This is the Message Centre for Ellen


Post 101


smiley - blush Yes, I've looked in there.
Didn't have the heart to post anything there...smiley - erm

Maybe we should turn up the music and open up the windows to let some fresh air in there?


Post 102


I think we'd be swimming against the general tide. LOL smiley - laugh


Post 103


Perhaps so.smiley - geek
Wouldn't want to be swept under that blue tide!

Glad to hear the Viking is acting sensibly and assisting Terri a bit.
He must have seen how seriously imperiled she was. I hope she's doing much better and following her antibiotic regime.smiley - ok


Post 104


Yes, absolutely glad that Viking is helping Terri! I hate when she's in pain like that. I've never had a bad bad toothache, but I hear they are the worst. You know I saw a little folding shopping cart at the thrift store for only $10, and Terri really would have loved it -- but it would have been really expensive to ship to France. Ah well. Dang. There are downsides to this global bit.


Post 105


Yep. It's heartening to hear that there's been progress in Viking's temperament and sensibility. There's a lot of love between those two, if only they would both accept that fact at the same time! Abcess pain can be extreme,the pain can generalise and thoroughly debilitate a sufferer. Untreated, it can lead to blood poisoning. smiley - yukThat's why a root canal treatment is indicated usually to wipe out any threat of reoccurence. Poor Terri. Hope she gets the treatment she needs to keep healthy.
*sigh* Distance is such a heartbreak sometimes. Yet, knowing she has such heartfelt and sincere support of friends must make a big difference in her life.


Post 106


smiley - hug

I'm off to sleepy bye lane. Email any time, ya know. I'm right round the corner so to speak.


Post 107


G'night!smiley - hug

Will do!

smiley - bigeyessmiley - cdouble Hey...

I'm supposed to be lurking on this thread, aren't I?

smiley - blush

*backs up in a bumbling self conscious way to her smiley - chocy wall and...
...behaves like an incompetent lurker*
smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - lurk


Post 108

Wile E Quixote

Hi JEllen!

Sorry it’s been a while. Cyn is a really bad influence you know – she keeps encouraging my lurking tendencies by telling me about new lurking spots!

smiley - bigeyes And thanks for all the lurking material today! I wasn’t so busy at work when I got in this morning, and I didn’t have anyone looking over my shoulder, so I took advantage!

Some people really have no idea when it comes to lurking though. smiley - rolleyes

How are you doing? I *think* I lurked that things weren’t so good this week. Hope it was just a bad day. smiley - hug I’m relieved to have got over that bout of asthma. I haven’t had an attack in over ten years and it caught me completely off guard.

smiley - blush I keep meaning to check out Spout properly, but you’ve got to allow for my general pace. Someone commented ages ago, that I don’t rush into things – I stroll into them! Have you been using it much? What do you think? Is cyn on there now? I'm going to try and take a proper look and see if I like the feel of the place sometime this week. I better do it before the weekend though, as I'm going to be heading down to London for a concert. smiley - boing

What have you been up to lately? Have you been doing any painting?


Post 109


Hello! I haven't been on Spout at all this week because I was feeling poorly, but my doctor has tweaked my meds a little, and I am starting to feel better. I'll have to plunge back into Spout this coming week. They look to have some good groups and discussions there.

I keep wanting to call it Sprout!

Must head to bed at once because I am going to a morning matinee of the new Harry Potter flick. My sister will not be happy if I oversleep tomorrow and make her late. Chow for now!


Post 110


Hi, saw you lurking on Spout. smiley - ok Whoo hoo.


Post 111


I did some painting recently. Wasn't completely happy with the finished product. One: it was an abstract, two: I was working in acrylic, when I prefer oils, and three, I was a little limited in my choice of colors. There was no way to mix a clear vibrant purple. But I did paint a realistic orange in the corner of the painting, and liked that very much.


Post 112

Wile E Quixote

Hi JEllen

I was going to post you something tonight, but I’m really tired again! smiley - ermsmiley - space Something more tofu-ey shall follow soon. smiley - ok

Hope all’s well with Micio. I’m really lucky that smiley - cat doesn’t mind going to the vets too much and smiley - dog loves it!! smiley - silly


smiley - zzz


Post 113

Wile E Quixote

Hello. Still tired! smiley - rolleyes

How was the new Harry Potter film? Have you read the books? I haven’t read the books and resisted watching the films for a long time, but I quite liked the films when I finally saw them.

People keep trying to get me to read the books, and I really enjoyed Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials when I read them, so I’m kind of tempted to give them a try. I’m not looking forward to the adaptations of His Dark Materials though – it sounds like they’ve made a real hash of it from what I’ve heard. smiley - erm

The concert I mentioned going to was fantastic! We saw a couple of jazz groups and a band playing improvised dance music. It was the first time I've driven in London, though. That was less than fantastic! smiley - cdouble

Do you think you’ll try using acryllics again, soon? It’s good that you’ve been pushing yourself and tring something different.


Post 114


I was using the acrylics because they were a gift, and because they dry fast and you don't need turpentine. But, I have a better range of colors with my oils, and they blend nicer too. I should do a portrait of Leo, if my life, moods, and meds would all just settle down. I'd like to paint the poster of him looking through the fishtank in Romeo and Juliet.

I enjoyed the latest Harry Potter flick. But, no, I have not read any of the Harry Potter books. That is one phenomenon that just sort of passed me by. I was the right age for the Star Wars craze in the 70's, but I doubt I'll ever get so swept up in anything again.

Micio is on medicine to lower her thyroid levels. Still have to take her back to the vet in a month for another checkup.


Post 115


*bumps up*


Post 116


smiley - lurksmiley - bigeyesHi JEllen!

smiley - doh I'm just about to hop into bed after making my Mum's breakfast now.
Sorry I haven't been online much lately. I've been recovering from a rigorous schedule of smiley - musicalnoteconcerts and taking care of my mother mostly.smiley - cdouble

smiley - cheerupHope Micio does well with her medications and that her metabolism gets back on track and she'll be feeling chipper again soon!

Are you doing alright?smiley - hug Hope all is going much smoother for you.

I'd better get catch some smiley - sleepyshuteye while my cousin visits with my Mum for a few hours now...

Will talk to you soon!

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - lurksmiley - zzz


Post 117


I'm headed back to bed too! smiley - zzz


Post 118


I saw a rather strange film that was by turns sensual and repulsive. It was called Perfume:The Story of a Murderer. Great cinematography, well acted, but often grotesque. Anybody read the book it is based on?


Post 119

Wile E Quixote

Yeah, I saw that film a few months ago. I *think* cyn has read the book.

I especially liked the opening scenes of his birth and his childhood. I think they did a really good job of conveying the filth and stench, visually. smiley - yikes Freaky baby!

The rest of the film tailed off for me, though I can’t remember what it was that made it unsatisfying, now. Interesting film, though.

I’ve just seen that Notes on a Scandal is on it’s way to me. I’ll be watching it next weekend. That’s one you recommended, isn’t it?


Post 120


Yes, I liked Notes on a Scandal. Very dark emotionally, but good. Helps having such an excellent cast. Cate Blanchett is my favorite actress.

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