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clutching hand in head

Post 801

logicus tracticus philosophicus

so did nimbus get the entrails, and parsons nose

clutching hand in head

Post 802

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hmmmm....Thanksgiving. The beginning of the Northern Native American Holocaust.

I have friends over there who don't find it a feast worth celebrating out on the reservations.

Who? Party-pooper? Me?

Matholwch /|\.

"From where the sun now sets, I shall fight no war, forever".
Chief Joseph.

clutching hand in head

Post 803



smiley - tongueout

Actually, I agree with you about the dodgy beginning of the American (US) Thanksgiving tradition. Canadian Thanksgiving, which takes place in October, is about giving thanks for the harvest:


clutching hand in head

Post 804


Meanwhile, a pretty laid-back Sunday here at 'casa az'. We washed windows and shutter doors in the living room prior to me putting up the fairy lights around the balcony door windows (for Christmas - we'll turn on the lights on December 8th, in keeping with the tradition here).

Yesterday we did go to see the Bridget Jones sequel. Noggin quite liked it. I thought it paled seriously in comparison with the first film - not nearly as charming and with rather contrived situations that ended up being the same old same old . . . snore. I particularly thought the ending was quite blah.

But then we came home and I told Noggin he was about to be totally addicted! I put on the first series of The Sopranos that I happen to have on video (sent to me by a friend in Toronto a few years ago). Have any of you seen this series? It is so wonderul. Wonderfully written and wonderfully portrayed by wonderful actors. Have I mentioned the word 'wonderful' enough? smiley - winkeye

I guess it's just so rare that television is ever *that good*. Anyhow, Noggin watched two episodes while I read my book and I think he is addicted now.

What have the rest of you been up to this weekend?


clutching hand in head

Post 805


For the record - I got yet another seven letter scrabble word the other day - wankers! It is just so bizarre because I'd never ever got a seven letter word before last week and then suddenly got three of them!

Anyhow, seven letter words aside, Noggin seems to be catching up and our recent games have turned out with the b**tard winning!!! Okay, only by about five or six points, but I mean really . . . smiley - winkeye


clutching hand in head

Post 806


Morning all,

smiley - coffee

We had a nice day ot in Keswick on Saturday; looked round the shops and the market, lunch in the pub, even bought a Christmas present. Didn't do much yesterday although we did have Sunday lunch out so that was nice.

You know far too many rude seven letter words az, no wonder you keep winning!

I didn't like the Sopranos myself; I'm sure it's all you say it is but it just isn't my thing.


clutching hand in head

Post 807

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Az smiley - biggrin,

Do you play just in english? Or perhaps in english, spanish and quebecois ay? Perhaps you should let Noggin play in welsh also, its a hell of a way to use up a hand full of consonants smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

I shall look forward to whippin' your ass at scrabble in the spring!

Matholwch /|\.

clutching hand in head

Post 808


Actually, Noggin got a seven-letter word yesterday, but he had two blank letters (unfair advantage!).

Math, are you still planning on coming here this spring? I didn't get back to you about the flat next door because, so far, it looks like it's booked until the end of June. But I can have a look around for other places and send you some info by email. Got any dates set yet?

As fer whippin' my @ss - in your dreams, sunshine! smiley - winkeye

Now that it looks like we're not going to London in January we are starting to plan a longer summer trip to England which we hope will also coincide with the hootoo meet in July. But it would be great to see you and the family here.

Meanwhile, yesterday we *finally* bought a router and so once we get that set up (have to install an 'ethernet' card in the computer first) then Noggin and I will be able to be online at the same time and he'll be able to put his sexy new laptop to better use.

Must smiley - run and get ready for w*rk . . .


clutching hand in head

Post 809



smiley - coffee

Am I the only one wondering what use Noggin is putting his sexy laptop to at the moment?

I was trying to work out if I could get to the London meet myself but it is looking doubtful. If you and Noggin will not be there I won't bother. Maybe a little winter break in Spain would be a possibility though.

How are you getting on with your business plan?


clutching hand in head

Post 810


Business plan schimizness plan - at the moment.

Right now we are in the throws of getting this router installed. It appears that I am online - weird. With the router I no longer have to connect - it seems when I start up my computer I am automatically online. Now we are going to work on Noggin's laptop to see if how that goes.

Wish us luck!


clutching hand in head

Post 811


Holy Guacamole! It seems to be working! Noggin is online and so am I!!!



clutching hand in head

Post 812

Noggin the Nog

We sure are. smiley - somersault and other assorted noises of elation.

Big thanks to az smiley - loveblush


clutching hand in head

Post 813


Ha! Yes BIG thanks to me indeed! Like, I needed a router? smiley - winkeye

For the first time ever I had to physically take my new computer apart to install the 'ethernet' doohicky card thingy, then it took quite a few phone calls to the so-called 'support' people, who gave me very conflicting bits of info until we finally got it sorted. Phew!

Well, at least nobody can any longer *blame* me for Noggin's absence on hootoo. To be honest, he has had access to my computer quite a bit but mostly used it to lurk on hootoo.

But now - ha! - we are independent internet beings! And yes, the new laptop *is* totally sexy. Very cool and with the WIFI thingy that makes it able for Noggin to be online either when I'm here or not.

Technology, eh?


clutching hand in head

Post 814

Noggin the Nog

Actually I've *mostly* been using it to begin teaching myself how to use stuff like excel and frontpage. Just staying abreast of the backlog has taken up most of my hootoo time.


clutching hand in head

Post 815


Congratulations. smiley - bubbly

Is your ethernet thingy a 'token ring'? Wouldn't that be romantic! smiley - smiley


clutching hand in head

Post 816


Hi Noggin,

I'm pretty proficient with Excel so if you need a hand just ask. How are you getting on with HTML, PHP etc?


clutching hand in head

Post 817



In fact, our 'token rings' happened when we did our one-year handfasting thingy back in September. We decided to commit to one year together - NO MATTER WHAT - and had a little ceremony with silver rings exchanged and much smiley - bubbly imbibed.

This is a nice thing for both of us as we both know we cannot ever back out or run away *if things get difficult* and so this creates a stable place for us to work out all our 'weirdnesses'. So I am basicaly STUCK with this guy until next September, come what may . . . smiley - winkeye And the same goes for him.

Though I have to say that we are almost always happy together.

The 'unhappy' bits seem to be more individual things. So we are working on those bits. Poco รก poco . . .

Well, being a married man, you must know about all that stuff, Fathom.

smiley - smiley


clutching hand in head

Post 818


I find it's working on the 'unhappy bits' that makes us happiest. The happy bits are where we both agree on what we want to do whereas the unhappy bits are where we don't. Working through those is where we take time for each other so those are the best bits of all.

To you both. smiley - redwine* smiley - redwine'clink'.


clutching hand in head

Post 819



Yeah, I know what you mean.

It's never 'easy', is it? But then, if it were easy . . . well, you know? I love a challenge. And I also like challenging.

Noggin is always up for a challenge. What I am hoping for is some more challenges on his part. Does that make sense?


clutching hand in head

Post 820


Of course. It's the challenges that make it fun. Who'd want a partner that's a clone of themselves?

A relationship is often (and perhaps should be) like a swan on a river. All serenity and beauty on the surface but paddling like hell underneath.


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