This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Punk Society
Hey, who wants to be a member?
Evoot_mod Posted Dec 24, 2006
Hiya there!!
Would love to be a member, I also have afew good sites of linkdom which are extremely informative on the 70s punk era
Speak again
Hey, who wants to be a member?
Xzateer Posted Jan 11, 2007
Sign me to the short list
I'm an old punk, considering my rather young age.
I listen mostly to bands you have never heard of, i can make you a list, but trust me.
Hey, who wants to be a member?
Xzateer Posted Jan 11, 2007
Sign me to the short list
I'm an old punk, considering my rather young age.
I listen mostly to bands you have never heard of, i can make you a list, but trust me.
(well... this started round 2002 and ended just then so i wonder what happened to all you punks since then)
Hey, who wants to be a member?
reddkross91 Posted Mar 27, 2007
hey add me on the list everybody can call me frankenchrist. i dont have a fav. punk band i like all punk except pop punk and stuff like that right at the moment im realy into the angry samoans and reddkross. but i like it all
Hey, who wants to be a member?
mamuomar Posted Apr 22, 2008
put me on here
am going on a punx piknik in Helensburgh (?!SCOTLAND!
?) May 2nd-4th
3 days in the mud with rock n roll n reggae
Hey, who wants to be a member?
mamuomar Posted Apr 22, 2008
oh a tagline!
i recently brought zip up pointy ankle boots. they're cheaper than Doc Martens and they kick arse just as well.
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Hey, who wants to be a member?
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