This is the Message Centre for azahar

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 381


Okay, have booked a room at the pensión for you and Dai, Lucky. March 23-25.

As people are arriving on different days, perhaps it would be best if everyone just confirmed their own bookings with the pensión the day before. If the room isn't confirmed the day before they won't hold it.

Just in case I forget (that week is going to be a bit crazy for me) it would probably be best if everyone looked after doing that themselves.

Telephone number (34) 954 21 56 68

They speak English there, so no problem calling.

smiley - cheers


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 382


Thank you very much smiley - hug

Will write that number in my diary now...

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 383

You can call me TC

I've programmed it into my mobile with a reminder on the appropriate day.

Do you think that, at € 20 a room, we have to take our own smiley - towel ?

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 384

Malabarista - now with added pony

One should *always* have a smiley - towel along - I mean, what will you do if the person sitting next to you in the plane turns out to bet he Bugblatter Beast of Traal?

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 385


Oh, I reckon they provide smiley - towel s, TC - if not I can lend you one.

But it is definitely a no-frills place. Still, I reckon you'll be out and about most of the time anyhow, so all you'll really want is a bed at the end of the day and a shower in the morning.

Of course, last August Noggin and I had no idea that we'd be launching our new biz the very week of the mini-meet (we're opening on March 20th - eek!) so this *could* mean we might not be as available as we thought we'd be. But of course we'll still be there for Friday night dinner and the actual Saturday meet day. smiley - smiley


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 386


Another cancellation . . . blicky can't make it! smiley - wah

Ah well, we'll just have to arrange another meet some time so a few more of you can come and visit. smiley - smiley


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 387


Aw, that's a shamesmiley - sadface

as you say - some other time then...

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 388

Mrs Zen

That's a shame. smiley - sadface

It did strike me some time ago that a meet during the school holidays might be a good idea, and that it was unfortunate that Teuchter and Z and I had jumped with quite such enthusiasm for the very affordable flights available in late March. I know that there are folks who cannot make it because it is in term-time, and I also know that it simply didn't cross my head at the time.

Maybe the Seville Orange could become a regular event, Az? Mind you, having spent foolish amounts of time on the Ryanair Website, I've got my sights on Dublin next....


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 389


Well . . . at least we'll all fit into one Wheel capsule . . .


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 390


That's a shame Blicky can't come - I was looking forward to meeting him smiley - sadface

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 391


Well, I reckon multi-mini-meets is a possibility. smiley - smiley I mean, there are people who couldn't make it this time and are hoping to come later on, perhaps in April, and that's great.

And so, since Noggin and I quite enjoy 'tapearing' and showing people around (though we refuse to walk up that darned tower again! smiley - winkeye ) hootooers are quite welcome to suggest other weekend getaway dates in Seville. So if anyone would like to organise another mini meet then they could post a suggested date here. Or else people could just let us know if they wanted to come on their own, with a parnter or friend, whatever (micro-mini-meet?).

The nice thing about smaller groups is that we'd be able to take them to some of our *really* favourite tapa bars that aren't able to accommodate a larger group.

Anyhow, Noggin and I wanted to put this suggestion forward for those who couldn't come this time, so they didn't feel this was their only chance to come and spend a nice weekend in Seville.

And so it looks like our final confirmed list is now:

Teuchter & Mr T
Ben & Z
Lucky & Dai
Trillian’s Child

Though any 'latecomers' would of course be very welcome. Um . . . zoomer?

az (and Noggin)

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 392

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - blush

It doesn't look promising, I'm afraid. I'm typing this on my desk which is next to my bed (usually in a nook in the living room). The shower is still a shambles although the rest of the place is coming along rapidly. smiley - sadface

Someday, somehow...

smiley - smiley

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 393

You can call me TC

Just posting to keep this up the top of the page.

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 394


I was just up on the roof taking in some laundry and saw The Wheel lit up at night for the first time - it looks really pretty.


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 395


It's 22º today. smiley - bigeyes

This link says it's partly cloudy but I only see blue-blue skies.

Must paint toenails so I can start wearing sandals . . .


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 396


Any requests from M&Ssmiley - smiley

Oooh, that almost rhymed!

We're going to Seville
Taken air-sickness pills
But the wheel looks too high
Might not give it a try
And just stay in the bar
With Noggin and Azahar
Having tapas and wine
In the evening sunshine...

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 397

Noggin the Nog

Well, I'm going up on the wheel smiley - ok

I'll head for the bar for a smiley - stiffdrink afterwards, though. I'll probably need it.


Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 398

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

It was so thoughtful for Seville to install that Wheel for our viewing pleasure. smiley - smiley

I can't wait, y'all! smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 399


If it's anything like the London Eye - there'll be very little feeling of vertigo.
I speak as someone who gets vertigo while playing computer games smiley - weird

Mini-meet in Seville?

Post 400


Heard the first blackbird this morning - first sign of spring! Have also put the winter coats away. Now just hoping that the orange blossom will be out in two weeks time . . .


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