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Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Sep 26, 2004
Life is a funny old thing, in't it?
Moth Posted Sep 26, 2004
When I've lost any of my dogs, and I've got over it a bit, I get a rescue animal. This is a way for me to say thank you for the companionship and here I am trying to pay you back by giving another one like you a home.
azahar Posted Sep 26, 2004
That's a good idea, logicus! I'll pick some up tomorrow.
I don't actually intend on taking Nimbus in, though I once also said that about Azar (mind, in Azar's case it was his broken and bent front leg that finally wore me down - I knew he wouldn't survive long in the streets that way).
First of all I have to wait and see if Nimbus is going to stick around and let me care for her. Also, it's possible that she isn't a stray (though she is awfully skinny). Friends of mine who lived in a rooftop flat had three cats that always went exploring rooftop to rooftop and they found out from a neighbour that one of them had been scrounging food (the neighbour thought at first that he was a stray). But judging from Nimbus's behaviour I'd say she isn't used to humans.
I still can't get over how she called to me yesterday though.
Well, to be continued . . .
Lady in a tree Posted Sep 26, 2004
Whether you believe or not I'd like to think the spirit of Lua was just behind that little one saying "Go on! Miaow and get her attention, I'm sure she'll give you food...she was my human for a long time and she loved me very much"
Nimbus is a lovely name. I hope things work out for both of you.
Good idea about the worming tablets!
Keep your camera on standby az - we want photos!
azahar Posted Sep 26, 2004
I thought about bringing my camera upstairs with me earlier this morning, Lady, but I think right now all I'd get is a charcoal-grey blur.
Anyhow, Nimbus was up on the second rooftop when I went up with food and water this morning but as soon as I got to the top of the stairs she was away like a shot, over the wall and onto the next roof. But at least she *was* there. And she didn't take off *until* I had stepped onto the roof. Well, poco á poco . . .
Lua's spirit, eh? That's all I need, Lua going around telling all the neighbourhood streetcats what a push-over I am!
It's a nice thought though.
azahar Posted Sep 26, 2004
I think that is a lovely thing you do, Moth.
When I first took in Lua (as you may recall she was two when I adopted her - her owners had decided since the woman was pregnant that they no longer wanted a cat ) I wasn't even looking for a cat. I had just arrived in Spain and my life was not very stable at all.
My friend Diane, who took Lua initially, lived out in the country and had several 'outdoor' cats that were not allowed into the house, though she did feed and care for them all. Anyhow, she took Lua into her house to start off with, until she got used to her new surroundings. But then one day Diane was telling me how the poor thing stayed hiding in a cardboard box for almost two weeks, only coming out to eat - poor Lua was so afraid. And Diane didn't know what to do with her because she really didn't want to have a 'house cat'. So Diane finally convinced me to at least 'try her out' for awhile, saying that she would take her back again if it didn't work out. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Then, when Lua had kittens, I wasn't actually considering keeping one because I was planning to move to Seville shortly (and there was quite a waiting list of people who wanted one of Lua's kittens so they all would have gone to good homes). But of course, after they started walking and I kept finding one of them (Sunny!) *always* waiting by the door when I came home I thought - 'oh heck, I guess that one is mine!'. He's been a dog ever since the beginning, bless him. So then I moved them both to Seville with me.
And you all know about how I came to take in Azar, that his father had been a previous street cat of mine.
So really, all of my cats have just 'happened' to me.
I mean, I don't really need to have three cats, though I have always set the limit at three since I live in a flat. I certainly would not go out looking for another cat. But who knows? Nimbus might end up living here but as she is so young and agile and used to being outdoors I'm not sure that apartment life would suit her. Or if I could even keep her indoors as I almost always have my balcony doors open (except in winter, but even sometimes then, on warm days).
From what I've seen of Nimbus so far, she'd be leaping onto the balcony railings and over to the next one and finding her way back up to the rooftops before I could bat an eye. And I would worry about her slipping and falling from the balconies (which are a three-storey drop to the street) - at least on the rooftops there is always another nearby rooftop to drop down onto.
Anyhow, getting way ahead of myself here. First I have to see if Nimbus sticks around. I just went to check on the food I'd left for her earlier (dry food) and she hadn't touched it. So, being me (total push-over), I went and put out another dish of Whiskas.
Yes, I also love the name, Lady. Somewhat inspired I thought! Though I first thought of calling a little black street dog this name a couple of months ago except it didn't seem to suit her. So now she is simply called 'Pup'. For awhile I was always carrying around a bit of dry dog food in my bag to give to Pup when I saw her, but it turned out she didn't like it! Then I realized that she was actually being fed by quite a few people, especially those who work in the bars in the neighbourhood. And last week I saw that she was actually wearing a collar! On closer inspection I saw it was a flea collar - but you know, someone cared enough about her to put a flea collar on her because she was always scratching away like mad. These days she seems to have taken up 'residence' at one particular bar so I reckon she is being well taken care of.
Oops, rambling again!
azahar Posted Sep 29, 2004
Hi again!
Have now come to the conclusion that Nimbus is a boy cat. And not quite as small as I first thought (previously I'd mostly seen a skinny charcoal-grey streak race by me). He is certainly skinny, but not small. Also, he has quite a large head, which is why I'm now thinking he is male.
The past few days when I have gone up to the second rooftop with food I've found him waiting for me - at a 'safe' distance. And I've taken some photos though it'll be awhile till I finish that film off.
But now he doesn't run away when I go up to the roof and I've had a few long chats with him, trying to teach him his new name. And this morning I put out the paté with the de-worming stuff in it (have to repeat this a week from now) so he should be feeling better soon.
Meanwhile, I have been receiving a lot of emails from people who either knew Lua or at least knew of her. And I'm no longer feeling the gut-wrenching pain I first had whenever I missed her. Now it is more of a gentle pain, a feeling of loss and sadness combined with a feeling that she is still here somehow. But mostly a feeling of love for her that I know will never go away ever.
My most beautiful girl.
Kaz Posted Sep 29, 2004
Hi az
good to hear how well you are doing!
I love your tales of Nimbus! I definately would have taken her calls as a sign from Lua, I love looking for signs like that, she knew you would look after her!
Nimbus is also the name for a make of broomstick in Hary Potter, not sure whethet you would think thats good or bad!
azahar Posted Sep 29, 2004
hi Kaz,
Oh yeah, was that the Nimbus 2000? (or something like that).
Well, that would certainly describe the cat - takes off like a shot most of the time. Though as I said, he is now sticking around these days for a bit of a chat. And yesterday he even gave me a 'cat kiss', you know, when they look at you intensely and then slowly close and open their eyes.
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Sep 29, 2004
Az little tip might help you to keep nibus around try and view him from corner of eye than central, alsp if you yawn alot that will settle him as well,(provided your audible yawns not to loud), i really enjoy a good yawn at times, its so stimulating, must get on
ps have you yawned yet
azahar Posted Sep 29, 2004
No, haven't tried yawning yet, logicus - good advice!
The other day I was up on the roof looking for Nimbus here and there and then Noggin came up and spotted him straight away hiding behind the horrid mobile telephone antennae we now have up there. He's grey , they're grey - perfect 'observation' post for him. But now that I'm on to him that's the first place I look - and he's almost always there now, waiting for his food.
I just hope the landlord doesn't find out because, in fact, Nimbus has been sh*tting all over the top floor and it isn't pleasant. I'm not sure what to do about that!
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Sep 29, 2004
stick a cat box up there with substrate from street, also if you scatter food around, should stop the mess, (no animal well not many cats crap near food).
Plus if nimbus is a male all that crap is his way of keeping other cats away.
Coniraya Posted Sep 30, 2004
I have been away for a week or so, but have been thinking about you, az.
I am pleased to hear that your feeling of loss is easing and that Nimbus has come into your life.
I expect you've tried not quite looking at him with half closed eyes? That is how I manage to whittle down selecting a from the RSPCA shelter, the ones who return the look go on my list of possibles. Trouble is, most of them respond!
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Sep 30, 2004
I had to go to the pharmacy this am to pick up some prescriptions. Of course, this necessitated waiting for 15-20 minutes, so I went into the mall to kills some time at the dollar store.... However, in order to get to the dollar store, you have to pass Little Critters.... pet stoe. They have a large window with 4 dividers with various pets for sale. As usual, there was 1 with bunnies, 1 with Guinea pigs, and two with kittens......
Needless to say, despite my love of bunnies, it was the kittens that I got stuck playing with. In the lower window were two black cats (1 was sleeping) and a b&w kitten. The upper window had a mottled black with brown patches and a ginger cat. The ginger was bigger than any of the other kittens and was immediately up at the window wanting to play. He had the sweetest face.... I played with him for a while until the flapping of his tail got the mottled one going and the two of them started playing.
Then I started trying to get the b&w and the black one that was awake to play. They weren't as playful, but I have to say that I was mesmerized by the black kitten's eyes! They were the most amazing color of hazel with golden flecks in them.
Dear me.... if Benjamin wouldn't have taken a complete bird, I'd have brought the kitten home with me....
Benjamin, by the way was very put out yesterday when I had him out and "The Interloper" from two doors down came over to visit. Poor lad was beside himself!
azahar Posted Sep 30, 2004
Mudhooks, your posting reminded me of the Sunday pet market they have here every weekend in one of the neighbourhood squares. Often it makes me feel sad, especially when I see people trying to give away kittens and puppies that are far too young. But sometimes it's also nice to cuddle the little guys.
Meanwhile, if you did bring a kitten home for Benjamin I'd bet he would quite enjoy it (once the kitten got him trained ).
Noggin left for Wales this morning and not only does the flat suddenly seem *way too big* it also feels like there aren't quite enough cats here. It turns out it's quite different to miss Lua without a hug than with one.
But Azar seems intent on entertaining me. He is lying on his back on the chair next to me, rolling from side to side, purring like mad with all four paws curled in and looking seriously cute. Apparently this is his way of enticing me to rub his belly (and doncha know it - I fall for it every time! ).
I do love those two silly boys so much. But I still miss my beautiful girl. Oh well. . .
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Sep 30, 2004
Pat, pat.... pat, pat......
Will Noggin return soon?????
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Sep 30, 2004
untill he answers the was he flying or train, chances are he's been stopped and detained by customs, i keep geting stopped and look close enough alike i think almost to share passports.
I still miss hannah ,henrys a walking reminder, in colour, not so much temperment ,any way must get on catch you later
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Sep 30, 2004
For you, my Dear.... for you.
azahar Posted Sep 30, 2004
Flying direct into Heathrow but then he has to catch the coach to Wales, so it's quite a long trip (about ten hours altogether). And so I don't expect he'll answer the until sometime tomorrow (you lurker! ).
buenas noches,
Key: Complain about this post
- 1081: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Sep 26, 2004)
- 1082: Moth (Sep 26, 2004)
- 1083: azahar (Sep 26, 2004)
- 1084: Lady in a tree (Sep 26, 2004)
- 1085: azahar (Sep 26, 2004)
- 1086: azahar (Sep 26, 2004)
- 1087: azahar (Sep 29, 2004)
- 1088: Kaz (Sep 29, 2004)
- 1089: azahar (Sep 29, 2004)
- 1090: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Sep 29, 2004)
- 1091: azahar (Sep 29, 2004)
- 1092: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Sep 29, 2004)
- 1093: Coniraya (Sep 30, 2004)
- 1094: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Sep 30, 2004)
- 1095: azahar (Sep 30, 2004)
- 1096: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Sep 30, 2004)
- 1097: azahar (Sep 30, 2004)
- 1098: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Sep 30, 2004)
- 1099: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Sep 30, 2004)
- 1100: azahar (Sep 30, 2004)
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