Journal Entries


I don't know if it's just because it's *that* time of the month (no, not that time, the time just before..... you know) or what, but work is really, really annoying me at the moment and I'm at the point where I drag myself into work and count down the minutes till I can go home. I can't even blame my workload as I'm not especially overloaded at the moment.

Most of my colleagues (and Dave) feel exactly the same. I can say with all seriousness that I don't know anyone who's happy with their job, or happy with the way the company is at the moment. I don't know anyone who has any confidence in upper management to even tell us the truth, let alone anything else.

What annoys me is the fact that people ask me for status reports incessantly, yet don't listen to what I have to say. Or if they do listen, what I have to say is never good enough. I end up running around trying to do things that I know will be an utter waste of time, and I've tried explaining that, but middle-upper management doesn't listen to that and demands that I do it anyway. It's like talking to a brick wall.

We're all constantly under pressure to deliver endless reports and run around doing pointless things just to satisfy management that we're doing *something*. Not that they worry about whether that something is a constructive use of our time or not....

Sorry about that. For us, the light at the end of the tunnel is a manager with a torch coming to ask us why the f*** haven't we installed lighting at his end of the tunnel yet, don't we know that is unacceptable?! smiley - erm

But anyway, a minor bright spot. I will soon be heading off to work at home for a bit this week smiley - wow... the downside is it'll be to review 900 pages of specifications smiley - wah.

I also have a day off on Monday to get my car serviced, which will be a big job as it feels like it'll need new brake discs and drums and 4 new tyres smiley - yikes.

I'll see you all next week, probably all smiley - silly after reading those specifications!

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Latest reply: Aug 10, 2005

Something new...

... happened today.

A manager, whom I'd been conversing with via email regarding the status of one of my projects, came by my desk to chat face to face. And his opening words were "Oh, I was expecting you to be a man, I'm totally thrown now!" smiley - laugh

He was so embarrassed. It's a good job I found it funny, too smiley - biggrin.

I have had post addressed to me as Mr, but that's the first time it's happened in the workplace..... smiley - rofl

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Latest reply: Jul 21, 2005

Passing the time

I'm really not impressed at the moment...

Dave has had to go and work offsite today. We usually car-share, but I offered to drive myself into work so that he'd be able to go straight where he was going. He said no, he'd be back well before it was going home time. So he dropped me off, and promised to be back to take me home.

He rang up about ten minutes before going home time to tell me he was just leaving this other site and it was probably going to take him a good 45 minutes to an hour to get back over here smiley - grrsmiley - steam. So I've got at least 45 minutes of time to waste at work, and because we have no paid overtime at the moment, I'm not even going to get paid for it!!!!! Honestly!!!! Do men just not keep track of time? Good grief...(I should say that Dave isn't going to get paid for the overtime either, which is doubly annoying).

To be honest, knowing this place he wanted to leave earlier but couldn't.... that has happened with me and has happened with him before.

I *have* got stuff I could be doing here at work, but I frankly can't be arsed, seeing as I'm not going to get paid. I'm writing this and quietly fuming instead.

Oooh, this smiley - bleeping company!

I think I need a smiley - tea, some smiley - cake or smiley - choc..... or something to throw. smiley - tomato

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2005

Back to life...

Well, we did it smiley - wowsmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly. Me and Dave are now married!

I can't think what to write, apart from the day went really well (and incredibly fast), and our honeymoon was good fun. We had a Monday to Friday in Kintyre, in Scotland, and then a Friday to Friday in North Yorkshire. It was nice to have 2 weeks off work!

That said, though, it was nice to get back home and get into proper married life and get used to living together smiley - smiley. It's kind of odd getting into all the house stuff, as it's taking a while for me to think of it as my house too. But we seem to be adjusting to it pretty well - apart from me thinking I should be going back to Coventry at 9pm every night smiley - laugh. Me and Dave are now based in the same office, so we lift-share (not much point us using separate cars) and that's another adjustment, although it's a nice one.

Mum and dad finally moved up to Rotherham on Monday, and the move went well, so they're a lot happier. Dad starts his new job next Monday too.

Now I have the mammoth task of changing my surname on absolutely everything, which has the unexpected benefit of making a lot of my colleagues being unable to find me on the email system at work smiley - laugh.

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Latest reply: Jun 23, 2005

Countdown to W-Day

Well, it's now less than 3 days to the wedding... and truth be told I'm now beginning to get really quite excited about it. My dress is done, all the bridesmaids are sorted out, the transport arrangements are finalised, we even have the smiley - cake.

But the best man's suit has gone walkabout; he teaches at a private school, and we arranged for his suit to be delivered there by the suit hire company. The courier company have proof that someone signed for it at the right place, but this person wasn't a member of normal reception staff and now can't be found.... and neither can the suit smiley - grr.

How ignorant is it for someone to take delivery of something clearly addressed to someone else, and then not tell them about it? Honestly! smiley - steam I can think of a word to describe them, but I can't use it here!

The suit hire company are being good and organising another suit, but this now means we have to spend Friday running around sorting the best man out with a suit when we'd hoped to have time to relax and finalise all the fiddly details. smiley - flusteredsmiley - cross

Silvia the bridesmaid is being a smiley - star and is looking after taking the photographers to see the church, because now me and Dave won't have time. And it gives her something to plan and stops her annoying me smiley - winkeye. Actually, at times like this I'm glad I can trust her to get on with things. Even if sometimes she suggests things I don't agree with and tends not to listen to my disagreements.

Apart from that, things have gone astonishingly smoothly. I've even managed to move most of my stuff into Dave's already, with just one car load of bits and bobs left. To be honest, though, although I'm looking forward to the day, I'll be so, so glad when it's over and done with!

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Latest reply: Jun 1, 2005

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