Journal Entries

Najo, Sunday 27/11/11 Early start ......

.... for a Sunday!

This morning I was up at 8.30 and on the phone to daughter (who was staying with her chum) at 9.00am. Today was the day that the final scenes were captured for her music video.

We were due to be at Belfast City Hall at 10.30 but somehow ended up running a little late.smiley - rolleyes We made it at about 10.45 and the half dozen mates she was meeting who were appearing as extras in the video were frozen stiff. It was baltic at the City Hall. There's something about the way the wind blows down Donegall Place and meets Chichester Street that just acts like a freezer at this time of year. smiley - brr

We meandered round to Victoria Square where we met the producer and director. That is where I beat a hasty retreat. While the wind doesn't howl around that square and it was several degrees warmer I wasn't needed and happily went back to the car and made my way back home.

By all accounts the shoot went well and the video should be fit for public consumption in a couple of weeks.

I filled the washing machine a few times and read a few journals on site. I'm a bit disturbed that someone has upset Ivan.smiley - grr I don't know why anyone would want to do that because he's one of the most decent types there are hereabouts or anywhere in the world probably, so why would somebody hurt him so much that he'd consider leaving.smiley - weird

I have no idea what upset him but if I knew who you were I'd let you have my smiley - 2cents for free.smiley - erm

Anyway, during my search for what upset Ivan I see there's still rather a lot of whinging going on. It's very disappointing that while some people are knocking their pans in to keep this venture up and running that others seem intent on bringing it down and then bemoaning it's passing.*tsk*

I'd like to thank everybody who is still working hard to keep this place on line and performing so well.smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

I'd also like to ask Ivan not to go.smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 27, 2011

Najo, Saturday 26/11/11 Ahhhhhh

Drama today but we were late. I slept in, probably because I was awakened by a coughing fit at 5.00am. Don't know why I started coughing, perhaps I swallowed a spider or maybe the cold air just got to my throat but I coughed and coughed until I could cough no more. Used my inhalers, got myself a drink, had a smoke and another little coughing fit and half an hour later I was back to sleep - just didn't waken up until 9.50.smiley - yikes

In the afternoon daughter went into the city centre to the continental market. I went over to the East to my nephew's new house. He picked up the key on Thursday and he was in today to strip some paper and prepare for the painters who're arriving on Monday. The house is lovely, nice big driveway, garage, kitchen, two sitting rooms, two toilets, one bathroom and four bedrooms. His sister had rented his flat in London for some years but has recently moved in with her boyfriend and earlier this month she got engaged so nephew had no need to keep the flat. He sold it rather quickly and because it was in a prime location in over-priced London he was able to purchase the house with his profit. Lucky young man will be living mortgage free. smiley - envy

Tonight daughter is staying with a friend. The friend lives just around the corner so it'll be no trouble to get her tomorrow morning.smiley - zen

What a lovely relaxing day - the first in a while.smiley - biggrin

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 26, 2011

Najo, Friday 25/11/11 Jolly joy sticks

Goodness, this morning's hospital appointment was the greatest waste of three and a half hours, ever! I walked for miles, waited for over an hour and was out in 15 mins - didn't get into work until about 11.50.smiley - yikes

When I got to work - for the first time since Monday - there was a nice surprise for me. OHS had recommended I have a ergonomic mouse smiley - mouse and it arrived yesterday. It was in a lovely box just waiting for me to unwrap it and plug it in.smiley - gift It's like a joy stick except it's rigid with a button on top and one on the side.smiley - bigeyes It'll take some getting used to but I think it will be better for my wrist than the standard mouse.smiley - ok

After a stressful week I think I'll have an early night.smiley - yawn

ergonomic smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 25, 2011

Najo, Thursday 24/11/11 Only slight confusion

Well, got up this morning at the normal time, showered and dressed. Had an appointment with our Occupational Health Service doctor to review how I'm getting on with some special equipment recommended for me. Needless to say the joystick mouse only arrived yesterday and I was off work so haven't tried it, other than that there has none of the recommendations of OHS have materialised.smiley - erm

Still, I had an appointment at 10.00am (or so I thought). Left the house at 9.30 and because of the parking problems at the hospital had to park almost half a mile away. Had to struggle through strong winds to get there (and walking isn't one of my strengths) only to be told my appointment was actually at 9.00 smiley - yikes

Oh well.

Because I'm so sensitive at the moment I was almost in tears.smiley - rolleyes

Returned home and got changed into suitable apparel for a funeral.

Went to elderly relative's funeral but didn't enter the funeral parlour until A was seated by that time all the seats were taken and I just stood in the doorway (there were quite a few people there). Didn't go to the reception. It was nice to see and chat with other relatives and also quite nice to see that none spoke with A after the service.

Skipped off to school with daughter to see her teachers about how the GCSEs are going and discuss what A levels she'll be doing next year (results permitting).

Took phonecall from elderly relatives son who apologised for not contacting me since the death of his mother - even to tell me funeral arrangements. I explained why I couldn't go into the funeral parlour or to the reception. The hypocrisy of the whole 'show' really, really stuck in my throat. He understood and accepted that. He even thanked me for not speaking up. Appearances are everything to Christians nowadays apparently.smiley - angel

Came home and sat down to watch the Big Bang Theory which was particularly good tonight.smiley - zen

Sat here while daughter composed a new song and it's sounding really good but it'll take a few re-writes before she goes into the studio with it.smiley - musicalnote

Got to get a good night's sleep now because I have an early hospital appointment tomorrow before work (must make sure I'm there at the right time) and really want to get to it and work in the right order.smiley - biro

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 24, 2011

Najo, Wednesday 23/11/11 MOT'd

Those who have been reading my journals will know that last Thursday I was involved in an accident in the car. Nobody was hurt except the car and the car I hit.

I'm insured fully comp but thought I'd fix my own car since it was a very low speed affair and all my fault - I thought it'd teach me a lesson. Well, I have a £300 excess and thought that the repairs wouldn't cost much more than that. Ha! That's what I thought.

To complicate matters the car was booked for it's first MOT today!

Well, there was little chance of it passing unless my car fixer could pull off something spectacular. He took a look. He ordered up a new number plate and some brackets for re-attaching the lights to their anchor.

We tootled off to the MOT centre tonight and although we were half an hour early the nice man took the car off us and put her through her paces while daughter and I waited like expectant fathers in the waiting room.

She passed!

The bad news was that the other repairs following the accident will cost about £1,000+ to put right so it looks like I'll be ringing the insurance company back and letting them take the stress and I'll stick with the excess.

Luckily my no claims bonus is protected and this is the first accident I've had. I'm pretty sure the insurance will still go up a lot next year but at least that'll be next year since I only renewed in September.

(I was tempted there to say that next year will be a better year so it'll all balance out but my life generally doesn't work that way)

smiley - mouse

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Latest reply: Nov 23, 2011

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