This is the Message Centre for Ellen
Ellen Posted Jun 21, 2008
Yes, I've been very relieved, and yes, I've been painting lots and lots. Just started one from the Wizard of Oz -- It's of Dorthy and Glenda, the Good Witch of the North.
Ellen Posted Jul 29, 2008
Hi Wile E!!!! I see you've been posting for Cyn's birthday. Good to see you.
Wile E Quixote Posted Feb 6, 2010
I saw that I needed to log in and post something to keep my account, and thought it would be a good time to say hello, since it's been so long.
Wile E Quixote Posted Feb 8, 2010
I’m going to try and show my face more often. Can’t see myself becoming a regular poster again though – don’t spend much time conversing online these days.
There’s an update with how things are with me on the Night Music thread.
How are you? I haven’t even been lurking in quite some time, so I haven’t followed journals or the like. I’ll have to see if you’ve posted some new art in recent times.
Ellen Posted Feb 9, 2010
I have indeed posted some new art. Check out my latest rose painting. I'm doing well. Snow here in Memphis today. Very pretty, but I won't be trying to drive in it. I'm also working on a new piece of art, one for the church auction. It has chalices on it. Will buzz over to other thread and see how you have been.
Ellen Posted Feb 9, 2010
I'll try and remember to post more stuff on the night thread tomorrow! Right now, I'm very sleepy; it's past 2am.
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