Feminism, Patriarchy and The Sex Industry
Created | Updated Feb 28, 2008
The modern world has many, and as it becomes more and more complex we understand less and less. We try to, we do but there seems to be a tendency to "not patronise women" by not being too serious about feminism. This has led to a Western society where women are still second class citizens but never mention it because they have never have been as liberated as they are now. Women have never had the same average wage as men, anywhere on the planet.
There are still countries where legal restrictions on women's rights are much worse. Women have never had it so good as in the West. Perhaps but its not really the case. We see the famous serial killers over the last few decades and their victims are, by and large, young women on a low income. Women who have no choice but to turn a trick on the street.
Patriarchy theory, the idea that men with money run the world, is true. Simone De Beauvoir famously stated "one is not born a woman, but becomes one" I disagree. It is simply Western culture Simone criticised.Looking at areas of high population concentration, this is where prostitutes are forced to work, due to a lack of bits of paper and metal you put in a bank. In these areas young men hang around and befriend local girls. Thery form relationshiops, once they start taking a cut of the working girl's money they become pimps. The pimp earns a protection tax, and takes whatever he wants.
Then there are brothels and people traffikers who take their cuts too. If we look a little higher up the market there are the Stringfellow's and Spearmint Rhinos. Look on the net for glamour modelling or porn. Its all the same bag and adds to the image of a positive sex industry. It is the industry where Jenna Jameson has become the richest woman and a self-employed success. This is only after a lot of abuse and an awakening after which she owned her material.
Its not the sex industry thats the problem. Its that men profit through protection, defense contracts, drug abuse and weak willed young men who find it hard to talk about sex openly, like myself. Can women learn to protect themselves and run this industry as with Jenna Jameson's example?
First, they would have to teach mandatory Martial Arts at school. Second, they would have to give you an Uzi if you wanted to be a hooker. Then it would be fine, but the world can't be like that. They only give you a gun to kill comparably noble soldiers at war, not pimps and serial killers.
No matter which country you reside, on this planet the women earn less and are being exploited for sexual gratification.