This is the Message Centre for Smudger879n

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 1


Welcome to h2g2. Have a loo brushsmiley - cheerup. I'm Batty, one of the h2g2 ACEs (Assistant Community Editors). If you'd like to change your name from your researcher number just click the "preferences" button. Oh and if you ever master computers don't forget to share the wealth here... smiley - winkeye

Below are a few links you might find useful. Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance or just wish to chat. Click on my name above to go to my page and leave me a message, or just reply to this one.

- The <./>Welcome</.> page
- A Special Welcome from Douglas Adams: <./>Welcome-DNA</.>
- DNA's own homespace, as he was very involved in h2g2 during his life (it includes lot's of links): U42
- <./>browse</.> H2G2
- Don't forget our own periodical, <./>thepost</.>
- The <./>ACES</.> Homepage
- The smiley - cool Smileys Page (more than just smileys): <./>smiley</.>
- If you'd like to participate in some of the upcoming Virtual Events this is the place to go: A715592
- If you would like to learn to code your pages to look really great, go to the GuideML Clinic: <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>

Ready to socialize with some of h2g2's festive (if somewhat oddsmiley - weird) locals? Try some of these links.

- A list of many of the Virtual Pubs available on h2g2 and 'Sense of Place': A707465
- If you just can't seem to get the hang of Thursdays join the Thingite revolution: A516647
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- If you're the questioning sort you might enjoy the "Questions Only" forum... just don't expect any actual answers.. F63419?thread=100987
- If you would like to find out about other researchers living near you try here: A660313

As if this wasn't plenty, here is Shea's Links Page: A534953 (why bother to create one of my own when Shea did such a great job?smiley - biggrin)

Oh and... don't forget your smiley - towel

smiley - cheers

Batty, ACE
smiley - bat

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 2


Hi Batty ACE,
210712 here,or Smudger!if you dont like numbers.Did you see the article below my entry on Pacific Glory? is that guy for real or what?
Your page is interesting! much like an early Monty Python! oh! I have just given my age away. Ah well, who cares. See you later "scatty batty" Regards from Smudger

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 3


Hi Smudger!

Which article are you referring to? I must not be looking in the right place because I don't see it. smiley - erm What is Pacific Glory?

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 4


Hi, its Smudger,yes it was the Pacific Glory, the guy was making reference to my short article that I wrote about being there. Reckon he or she has had a sad life to date. Its a pity really as there is just so much to do. Im glad that I crammed so much into the frist half of my own life, as this second half is so slow, hope to God we dont go to "extra time" See you around "Smudger"

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 5


smiley - erm I'm still not sure what Pacific Glory is though.

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 6


Are you referring to this comment?


Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 7


Sorry... I meant this comment...


From this comment it appears Bluebottle is genuinely interested in knowing your opinion and gaining input on the article written. When a researcher writes an article for hootoo it is usually "collaborative" to a certain extent in that you get all sorts of input from other researchers who may know something you didn't after you've posted the article. Especially when it's submitted to peer review. It's part of what makes the guide great. This is particularly true of Field Researchers, which if you click on Bluebottle's name on the page or on the post you will find out is the case.

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 8


Hi its Smudger again, sorry I took your coment the wrong way its just that no one has showed interest before. So you tend jusy to keep quiet! know what I mean? Its just that I have more time now to reflect back on my life,as I cant work any more due to an accident I had while in the ambulance service. So I have more time on my hands, looking back it was not a pretty sight, tha sea was on fire and the flames seemed to follow us while we were out in the gemoni"wee boat" and it was bloody hot! The flames lit up the night sky, which helped us search the water, the smell of burning oil filled your lungs till they seemed to be on fire,and every thing seemed to be in slow motion. There was a lot of noise from the flames which made listening for survivors harder, we even cut the engine of the boat to listen out, bit the flames soon caught up with us!
Thanks for your interest! Smudger.

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 9


Smudger that's a great reply! However you'll need to post it to this thread:


This way Bluebottle can read it and respond. Click the link above then reply there.

Glad this misunderstanding is being cleared up. This is a wonderful community to be a part of.

smiley - cheers
smiley - bat

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 10


Hi! Smudger again, I left a message for <BB< to go to my 210712 page to read the reply. Will he or she be able to go to that page to read it, as I dont fancy having to write all that out again?
Im going to have a look at all that gen you sent me as I never went through it all at first, Catch you later. Smudger.

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 11


Hopefully BB will stop by for a read... if you like I can cut and paste your reply from here to the proper thread. If you don't know how to cut and paste it's very easy and it's useful when you don't feel like retyping. Just use your mouse to highlight the text by holding down the button and dragging the mouse from beginning to end of text... next you can right click and choose 'copy' then when you are in the thread you need you can reply as usual then in the text box right click and choose 'paste'. It's very useful in many different things. I'll do it for you if you wish me to though..

BTW if you'd like to change your researcher number to your name all you have to do is click the 'preferences' button then change it in the appropriate box and update.

smiley - cheers

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 12


Hi Batty Ace, Smudger here again, many thanks for cutting & pasting that article for me! not quite that good myself yet? Had a go at that once but my text ended up in another file?? dont ask! I will go back and try to change my number to Smudger, hope I dont muck it up, if I do it was nice knowing you, and if you ever come across <BB< tell them what happened!! see you later, I HOPE. Smudger

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 13


No problem... I'll do it...

psst... btw it's just Batty... ACE stands for Assistant Community Editor.. smiley - winkeye

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 14


I noticed you already had a reply for BB there so I pasted it under the reply you posted on your page. I'm sure BB will see it when online... smiley - ok

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 15


Hi Batty, Well I made it back after changing my name, thanks for doing that text move for me. Ive noticed that the backround colour has changed now, its white? I was looking through all that gen and other stuff, sems like they like serious writing as well. Notice I remembered to cut the ACE from your name, see I do listen as well. Just came back from a talk with my stepson, his I.D. popped up on my screen. Its all go in computer land, EH!

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 16


See you're getting the hang of h2g2! smiley - smiley I like the new name.. looks good.. smiley - ok

Another neat little gadget is the conversation popup. You don't need to install one on your page as mine will work fine for your conversations as well. Just click my name and on my page click the link that says 'popup thingie'. It will open a little window with all of your conversations, starting with the one with the most recent posting. It refreshes every 2 minutes so you can wander around h2g2 and the rest of the web but still monitor your conversations.

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 17


Hi Batty, was it the friends column on the right I had to click on? if so Ive done it, its all a bit difficult for me?

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 18


No.. that just takes you to the exact post in the thread. Click my name where it is right above this post and it'll take you to my space. This is always the case. If you click someone's name directly above their post it will take you to their personal space. From there you can see what they've written about themselves and see which conversations they are involved in.

Keep in mind there is really no such thing as a 'private' conversation here. Of course when you happen into a thread where there are only two people involved you might want to decide whether to say something or just go elsewhere, it's not private in that you can still read it.

BTW Bluebottle posted a response to you. I think it might be a wonderful start to an online conversation. It's on the "Reply to <BB<" thread on your page. Just click here to go to it: <./>F105749?thread=228848</.>

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 19


Hi Batty, Yes I did see the response from >BB> and I wrote back, thanks for the tips on using this site, I will get the hang of it eventually. Have found a great site for all ex service folk, even made contact with a bloke I was on Hmy Britannia with 30 yrs ago, we have arranged to meet in Jan 2003 and have a trip over to see the old girl! So this computer really was a good deal eh!
Catch you later, Smudger.

Osiyo 210712... Can I call you that?

Post 20


That's wonderful news, Smudger!! I'm sure you'll also meet lots of new friends. You may even want to attend one of the meet-ups after you've gotten to know people here.

If you need assistance with anything else just post the request to this thread and I'll see it and answer as best I can! smiley - ok

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