This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2701


Ali and Eddie, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!

I'll get me Jacks?

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2702

Dr. Strangegloves

Well done people for making the Nazis look like the morons they are! Keep it up!

Phew....makes you long for the days when there was only ij's ridiculous anti-euro myths to debunk.

I'll get me OED.

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2703

Commander Band

Yes .. where is IJ? I want to ask him if Leeds Castle, surrounded by water and indisputably an island should qualify for EU Island Development Grants. Perhaps someone else could grill him on the status of the new offshore wind farms, again, islands surrounded by water.

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2704

Pat Pending


How dare you point out that the only true natives are the beakers before I could when I'd carefully set Manwaring up for that: mind you, you used it better because I wouldn't have made the great muppet link you did.

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2705

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

What about oil rigs? Or the coastal forts? Does Canvey Island get a grant? We should be told...

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2706

Ali Dubya

Ta! Got it.

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2707

Dr. Strangegloves

Sorry Pat and Bushy, I have been leaping in a bit today haven't I?

Great to see that a few postings in the team has completely sussed weirdo nazi freaks.

btw it is true what i posted to Maggie Hope - I run social projects in West Yorks and Mixenden is one of those areas served. It formerly fed into The Ridings school (singled out as "The Worst School in Britain" in the press - remember that?) and there are times when talking to residents that I feel I can't get far enough down the food chain to communicate. Still there are some marvellous people there and they will all be disappointed at this.

I'm off this afternoon - so if I don't appear here in a bit, have a fantastic weeekend - and it's nice to see you here with us commies, Ali Dubs.

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2708

Ali Dubya

And you, Dr Stakhanovite... smiley - tongueout

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2709


Morning boys smiley - rainbow

Welcome Alistair. Nice to have you here with us Trots and Marxists! smiley - biggrin Hello again Peter. smiley - smiley

I've been busy over the past couple of days, so I've missed the latest groovy chats. (Dashed tennis, I'll be glad when it's finished)

I'm just on my way over to 5Live to see how the nazi chappies are crowing over their "victory". I may as well, I'm already pretty depressed.

See you later

smiley - cheers


ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2710

Ali Dubya

Eddie is rapidly turning into a hero of mine.

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2711

Dr. Strangegloves

Me too....and James Moore, whose latest post is the "War & Peace" of FLN.

Why is Brad not looking in? Is he not our friend any more?

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2712

Pat Pending

Brad's got deadlines I think.

I'll tell you who else is a bit of a hero(ine), and that's the Magster Woman.

Not a hero(ine)= Sally Ramsden. Anyone see she cosied right up to ij AND dd last night? EC tried to put her on the straight and narrow, but I think she might have to be 'guided' (PS: If she's anyone on here, that person is brown bread).

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2713

Ali Dubya

Hi Peter,

Hmm, an interesting morning.

Guys, I've ballsed up. I posted a message suggesting 'Iain Moore' thought the BNP "was the answer". He cleverly avoided saying anything of the sort whilst tacitly giving qualified support to the BNP's victory.

I'm hacked off because I've been caught out by putting words into his mouth. S'not good for a hack to be found out like this..

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2714


Where is that Alistair?

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2715


Mornin All (or afternoon...what day is this?)

jjust skipped through the sharp Nazi bashing posts, I think those BNP morons haven’t asked themselves those questions and probably don’t want to face up to what they really are, much less when someone points it out to them

haven’t had time to post (apart from my ‘James-Moore-cut-and-paste-athons’ TM )which ironically only take a few seconds with a few well placed references to Harrow council (the Slovan law of physics dictates the probability of pasting what’s on my screen is unlikely to correspond to the post I’m replying to...add the John Clement 3rd rule of aggravated friction and it will hopefully end up in a Newtonian bitch fight

Bushy, you kitted the new recruits out in Pirate attire yet?

“Slovan you tw*t, get back to work!!!!!”

master calls.......

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2716

Ali Dubya

News board. He seems to be a BNP fellow traveller but stops short of supporting them outright. Some linguistic gymnastics are called for.

Blimey, have you seen Jangir Myer's posts? I assume no one here 'operates' him?

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2717


jangir is complete twit!!

I've just managed to draw Iain Moore out on a european debate finally but I am disinclined to go full tilt at this one, fancy a bit of frivolous stuff back on ""! I just booted him up the backside on being a "PC nitwit" in the earlier thread you mentioned! It's the same old cobblers, hide behind PC rhetoric and never actually say anything ... Twerp! Wonder what he'll think of my new BNP slogan ... smiley - whistle

Hello Brad! Get that deadline stuff sorted and get back into full "Slovan scorched earth" mode! The Nazis are coming!!

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2718

Pat Pending

No Ali: Jangir is very much his own man. Did you see a couple of weeks ago when he advocated nuking America and claimed it would be all right because of something Whoopi Goldberg said in Star Trek? Completely hatstand.

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour....

ATTENTION 5Live gamers...

Post 2719

Ali Dubya

Rabid as he is, I think the guy has a brain. Can't be ar*ed to reply.

Time to talk about important issues like Kelly Brook's breasts.

Pat Pending

Post 2720


...Are you Lawyer?

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