This is the Message Centre for Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 341

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* also fails to understand the backlog so its Situation normal for Light *

Hi everyone smiley - smiley

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 342

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

smiley - laugh
Gibberish? Moi?
Speakly softly mundoe in the leftish earyoley, comest widdly mouthish opensloudish for the makist sensymindest.
smiley - vampire

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 343

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

Greetings!!!!smiley - biggrin Welcome out of the Insane Asylum....

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 344

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Yes! Let me show you around...

Over here we have a lovely one-room padded cell, complete with a cozy jacket (oh, don't mind those sleeves being too long dear - we'll just tie them behind you... like this!)

And here we have a nice machine that we hook you up to and when we turn it off you'll feel great and you won't remember a thing... ever... smiley - smiley

What was that you said? You've changed your mind and have decided not to spend the night? Well, let me have my attendant "Igor" (ooops I meant "Thog", how silly of me!) speak with you - I think you'll find him very convincing!

smiley - cheers

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 345

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - yikes

I thought thesleeves seemd long since my arms are short smiley - erm

In my final year of Uni our house was known as 'outside the Assylum'

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 346

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i dont really think i can be bothered to make a pun on that one smiley - tongueout

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 347

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - tongueout

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 348

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

I only ever wear straitjackets as I am built like a gibbon and have overly lengthy arms.

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 349

Mistadrong, (Count vonCount.)the last Gog standing

Any problems with knuckle-rub, oh King of the Swingers?smiley - winkeye
smiley - vampire

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 350

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - hug Mistadrong, PS & Light...

WOOHOO! I may have a date this weekend! (YAY!!) And since it has been several years since I have dated anyone (single mom syndrome) I need to ask:
What do you "do" or "not do" on a first date? I mean, should I be polite, witty and just my lovely self? Or should I just cut to the chase, become the predator that I really am and suck all of the marrow out of his bones and leave him behind... to wither and turn to dust when the sun rises? (oh oh! my teeth are getting longer as I speak, I need to think about something else quickly... *looks at the calculator and starts adding up a list of numbers* her canine teeth slowly returning to normal size...)

Whew! That was a close one!

Maybe you better not answer PS... I know what you're first dates usually turn out to be! smiley - laugh

smiley - ok

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 351


Go for it Michele, although may I
respectfully suggest there may just be a middle road, that will leave you both happy, and leave him with marrow intact, if a little depleted smiley - winkeye
You may just want a second " go " at `im smiley - smiley

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 352

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Oh! Excellent point Lurcher! smiley - hug

*makes note in planner: "Don't completely devour them on first date" smiley - ok*

I think it might be a moot point however, he just called and said that he will probably have to go help his brother move this weekend, so the outing will probably be postponed - if it happens at all...

*goes back to filing her teeth - to make sure they're sharp for the next "date"* smiley - winkeye

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 353

Uncle Heavy [sic]

well dont look at me! i dont date!

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 354

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

::date waffles::

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 355

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - yikes You date waffles Thog? And how do the pancakes feel about that? smiley - laugh

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 356

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

Well, pretty left out, of course, but you can't make everyone happy... smiley - laugh

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 357

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* reads with interest just in case she gets a date soemtime soon *

He would have to be mad not to fall for your usual wonderful self Michele

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 358

Thog the G & A D.P. of Loon;Muse of A.P., M.G.G.C.,and Whipped Cream; Lurker; BFG;aka The Loinclothed One (have you seen it?)

smiley - bigeyesMy sentiments exactly... smiley - smileysmiley - ok

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 359

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - blush Oh you guys are just saying that smiley - blush

(because you know I'm insane and you're afraid I'll find out where you live and that if I did I would sic venomous badgers on you in the middle of the night, or worse yet distribute extremely fluffy, lacey doilies all over your house while you weren't looking and... and...)

Oops! Darn there goes those teeth again!

smiley - whistle

**but thanks for the vote of confidence! smiley - hug**

Michele`s Fan Club

Post 360

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

*just realizes that Lighthouse Girl is still here*

Hey Light! smiley - hug Didn't you have to go to work today? Or are you back on during the week now?

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Michele`s Fan Club

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