All About Me Baby
I'm not a McFly fan..or whoever wrote that tune.
however i do like females but, being 28, i am at a weird crossroads where younger has more time but seems less romantic and in too much of a rush. Older has more romance but is too busy.
Why is this. is it bcos i am poor?
I'm a 1979er in terms of age.
These are my favourite reads right now:
A592634 article Dancing Salon Style Argentine Tango
A29056548 article David Bowie - The Man Who Fell To Earth
A183764 article The Film "Die Hard"
A26560424 article How To Extract Your Own DNA
A25172309 article Metaphysical Isms
I used to be known on hootoo as mynameisomar
Here's some articles I made:
A729678 Music Reviews Archive - 6%
A537220 Free the Desi Vibe - 4%
A581104 Tigerstyle: a Band Interview Edited 3%
A536546 The Village Curry House, Glasgow, Scotland, UK - 32%
A545627 The Barrowlands Ballroom, Glasgow, UK Edited 14%
A510364 The Barrowlands Ballroom: Glasgow - 14%
Since around 2001 I have been in pretty bad shape.
I just got my feet back on the ground and am interested in discussing my epilepsy, the arts and music.
I just finished an acting course and have a clerical job. I am auditioning for a play soon so wish me luck.
i wrote one and submitted it to a few theatres recently.
must keep brain busy
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talk sometime
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Where in Glasgow? | Jul 22, 2008 |
Discussing epilepsy | Jun 18, 2008 |
You in Peer Review | Jun 17, 2008 |
FRENCH Translating chain thread | Mar 14, 2008 |
Welcome back.... | Feb 28, 2008 |
Researcher U11143703
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