This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 641

logicus tracticus philosophicus

How big is wound Az,? does it show signs of closeing,you will also need to get lua used to wearing a collar,!(did not see one in pic)
Other alternative is coat
(jumper/shirt sleeve with holes for paws also good when you need to stop cat from licking of medication or to keep area moist/dry [velcro pad with med on inside],very handy with communial cats)
have camera handy for the
backward walk,with pathetic or load meows,when first fitted.smiley - ok


Post 642

Lady in a tree

az - you've got mail... I have finally found a photo of me that didn't crack the lens!

smiley - love Lady


Post 643


The wound is about a centimetre across. I don't know if it will close again properly. Also it looks like the nipple itself is gone (ick).

Not sure about a 'coat' as it is getting pretty hot here now.

Oh, I am definitely *not* looking forward to putting this on her. No doubt Maria will help me with it the first time.



Post 644



Your photos are great! Though as Mudhooks pointed out - no tree! smiley - biggrin

Thanks for sending them in.



Post 645

Lady in a tree

We had to put a collar on Jake once - he got bitten by another cat and then got an abcess that he kept licking. The vet gave us the collar for overnight use and we had to keep an eye on him during the day.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when we put it on him. He looked utterly pathetic - in the true sense of the word. One minute we were laughing at his antics - trying to eat out of his bowl was soooo funny - and the next we were crying at his pitiful miaows.

As for when he tried to go through the catflap!!! smiley - rofl

We gave up with it in the end...he stopped licking at the wound when he thought best.

I hope Lua forgives you!! smiley - laugh

smiley - love Lady


Post 646

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Ask you vet about useing honey as a wound closeing balm,while the collers on,reason i say this when with cpl had horrific, worse than you could imagine collar, over leg wound took ove a year before wound finaly closed vet used honey,with i think other antibiotics.
The wound close fairly well,after that,mind you being open does help drain "puss" from poor pussy cat (better puss from puss)smiley - ermis puss singuler pussy first person,pussy being second or third plural indicative ?dont remember that lesson from school.smiley - silly


Post 647

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Not sure about a 'coat' as it is getting pretty hot here now.P:S white linen is cooling,some cats never do get acustomed to collers.


Post 648


Well, I do have some white linen so I could make her a little 'top' I suppose. Thing is, I would only have to put the collar on at night or when I go out. I'm actually at home a lot because I also give some of my classes here. So I can keep an eye on her when I'm here.

She seems to go through 'moments' where she licks the wound a lot - otherwise she's either sleeping or, like now, just happily sitting on a chair beside me.

Maria says the wound is very clean, it isn't infected, so she doesn't need antibiotics. And so I'll wait until Maria brings the collar on Tuesday and see how that goes. Wish me luck! smiley - yikes



Post 649


You never know, Lua may just accept the collar! I shall keep my fingers crossed that it works and the wound heals up quickly. smiley - goodluck


Post 650


I don't think it's working!

smiley - winkeye

Perhaps ballet lessons?



Post 651

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

smiley - rofl

Now, I know I shouldn't laugh at poor old Cranky cat but oh dear...

smiley - rofl

smiley - shark


Post 652


atchly, photo was courtesy of clever Mudhooks. smiley - winkeye



Post 653

Lady in a tree

smiley - rofl Oh my! That is soooooo funny!!smiley - rofl

Sunny and Azar don't look too impressed!

Brilliant! smiley - ok


Post 654


In fact that was Sunny in the 'collar' - Lua is the one with the evil look on her face. smiley - winkeye

It seems Mudhooks has been busy! smiley - laugh



Post 655

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Lua could hide under collar....

Lua goes out not forget pate!

smiley - silly thought


Post 656


Oh, pheloxi, really not looking forward to the collar! Perhaps it won't take too long for the wound to heal up once she is stopped from licking it. Bless her, she has become - dare I say it? - *almost* affectionate! She even lets me tickle her tummy now.

Been to the barber yet???


smiley - laugh



Post 657

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

not yet ... in the planning for early June....

I dislike hairs in my shirt and itchy back so I need mentaly charge myself.


Post 658


Flamenco cat! smiley - laugh


Post 659

logicus tracticus philosophicus
Made me laughsmiley - rofl


Post 660

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Why flowers don't last 5 minutes in our house....

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