiley - yawn
so if your out be sure to say hiyyyyyaaaaaa,i'll be with about 5girls/ladies/women however you wanna put itsmiley - diva

anyway gotta dash,up for work early.smiley - wah

chat soon,take care and be carefull.

smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 189


Hi Cuttie smiley - smoochsmiley - smooch,

Thought you had forgot me or something, glad to hear from you again smiley - ok.

I obviously don't know the ins and outs of your domestic problems with the ex and his partner, but please don't go and beat her up. She will have won then and I bet she would be the type to be straight on the phone to the police if anything does happen.

From what I know of you, you are an intelligent girl, full of life and a good laugh ( a looker too !) so don't let this jealous cow bring you down to her level, you are better than that. I know it's none of my business but thats my advice, from someone who has been through it myself and see it every day at work. If it does come to fisty cuffs be the first to phone the police that way you get heard first and she will most likely be the one with the criminal record.

Sorry about the little chap I am sure he will be well soon and back at school. It's good he likes school don't you think, my girl loves it too, I always hated school, couldn't wait to leave but looking back they were great days.

I am working nights this Friday so I will be on the look out for you, I think I can remember what you look like, blonde hair, boots, big chest and big gob !, I will hear you before I see you smiley - winkeye.

Anyway hope you are well, has that knight in shinning armour arrived yet?,

Take care and don't let them grind you down.

Love David.....smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - cheers

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 190

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiyyyaaaa Davidsmiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss

Awwwwww now how could i forget about you,smiley - cuddlesmiley - ticklesmiley - smooch,i wouldn't do that.smiley - biggrin...and its nice to speak to you toosmiley - biggrin.

My little one hasn't been well at all this week,i spent all day in hospital with him on tuesday,apparently he has a viral infection,found out he has a mild form of asthma,and has rhinitus.(thats to do with his nose and sneezing all the time),so he's remained off school for this week,obviously cuz i don't want him passing on the viral infection..tis a shame for him.he's now having to use a salbutamol-inhaler,aswell as a course of tablets and another course of tablets for the rhinitus...he's getting better now tho,and i never thought i'd say this ...but i can't wait to get back to worksmiley - weird..he's driving me madsmiley - laugh..

As for that bint..i can't believe shes started making up stories,just completely false accusations..and anyway the police are already involved cuz ive compleatly had enough..she's like a stalking,jealous bunny-boiler,she is a freak of nature,and quite a few people seem to think so.and its not the first time shes done this to someonesmiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - grrbut she is that type of person that intimiates me,threatens me and harrasses me then phones the police if i do retaliate back,so i got in there first this time..ive had enough now tho,it's gone on for far too long.
Anyway i am a nice person normally,i am loud and bubbly,make friends easy,cuz i talk to anybody and everybody,but there is a downside to that tho ..cuz i know far too many people,and i can't go knowwhere without bumping into people i know...
But with all this crap ive had to put up with for the last 5yrs,tho the last 2yrs have been a nightmare ,i seem to have lost my looseing my personality..i just need abit of niceness and goodluck come my way for a change..
and no i still haven't found my knight in shining armour,i don't think he exists.either that or he's hideing in a really good hiding placesmiley - bigeyes and doesn't want to be foundsmiley - sadface...anyway i'll just keep a stock up on the batteries,for me and me vibrating buddysmiley - droolsmiley - boingsmiley - bigeyessmiley - whistle.

Well i don't even know the plans for tommorow night properly yet,but i think where meeting around 8pm,then by 8:30pm i'll be sent home in a taxi for being too p!$$edsmiley - laughsmiley - biggrin,flippin eck i'll only be needing a vodka n coke then i'll be anybodyssmiley - laugh,...i think we'll probably end up down westfield street as usual,i'll probably be staggering outta pan-joes at the end of the night tho,cuz thats where we usually end up. i could do with a really good night out tho,a good laugh is just what i need,oh and i could do with a good snoggin sesh,but if you see me tickling tonsils with some minger,cuz i'll probably have me beer goggles on,make sure you drag me off,and send me in the direction of the nearest taxismiley - laughsmiley - biggrin.

anyway ive waffled on enough now,plus me fingers are hurtin through all the typing,but at least its givin me gob a rest i supposesmiley - biggrin

chat soon,be good,and be carefull
smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch


Ps.. i wont be wearin me boots/skirt..i'll prob be wearing jeans and obviously a low-cut topsmiley - boingsmiley - boing.but you'll probably hear me gob before you see me anyway.smiley - whistle.

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 191


Hello Em smiley - kisssmiley - smooch.

Hope you are OK and that the little man is better.

Sorry to hear that you are a bit fed up at the moment smiley - sadface. I know what you mean about losing the sparkle from your life, I am in the same boat as you know. Being in a sexless loveless relationship for years really takes it out of you and gets you down, but you never know what is round the corner so look to the future, and hopefully you can put your little vibrating friend away for good, (think of the money you will save on batteries). I am sure there is a man for you out there, and perhaps a woman for me smiley - ok.

Did you get round town on Friday night ? I didn't get into Westfield Street, too busy dealing with drunken idiots either beating their girlfriends up are smashing their girlfriends windows. What is it with St Helens blokes ? why can't they just get on with their lives ?, they have to hit someone or smash something.

I know there were 4 girls assaulted in Westfield Street on Friday who had to be taken to Whiston hospital, one of the from Panama's.....not you I hope....

Anyway have to dash..take care Em speak soon and keep smiling smiley - kiss.

PS what does EM stand for ??...only don't have to tell me...I like a bit of mystery !!

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 192

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiya Davidsmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

Yeah i went to town friday night,tho glad to say none of those women was me that got beat up,i didn't even reach panamas,we went from the dali bar up to sefton,i was bladdered aswell.oh and i ende up in town lastnight too after watchin a gig in manchester,and yep i was very drunk then too,god i'm shockin mesmiley - biggrin,just makin up for the 4weeks of ale freesmiley - wow,thats my excuse and i'm stickin to itsmiley - angel..

Oh and St-Helens blokes all seem to be k***heads,or is that just the ones i seem to attractsmiley - weird..anyway i'm stayin single me,lifes easier then...
and what do ya mean.."small vibrating friend",its pretty large actuallysmiley - laugh,makes my eyes watersmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh,have you not seen those new-ish ones in the ann summers shop....well its best £45 quid ive spent in a whilesmiley - biggrinsmiley - fact i think they should come free on the nhssmiley - biggrinsmiley - devil.

As for my name,well its not something i divulge on a chat site,but it is Em,thats what all my family and friends call me,amongst other things,but then i'll be swearin if i saysmiley - biggrin,nothin spectacular tho.smiley - erm

right gotta dash,chat soon...

be good and be carefull...take care

Emsmiley - diva

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 193


Hello Em smiley - smooch.

Glad that it wasn't you will a stileto stuck in your head on Friday, nasty things womens shoes, why do you girls wear them ?. They look difficult to walk on, seem to murder your feet and make you fall over when pissed. But I suppose they do come in useful in a fight. I bet you don't wear them, cowboy boots I seem to remember, much more senseible and kinky smiley - winkeye.

I have never been in an Ann Summers shop, do they do male sex toys ?. I know I am desperate smiley - wah but I have not got to the stage of fancying a blow up woman. I believe you can buy inflatable naughty bits, but I do have my dignity and I think I will stick to what I know best (I think you know what I mean!!).smiley - winkeye

Good idea to stay single, I wish I had, cheaper, easier and a lot less stress. And you do have your son for company.

Well I am working this weekend again, finishing at 3 in the morning, but I am out the weekend after so lots of beer will be drunk. may even see you, smiley - cheers

Take care, Love David xxx

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 194

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiya Davidsmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

OOOOO thats sound painfullsmiley - ill having a stiletto stuck from ya head,god some women are right loons,the girl mustv'e been having pmt or something,smiley - yuk,i actually bought a pair of stilettos a few weeks back,ive only had them on once,i cant flippin walk in them,i normally wear boots under my jeans if i go out,but the heals are alot thicker an stronger than stilettos,so i'm not to bad with them,well appart from when i'm drunk and wobbling all over the placesmiley - biggrin

Yeah in Ann S-shop they sell male sex toys,in fact my mate bought one for her fella last week,its a vibrating kinda ring thing,smiley - wow its feels really good aswell,not that ive actually tried it out,just tested it on my handsmiley - whistleso i can only imagine what it actually feels like,something i will invest in when i get a blokesmiley - droolsmiley - droolsmiley - drool..
talking of dolls.... did you see that programme on ch-4 the other night,oh my god!!!,they certainly wern't blow-up ones,these were life-size,and had everything we have,just they were made out of rubber or summat,quite amazing really,tho a little freaky at the same timesmiley - bigeyes.

i'm working sat-sun for the next 3weekendssmiley - wah,although i may try and get out on a friday one week,thats if i can be @r$ed going out,cuz towns cr@psmiley - erm

Anyway be good and carefull.

Chat soon
smiley - hugsmiley - ticklesmiley - smoochsmiley - alesmiley - smooch

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 195


Hello my dear Em smiley - kiss sorry I have not replied for a few days but you know how it is.

I am certainly interested in those rubber ring thingys from Anne Summer but they sound so undignified, and I do have my reputation to think of, I'll just stick to the basics I think.

I am in a bit of a dilemma at the moment, there is a certain young lady who has taken my fancy and I think the feeling may be mutual, though you can never tell women. She is younger than me, of course, who isn't, she is 30 and she likes me. But at the moment I can't offer her what she wants in terms of commitment etc. Should I take it no further and just accept my love life is over, or make the effort and perhaps hurt her and myself and everybody else?. Life is soo crap sometimes Em, I should just think of myself for a change and go for it and have some love an effection and not think of the consequences, but unfortunately I am not lke that. I expect I will just take the easy option and do nothing and be all noble in my self sacrifice and end up being old and miserable and looking back on what might have been.

Sorry to burden you all with this Em, and I know you will say that you are in no position to give advice in matters of the heart, you have your own problems. Perhaps we are not meant to be happy in our relationships.

Anyway I am out on Friday so perhaps I will see you.

Take care my friend Love David XXXX

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 196

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiya Davidsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

Sorry for the delay,only ive had a nightmare of a little-un has been in hospital.He was addmitted last tuesday,and came out saturday afternoon.He was in a pretty bad way,apparently he suffered some sort of asthma attack,brought on by having gastro-enteritous,he was only diagnosed as having asthma 2wks ago aswell...anyway he was on oxygen and nebulizers for 3days,aswell as having a drip inserted..he came home saturday,still abit wheezy,and still with a cough n cold,but loads better than he was.aswell we ended up having to go straight back to the hospital cuz they had left the drip in,well the needle part in his arm,i think its called a cangular or something to that effect..well as you can imagine i practically lived at the hospital,only coming home to get washed and changed,oh its awful in those wards,ya cant get any sleep wotsoever..
its nice to get back to abit of normality again..

As for you...well personally i wouldn't start anything with this girl,coz then you'll be classed as having an affair,and its not really fair on your missus really,even if your in a loveless relationship...the best thing you could do is to cut your losses with the missus,your both not happy it seems,so why both go through life being unhappy,get out and start living again and be happy...i did it,and if i can do it anybody can..(not saying you should mind!!!)
and then when you feel okay or abit settled then start another relationship,but i would sugest you live the single life for a while...smiley - boingsmiley - alesmiley - disco,don't go from one disaterous relationsip to another.
but just remember the grass isn't always greener on the otherside..smiley - erm.i think youve gotta be really lucky to find it issmiley - erm
anyway maybe i'm not the best person to be talking about all this kinda stuff with,i mean i'm still single now after 4yrs,tho that maybe down to me being too chooseysmiley - whistle.

Oh well how did ya friday night on the town go,??

chat soon,take care and be good
smiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - ticklesmiley - kiss


now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 197


Hi Em smiley - smoochsmiley - smooch'

Sorry to hear about your little boys illness, and I hope he is back to normal now. There is a lot of asthma about these days, so many people I know have it and it can be very dibilitating but I am sure your lad will be fine though and grow up to be a famous palaentologist!. kids are such a worry, but I have been lucky with my two so far, Jacob once broke his arm at school and thats abot it.

Well the thing with that girl did not happen, just as well too I suppose, I did not seize the opportunity and now the moment has passed, I don't know if I am sad or relieved. I know you are right and me and the other half should cut our losses and split up but it is a hard thing to do, perhaps thats why I considered that other girl, hoping to get found out and bring matters to a head,or perhaps I need to find someone else to show me what I am missing and give me a reason to split up.

Friday night was ok got very drunk but town is rubbish on Friday's now, Saturday looks loads more busy. Went out last night too ended up in Panamas. Were you out ?, only I saw a girl who could have been you, had the hair and the chest and the boots, as she walked passed I said to her 'Hi Em', she said how did I know her name, but just carried on walking so I don't think it would have been you. Do you have a tatttoo?.

Take care Em smiley - smooch, speak soon, hope the little 'un is well.

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 198

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiya Davidsmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

wWhooooaaahhhh smiley - weird..yeah i was out lastnight and i did end up in panamas,i had a black top on jeans n just me boots under my jeans,and yeah i do have a reeeeeaaaaalllly shit tattoo on my back/shoulder,i was stupid when i was 16yr and got it done...i was with another girl,but i dont remember anyone saying "hiya Em",well appart from people i already know,where was you stood,because we sortta moved about abit while we was in there.and besides i was abit drunk by that time too,and i only finnished work at 10pm lastnight,went home got washed and changed very quickly,and was in town before 11pmsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - drool
My mate then draged me kickin and screamin into nexussmiley - groansmiley - erm,god i hate that place.....anyway if it was me you spoke too,then i'm really sorry i didnt say hello back,or spoke to you properly,i'm not an ignorant person honest,i'll speak to anybody mesmiley - biggrin.awwww i feel all ignorant and nasty nowsmiley - sadface...well if your out again and you see me,be sure to say hello next time toosmiley - smiley..
who was you with,or how many people was you out with? i'll have to try and rack me brain to see if i can remember seeing you,oh and the time i was in there was between 12-1am..
and if it wasnt me,then its abit weird that someone who resembles me is an Em also...ooooooooo weird.smiley - bigeyes..

Anyway my little-un is loads better now,back to being a terror again,which is a good thing i supposesmiley - biggrin

right well chat soon,take care and be good.

smiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

smiley - diva

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 199


Hello Emsmiley - oksmiley - smooch.

This girl who I saw was not you, I didn't think it would be because I am sure that if a complete stranger wlaked up to you and said 'Hello Em' you would know who it was. This girl looked miserable, although she was very attractive, I think she thought I was some dirty old letch trying it on with her smiley - laugh. She was wearing a white top and had a strange circular tattoo thing on her chest.

I only got there late on, after 1am and was standing upstairs just at the top of the stairs. So I am glad that girl wasn't yousmiley - biggrin.

Glad the little one is better toosmiley - smiley.

You never know we may meet one day !.smiley - smiley

Take care, Love David.smiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - cheers

now about dangly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 200

Cutiechops:0)...............' THE LOUNGS '.............NUMBER 1FAN''...;0)

Hiya Davidsmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch

Oh no it defo wasn't me then,my tattoo is a pegasus,yep sh!t i knowsmiley - sadface,i really need a cover-up doing on it or abit more colour going into it and its on my back/shoulder...i would never have one done where you can see it all the time,like on my arms or chest etc.....,at least i can cover mine up. Aswell i had a black top on,and i'm not miserable lookin when i'm out at least smiley - winkeye..smiley - discosmiley - alesmiley - discosmiley - diva.
but we did start off upstairs,but you said you only got into panamas after 1pm,we left just 1am.Did you go anywhere else???,coz we started off in the sefton,went into bar-31,then Dali bar,onto panamas and into nexus..smiley - groansmiley - erm,you may have seen me in any of those???..there was quite a few old geezzers in the Sefton,was you one of those..smiley - whistle..smiley - yikes..smiley - laugh..only kiddin, i know its not your fault your oldsmiley - run>>>>>.
Your right about friday nights though,they are [email protected] there was quite alot of people out that i know,which was weird for a friday night...oh well i may not be out for a while now..(famous last wordssmiley - winkeye),i need to start stopping in and saving me dosh for christmas instead..smiley - cracker

Right gotta dash,only just finnished work and got lots to do.smiley - erm

chat soon,take care and be good.
smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

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