This is the Message Centre for Existential Elevator

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 1

Existential Elevator

Hey all.

You know, I've been thinking too much lately. But I miss the way this site used to be. I feel like all my friends have flown the nest, so to speak. I mean, you're all growing up, settling down, having kids, finding dream jobs etc.. I kind of feel left in the wayside. I always struggled along to find a place in RL, and you guys gave me a virtual niche here on g2. And now it's like my niche is moving on without me. I know ultimately I need to re-build it, but, wow, have you noticed how g2 has grown too? Even she's growing up without me! Heck, I remember the days when you clicked "Who's online" and the average number was 50. I've had to unsub from "ask h2g2" and I can barely keep up with the general chat forum smiley - sadface
...I just don't have the time I need to find a new footing. Because all I seem to be doing is schoolwork. It's completely demoralising. I'm not getting anywhere at all - I mean, I couldn't even get Cambridge - wasting my days in unfulfillment in fromt of a textbook can't be that rewarding otherwise. I *hope* I'm waiting for something better, my own life movement in a positive direction... but I know I'm not. Really. Becuase these things go in a circle in my life. I promise myself each stage will be better, but it isn't. So I don't want to lay false hope in finding a rainbow anytime soon. Ultimately, I know I need to change myself. Evolve or Die. You can't expect the world to accomodate you. I just really don't know what I want from anything. I need to work it out. I need to get back some of the bravery I had when I was younger.
...Are friends online "real" friends? What makes a "real" friend? Do you find it so much easier to distance yourself from these screennames and forget that they're people? Is it easier to walk away from them? Is it an inevitable part of our society? Sure, the internet makes the whole world a smaller place, but it increases the distance between us. If you never see my face, will you remember me? Is this all too much for you to think about?

I don't know.

To all my friends - past, present, and future - I wish you every happiness, every joy, every fulfillment you desire. Whatever I may or may not mean to you, I hope if you need someone you'll remember me. I hope everything works out for us all in the end.

smiley - peacedove

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

do not move before you realise how much you will be missed!

I regular miss you! I know that sounds a bit strange, but often you post if think "what is happing in EE`s life?"

I like your wit!

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

if only want see hootoo`ers online <./>online?thissite=1</.>

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 4

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

just chill mate! hang in there!smiley - smiley

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 5

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]


*leaps on EE* smiley - hugsmiley - smooch see smiley - winkeye very much still here smiley - diva

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 6


smiley - wah

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 7

Existential Elevator

I'm not going anywhere smiley - laugh I'm just sharing musings... I'm not the type who'd leave a goodbye note and expect to be convinced otherwise smiley - winkeye

I don't seem to hear as much from you as I used to Phel... 'tis a shame.

I mean, that's the thing... I haven't really gotten the change to know any of you guys that well, really... I mean, Jack, we've got our burning poodles, Rev. Jack I suppose we occasionally say hi on msn, and Alex...well, I always look forward to 10,000 posts of nonsense smiley - biggrin But so many of the people I was more close to aren't around...and I haven't really had the time to get to know you. If you see what I mean. I'm moaning at myself that I need to get back to it smiley - smiley

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 8

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

glad hear of you!

need keep up with good friends smiley - winkeye

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 9


Sweetie, do not despair!

It's true, I've pretty much deserted H2G2. Now I just drop by to check up on things and read the jokes page and I have neglected you something dreadful. But, and I know one shouldn't say this ON h2g2, there is life outside! RL works better if you devote a little more time to it. Though granted that's infinitely easier when you have a bunch of friends to force you to do that. Maybe you need some more forceful friends? If your life has become a tunnel of homework and there are no fire escapes, you may have to decide which stuff is really important and forfeit a few grades in order to remember something from this time of your life, rather than that you were studying (unless you a rare and unfairly big-brained, you will not remember what you were studying). If you have time to go on h2g2, maybe you have time to go dancing, or see a movie with some people. You don't neeeed a virtual niche. You need your very own lovely niche with drama and music and dramatic friends who wear too much eye make-up! If you throw yourself into things and stick it out for a little while, your personality is way to contageous to not make more friends. Unless you turn out to be one of those awesome rockstars or actresses who had few friends all throughout their teenage years and it made them a stronger more intelligent insightful person, who looked out for lonely people and who everyone discovered. Think of it like that! I don't know if I'm really hitting or missing the issue here. I know that real life wasn't so much the topic.

But the virtual world IS fickle and flimsy. Everybody's so sweet on h2g2 and you can enjoy that, but friendship's probably for the most part won't run as deep as RL friends, you should essentially focus on them. It is easier to forget they're people, easier to walk away from them and easier to forget them, becuase everything's so sugar-coated. You can't really have a fight with anyone on h2g2, not anyone you're interested in being friends with. And friendship only goes so far with out a fight, or at least, that's what I think.

I'm sorry! This was not meant to be a rant against h2g2, but I think it shouldn't trouble you as much as it does.

Just do the best you can to have a great time.

Love BT2

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 10


I'd let you get to know me well but that wouldn't be fair to the other h2g2er whom with my identy is withheld now would it? smiley - winkeye

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 11


And what do you mean "couldn't even get Cambridge"?? Cambridge isn't a "couldn't even" kind of place, it's a "wow, I got in what a total fluke" kind of place. I know some ghastly people who go there, don't rank yourself by Cambridge! It's very prettsome, but there's always Post-Grad! Meanwhile, go somewhere where you get to study the things you like without getting snobbified.

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 12


I won't forget the elephant in the tutu EE!

smiley - winkeye

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 13

Existential Elevator

May the elephant live! *makes the sign of the elephant*

Wow, BT2, now there's a blast from the past...! Very wise words from you there, and I'm afraid you are most probably very right. I just wish it was as /easy/ as that... I need to learn to drive smiley - erm Most people I know RL have a habit of keeping "convenience" friends, and I don't appear to live near enough to anyone to /be/ a convenience. And on reflection, I'd far rather live in a world without that attitude. I'm just /waiting/ for uni, and that's the problem, see? Because you can't really just pin your hopes on that...
...for the record, had I gone to Cambridge I'd have invested in a good pair of rollerskates and a bubble gun and annoyed the hell out of any snobs smiley - winkeye It would have been such fun smiley - laugh

HPB... "if I told you, I'd have to kill you"...? smiley - winkeye

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 14

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Hello again smiley - biggrin

*juggles flaming poodles*

smiley - huh Geez I'm so bored!

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 15

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

juggles flaming poodles*

what kind of music do they make?

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 16

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

A sort of yelping chorus

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 17

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

"yelping" that sounds like the noise a yeti might make!

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 18

Existential Elevator

smiley - laugh We should find a yeti and find out...

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 19

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

places a mousetrap in the hope that Agatha C. will make the yeti curious.

EE: Evolve or Die

Post 20


Every time I've tried to post on this thread something breaks down smiley - wah. I've re-written my post so many times I've forgotten what I wrote (I have an unusual memory smiley - winkeye). Now I've run out of time as Milly needs a bath as she's been sick in her hair again smiley - doh. However I was once in a similar situation, and what I was going to say was along the same line as BT2. smiley - smiley

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