This is the Message Centre for azahar

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 401


Definitely spring! Wore sandals for the first time today and was actually too warm in just a sweater and skirt - saw a sign that said it was 25º. smiley - cool

Anyhow, Noggin & I walked over to the Wheel and took some photos - also took a couple of it from our roof. Found out that for 8 euros it goes around four times (I think twice in either direction) taking about twelve minutes.

(photos 206-213)


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 402

Mrs Zen

Spring eh?

What's that?

This was the view outside my front door this morning:

smiley - laugh


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 403

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

That's a great photo, Ben! I love the little red door, brings the whole thing alive. I also really liked to original daffoldils pic. I didn't think y'all got much snow over there.

Az, that wheel looks like it'll be an awesome view. Can't wait to check it out. smiley - boing

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 404

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hello, am very smiley - envy of az in sandals already!

Is there a thread somewhere for the london portion of MoG's visit that I can have a nosey of?

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 405

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Here it is, Kelli

We're making the things-to-do list for London without overly rigid Planning. If you'd like to meet us somewhere there drop a thread off the entry, well sort it all out. smiley - smiley

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 406

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - ta

Think I'll have trouble due to the London portion taking place on w*rking days smiley - sadface Darn job smiley - laugh

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 407


smiley - wow

Noticed yesterday that the orange blossom is just starting to come out. So spring has definitely arrived. Blackbirds, orange blossom, sandals, first sandal blister . . .


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 408

You can call me TC

It turns round halfway through the trip ???? smiley - illsmiley - wah

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 409

You can call me TC

... smiley - ermsmiley - doh I mean : it changes direction and turns round the other way!!

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 410


Actually, not sure about that TC. We saw the Wheel going in both directions, but it might change directions after people have had their four times round. Though since people get on and off at different times . . . um, I really no idea how they work that.

In any case, it goes quite slowly. But don't worry. If you don't feel like going on it I can stay down on 'terra firma' with you and we'll take a nice stroll in the park while the others go up. It's only a twelve minute ride anyhow . . .


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 411


Also, for those who haven't visited the photo gallery lately, here is a more recent photo of me and Noggin, taken by blicky when he was here last spring.

Just so I don't 'shock' anyone who might be expecting me to look like I did in the first photo in the gallery (taken 'pre-op', six years and many kilos ago). And also so you'll recognise me more easily, TC, if I can get over to the train station to meet you on Friday morning. So you can be on the lookout for a rather short & round person with chipmunk cheeks smiley - winkeye .


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 412


Orange blossom? Sandals?

Yesterday we had a full blown gale complete with hailstones - there is still snow on the mountains.

Oooh, I think I might dig out some summery clothes this evening! smiley - cool

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 413

You can call me TC

... still haven't told hubby.

Shopping list:

smiley - smiley rosehip jam for lucky smiley - star,
smiley - smiley something summery to wear that will actually fit round me.

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 414


You *still* haven't told hubby? smiley - yikes

Just checked your email TC, and it seems you'll be arriving in Seville at 12.40. Perfect timing for me to meet you at the train station as I'll be teaching Friday morning until 11.30. I had hoped to take the Thursday and Friday off but just can't afford to (especially not if I'm going to be going out for tapas all weekend smiley - winkeye ).

Really hoping that between teaching and biz stuff I'm going to be able to find time to be a proper hostess for this meet. But at least both Noggin and I can *do* Saturday.

I've stockpiled a few city maps for you all and am happy to give you a list of good restaurants and tapa bars to go to (even if we can't always be there with you).

Z - there is a great pizza restaurant just around the corner from your pensión, which will give you plenty of vegetarian options. Will let you know where it is when you get here. I can also let you know about tapa bars that offer good vegetarian options - not all of them do.

Goodness, just a week to go (more or less).


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 415

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

OK, it's official. I don't see any possible way I can make it. smiley - sadface

I woke up this morning on the couch (sofa, chesterfield, love seat) because the paint in the bedroom was still wet last night.

I've been having baths instead of my customary showers every day for the last week because my tub liner is still missing the piece that has to be shipped from Quebec.

I spent the night before last in a sleep clinic to find the cause of my sleep apnea and I haven't had a good night's sleep then or since. smiley - sadface

My darling daughter and friends left paint splotches on the tile in the dining room, kitchen and bathroom that they still have to scrape up.

I keep putting off the kitchen counter installation since it means I'll be without a sink for two days.

My renovation money i$ almo$t gone...

In short, I don't see how I can possibly get it on the market and sell it in the next seven days and then get on a plane. smiley - sadface

My apologies, perhaps next year?

smiley - smiley

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 416


smiley - sadface

Next year?

How about June? smiley - smiley

Since you're going to be homeless and all, still have that spare room next door, where you would be forced to share the apartment with a pretty young French girl . . .


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 417

clzoomer- a bit woobly

June sounds great!!

Sharing a room with une jolie fille francais sounds even better- as long as either she doesn't mind my snoring or it's cured by then! smiley - laugh

I should be relatively flush with cash by then (I expect to sell this place within a week or two of it finally getting on the market).

smiley - ta very much!

Perhaps I could make London as well, are there any Summer meets planned? I'll bring the Clamato...

smiley - cheers

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 418


Sounds pretty much like perfect timing, zoomer. June in Seville (before it gets tooooo hot) and then off to the London meet in July. smiley - smiley


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 419


Here you go, zoomer.



Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 420

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Signed in. Although, not being one of the landed gentry (literally by then..) I won't be able to spend two entire months away from my revenue flow. One month, maybe. smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

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