This is a Journal entry by Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!
Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry! Started conversation Aug 10, 2005
I don't know if it's just because it's *that* time of the month (no, not that time, the time just before..... you know) or what, but work is really, really annoying me at the moment and I'm at the point where I drag myself into work and count down the minutes till I can go home. I can't even blame my workload as I'm not especially overloaded at the moment.
Most of my colleagues (and Dave) feel exactly the same. I can say with all seriousness that I don't know anyone who's happy with their job, or happy with the way the company is at the moment. I don't know anyone who has any confidence in upper management to even tell us the truth, let alone anything else.
What annoys me is the fact that people ask me for status reports incessantly, yet don't listen to what I have to say. Or if they do listen, what I have to say is never good enough. I end up running around trying to do things that I know will be an utter waste of time, and I've tried explaining that, but middle-upper management doesn't listen to that and demands that I do it anyway. It's like talking to a brick wall.
We're all constantly under pressure to deliver endless reports and run around doing pointless things just to satisfy management that we're doing *something*. Not that they worry about whether that something is a constructive use of our time or not....
Sorry about that. For us, the light at the end of the tunnel is a manager with a torch coming to ask us why the f*** haven't we installed lighting at his end of the tunnel yet, don't we know that is unacceptable?!
But anyway, a minor bright spot. I will soon be heading off to work at home for a bit this week ... the downside is it'll be to review 900 pages of specifications
I also have a day off on Monday to get my car serviced, which will be a big job as it feels like it'll need new brake discs and drums and 4 new tyres .
I'll see you all next week, probably all after reading those specifications!
Lizzbett Posted Aug 15, 2005
Oh dear. I know there is a lot of uncertainty in your industry at the moment and I have some experience of how that affects the work force. I used to work for a company that had six redundancy programmes during the seven-and-a-half years I was there. That kind of atmosphere does not make for cheerful employees.
Hope things feel less horrible soon.
Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry! Posted Aug 16, 2005
Thanks. It is all rather depressing and demoralising at the moment. I think out of the 4 years I've been here, we've had redundancy programmes twice in the last 2 years and they're expected again this year
Still, I'm trying to be glad I have a job, as one of my friends is currently battling with depression and trying to decide what it is he wants to do with his life - he's looking at going back to college and trying a new career rather than sticking with the low-paid call centre work he's been doing. The trouble is he isn't entirely sure what he wants to do .
Oh well, any job is better than nothing, or so I keep telling myself!
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