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You in Peer Review

Post 1

Secretly Not Here Any More

I didn't want to give you the oxygen of publicity in PR, because every time you pop up with a snide comment or a jab, you seem to get a sad little thrill out of it. Here however, where enthusiastic young writers can't see it, I won't hesitate to tell you just what I think.

Wolfsubzero's entry on Immortality isn't a classic piece of literature. It's not even good enough to go into the guide yet, but that's due to his inexperience as a writer. What he lacks in writing prowess though, he makes up for in enthusiasm - and if he's willing to take advice on board then hopefully he'll have his name on a good EG entry.

What he doesn't need is someone like you rushing in, calling him a "moron" and that his attempts aren't welcome. Because that's rude, unhelpful and downright nasty.

I've seen you in a few threads, and your attitude to the writers on this site stinks. I suppose it's because you've had a submission knocked back? Well here's some friendly advice, dispensed free of charge. Adopt Wolfsubzero's attitude, drop this Mr. Nasty act and write something worth reading - be it a review of an entry or a guide entry of your own.

If not, please stay out of Peer Review.



You in Peer Review

Post 2


Point taken I can be snide

Most of the time I'm reading this stuff its at work because work tends to just be simple mundane tasks

Although I do take on board your point I have to notify you that I have given positive feedback that has helped entries get far

eg the entry on wolfenstein

obviously by an inexpereienced one

why don't i write too many entries?

i spend a lot of time writing fiction

it doesn't get in here

smiley - choc


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