Hi everyone. Here's the low down on myself. I'm 33 years old and live in Glasgow with my husband. I work as a Clerical Assistant but can't complain too much about my job as I live within walking distance and can come home for lunch every day.
Here's a bit more about myself:
Love football (support Celtic)
Enjoy going to cinema, pub , casino and playing pool
Like to watch Scrubs, 24, Dexter, CSI:NY, Lost, Town Called Eureka, ER, Ugly Betty, Heroes and Most Haunted
Things I hate are wasps, heat, ignorance and loads of other stuff!
Other things I love are the autumn and winter
seasons, Jack Daniels and coke
,wine, shopping, gossip and loads of other stuff!
If I think of anything else you need to know about me then.... I'll let you know!
Bye for now
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
The girl with the lovely entry.. | Sep 3, 2006 |
Heloooo? | Jan 15, 2006 |
............. dunno ............ | Mar 3, 2004 |
[no subject] | Oct 11, 2003 |
[no subject] | Aug 24, 2003 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Where have all the bees gone? | Sep 27, 2006 | Sep 30, 2006 |
The girl with the lovely entry.. | Sep 3, 2006 | No Replies |
Flog a dead horse ? | Aug 30, 2006 | No Replies |
Unpleasantness | Jul 7, 2006 | Jul 12, 2006 |
Researcher U217123
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