This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 1101

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Two weeks! smiley - smiley


Post 1102


For meeeeeee??? Oh thanks! smiley - blush

Finally getting sleepy, think I should make the most of it and try to sleep.

Hasta mañana!

smiley - sleepy azzzzz


Post 1103


I hope getting used to being without Lua and Noggin, isn't too difficult. Least you have those 2 boys to keep you entertained, and of course the wild one upstairs! Back in 2 weeks, wow, you have him hooked!smiley - magic


Post 1104


You can tell autumn has arrived; Cassie is back in 'her' room kipping most of the day instead of playing in the garden.

How's it going with Nimbus?

You know, you are going to have adopt another cat called Cumulo.

There is also another numbus cloud, stratus or something?


Post 1105

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Cloud-types, meaning and
cumulus = heap
stratus = layer
cirrus = curl of hair
nimbus = rain


Post 1106

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Sorry... I was going to add the conditions that create them and then realized that it was easier to post the link.


Post 1107


A couple of weeks ago I was reading Bill Bryson's wonderful book 'A Short History of Nearly Everything' and I read about the different clouds and their names, which made me feel nine years old again since that was the first time I learned their names. I like how you can stick the various names together to describe almost every variation of clouds that exist.

Meanwhile, this afternoon my student Carmen told me that a friend of hers once had a rooftop cat that he started feeding . . . and before long he had thirteen of them and the neighbours started complaining and wanting him evicted! Eek!

Well, so far it's just Nimbus. And you might be right, logicus, that the cat poo is marking territory because it isn't increasing; it seems to be 'strategically placed' in the corners of the upper rooftop.

This afternoon I went up to top up his water dish because it was quite hot and I found him sitting in his usual spot (up on the wall next to the mobile phone antenna). I decided to move the dishes into the shade near where he was perched and he started meowing and meowing at me. I kept up a constant chatter, saying his name a lot. THEN the b*gger hissed at me! And I turned and said - 'what are you hissing at ME for?' - and then told him he had beautiful eyes (yellow eyes that look like they are outlined in khol). And he settled down again. Thing is, I was only about a metre or so away from him and he didn't run away this time. Well, poco á poco.

Anyhow, I've decided that I'm just going to give him one very good feeding every morning and make sure he has water. I guess I don't want him to become too dependent on me (I also don't want to attract a dozen other cats). And the hefty morning feeding he gets from me is one big meal a day that he wasn't getting before. And after he gets his final dose of de-worming stuff next Wednesday he should start getting more nutrients from his food.

Maria went up with me this morning after her class to have a look at Nimbus and said he was 'guapisimo!' And she taught me how to say 'charcoal-grey' in Spanish. Gris marengo.

Meanwhile, it's no longer two weeks - just twelve more sleeps! smiley - smiley


smiley - blush



Post 1108

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Meanwhile, it's no longer two weeks - just twelve more sleeps!

twelve more sleeps, naw Az more like possible ,there two weekends chances are, you'll end up im all night,back to nimbus, next time he hiss's Az if you avert your eyes and yawn a little, you wont be percieved as a threat to him, it should make getting to know him easier,you can check out how territorial "he" is by placeing one of
your cat poos some where, see what happens,

that if its "dealt with fast" you wont end up with any more, unless she a "acumulus" lots little baby kittens .

must dash


Post 1109



smiley - laugh



Post 1110

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...



Post 1111


guapo = handsome or good-looking

guapisimo = really really handsome or good-looking

az - aka mujerisima!

mujer = woman

(actually, just made that word up)


Post 1112


Hi az!
Is that you? it's me..Barbsmiley - fairysmiley - magic.aka Mommybird....
it's been sooooooooooooo long....hope we can chat....alot to catch up on.....


Post 1113


Barb! How wonderful to hear from you again! How are you???

How are all your birds? Although we mostly talk about cats here I'm sure everyone would be interested in your little bird menagerie at home.

I'm still missing Lua so much. Whilst cleaning up this morning I found a big photo of the three of them that I'd printed out just after she died and seeing that 'totally cranky look' on her face I almost burst into tears. Here is the photo:

That's Lua in the middle looking totally pissed off! Bless her.

Stay in touch, Barb, okay? smiley - hug



Post 1114



So sorry to hear about Lua....smiley - sadface
beautiful photo of her....i know she must have had a wonderful
life with you....remember her with a smile....smiley - love

everything here is great! I'm a "gramma"....Jen, my daughter, had a little girl...she is 11 weeks old now...Sierra Moon...i want to show you some pics...have to figure out how to do that fotki thing. I have 10 birds....all doing really well...My Poppy talks up a storm now...she calls me "mommy" or "mommy Barbara"...LOL

Jen has a beautiful cat named Siva...she's had her about 9 years now...found her outside in a blizzard one winter..she was stuck behind a fence and couldn't get out...Jen heard her crying, but couldn't see her...Siva was rescued and has had a cushy life ever since. She is mostly white with a few black spots...she is such a sweet kitty..and so good with the baby...anyway I could go on and on...i'm so glad i found you....i will keep in touch and send some photos to share. Barb....oh now i am "mommybird"...i couldn't remember my password for the "old" me....smiley - erm gettin a little senile perhaps eh?


Post 1115


Barb, I have to write down ALL of my passwords in my little telephone book or else I'd forget them all. Much like if I don't write in my day book that I have to do such-and-such that day I'd completely forget about it. Old age, ya reckon?

Anyhow, very happy to hear that you are so pleased at being a "gramma" now! Yes, I remember you talking before about Jen being about to give birth. And now you have a gorgeous granddaughter! smiley - bubbly

And that was a lovely story about Jen rescuing that little cat.

My own 'rescue cat' at the moment still hisses at me when I go up to the roof to give him food or water. I just went up now to top up the water dish and got a HUGE hiss for my efforts! And I said - 'Oi! What are you hissing at ME for? I think you're gorgeous and I'm just here to give you a bit of water, fer f**k's sake!'

But today Nimbus stayed exactly where he was, even after hissing, and listened to me chatting for awhile. The poor thing. The look on his face looked quite confused. Like he wasn't sure whether to run or not. And meanwhile I was chattering on and saying to him - 'oh, don't be so silly, like you think I'd be up here giving you water if I didn't care about you?' - and otherwise speaking in friendly tones to him.

Well, I reckon the new 'confused face' is a step forward from the previous 'terrified face'.

Poco á poco . . .



Post 1116



I'm sure Nimbus will come around eventually....smiley - smiley
How are the other putty tats doing? (a little bird humor there LOL)
I've got birdie stories....all birdie stories...lets see...where do i begin?

You know my lovebirds are nuts!smiley - silly Peanut(mommy, peachface) and Bean (daddy, Fischer) have a little babysmiley - love...about 6 months old now....she had three, i gave two to one of my co-workers (He named them Romeo and Juliet) anyway....when she laid her first 4 eggs and had 3 babies I thought OK...they should be good for awhile...but NOOOOOO!!!!!!! she musta been SO busy with the "Bean"....i cant remember how many times she laid eggs.. 5 or 6 maybe.....unfortunately, none of them survived.....that was six months ago....WELL...they're at it again!....she laid 5 eggs, one was unfertilized, two babies didn't survive the first few hours...she has 2 eggs left...i don't know...i think i'm gettin'too old for this!smiley - wah

But the "Baby" is really cute...a hybrid...unable to reproduce i'm told...thank goodness for that! She (yeah, its a girl...ask Bean)
looks more like a peachface, but has a little dark color around her eyes like daddy....and she's bigger than him nowsmiley - winkeye....but watch out for mommy... Peanut chases her around the cage sometimes like crazy...for a while, I had to separate them...but no matter which way I did, they all squawked to be togethersmiley - I put them all together again....they get along better now....I put an extra food/water cup for the baby and a perch up higher so they can have their "space"....geez...even the birds....but I have to say, it was very interesting to watch them interact with each other. The way the mommy and daddy bird took care of the baby..and how Bean would feed Peanut so she could feed the babysmiley - love....textbook examples they were...except that they say the "Daddy" bird would peck at the here...the Daddy was SO good, it was "Mommy Dearest"smiley - evilgrin to watch out for...end of chapter one....i'll let you know the "rest of the story".....its late sleepy head smiley - sleepy chat soon...kiss the kitties goodnite for me smiley - love
smiley - fairyBarbsmiley - magic


Post 1117



smiley - smiley



Post 1118

Lady in a tree

smiley - ok good thread az! smiley - ta

At last we are letting Tasha out into the big wide world, her stitches were removed on Friday and she went out (on a very long piece of string) on Saturday, then yesterday we opened the door and let her go out on her own.

smiley - wah My baby girl is growing up!

smiley - laugh Today - she fell in the neighbour's fish pond and came home looking very soggy and covered in pond weed! Ah, the things they have to learn for themselves!

smiley - biggrin


Post 1119


Just got a look at Nimbus from behind (with tail up) and he is definitely *all boy*!

I normally feed him between 10-11 in the morning but today I was a couple of hours late (and was he ever annoyed!) Normally he waits until I leave the rooftop before he eats but today he started wailing (from a safe distance) as soon as I put the food and water in his dishes. And so, instead of leaving I backed up a couple of metres and squatted down to make myself appear smaller (or at least shorter). And he came right over and started eating! (also giving me a good view of his, um, 'maleness').

So then I talked to him for a few minutes while he ate. At first he started at the sound of my voice and kept looking suspiciously over his shoulder at me, but eventually he just swivelled his ears back to listen to me chattering away and kept on eating.

Progress! smiley - smiley

Today I finally took away the little blue rug Lua slept on during her last week (in *her* room). But I find I can't look at her pretty blue and green ceramic food dish. I tried giving it to one of the boys to use, but it made me too sad. So now it's under a plant on my bedroom bookshelf. Well, for now . . .



Post 1120

logicus tracticus philosophicus

why not let nimbus use it,it will make him feel happy,are you going to get maria to denut him, you may find "spanish blue cross" has
project in seville for street cat as neutering and spaying is the most effective way of both controlling strays and keeping them healthy as they are not ruled by hormones so much! must get on

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