This is the Message Centre for Ellen


Post 61


Yoohoo Wile E, sent you an email.


Post 62

Wile E Quixote

smiley - biggrin Thanks for the email.

Are you feeling more settled in at your new flat? Have you finished unpacking yet? *flashes his stern and serious MySpace look and wonders if it’ll be as ineffectual as it is on cyn*

Oh, I saw a Keanu film last weekend – A Scanner Darkly. I thought it was much better than reviews suggested, but I’m a fan of the Philip K Dick novel, so perhaps I was a little biased. There’s not a great deal in the way of plot – it’s mainly character interaction and a growing sense of confusion and paranoia. Keanu, Woody Harrelson, Wynona Ryder and Robert Downy Jr all gelled together much better than you’d expect a group of big name actors to.


Post 63


I am pretty much unpacked. A couple boxes still left in the living room, and some stuffed in a closet, but the closet ones can wait indefinitely.

Yes, feeling more settled here, especially now that I have a nifty alarm to scare off intruders.


Post 64


smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - lurk


Post 65

Wile E Quixote

smiley - biggrin Hi Jellen. I’ve not seen you around lately – how’re you doing? Have you made any more mandalas?

I’m having fun deciding on where I’m going on holiday this year. I’ve linked some of the things I’m looking at on the Night Music thread.

I saw two great films this weekend, The Pretige and Pans Labryinth. I thought Chris Nolan was the perfect director for The Prestige and really liked how they structured the story like a magic trick. I think cyn should get around to watching it soon. smiley - winkeyesmiley - space *looks in the direction of the chocolatey wall*


Post 66


Oh Yes, I liked Pan's Labyrinth, but I LOVED The Prestige. I guessed part of the ending, but not the other part, and it totally blew me away. I've been bugging Cyn to watch it for weeks now.

Yes, still doing mandalas and enjoying it quite a bit.


Post 67


Did you see my journal entry on my new shoes?


Post 68

Wile E Quixote

I thought it was interesting how they used Telsa as a character. I always like seeing David Bowie in films, especially when has to do an accent! smiley - laugh

I read that Terry Gilliam has been working on a Telsa project for a number of years. It would be great if that saw the light of day as he was a fascinating person, and often overlooked.

No, I’ve not been spending a lot of time on hootoo lately, so I’ve not seen your journal. I’ll check it out. smiley - run


Post 69


smiley - flusteredsmiley - rolleyes

smiley - lurk


Post 70


Hey, Wile E. You might have noticed that Cyn and I moved the Yoo Hoo thread. It is now under Cyn's personal space.

I have started a diet and exercise program this week, urged on by my doctor. I'm keeping track of calories and exercise at My Calorie


Post 71

Wile E Quixote

smiley - bigeyes Thread change noted. smiley - lurk

How’s the new health regime going? Is that calorie counter site helping you stay motivated? Have you seen cyn’s tag? smiley - laugh


Post 72


Yes, having the calorie counter helps A LOT! Weight has bobbled up and down this past week, but the overall trend is down. I am losing fat, woo hoo! Have slacked off today and yesterday with the exercise, but will get back into that after the holiday. Which reminds me, HAPPY EASTER!


Post 73




Post 74

Wile E Quixote

smiley - biggrin Hello! Good to hear that your diet and exercise routine is working out. I think its better that it’s a gradual move in the right direction rather than a sudden one – I think slow and steady progress has a better chance of being long lasting.

I saw your last post on the yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2 thread. Hope things aren’t too rough for you this week and I’m thinking of you. smiley - hug Drop me an email if you’d like to.

The Departed finally came through the post. smiley - somersault I’m really looking forward to seeing that one!


Post 75


Awww, thank you. I am feeling little better today, and hopefully tomorrow I shall feel even better, and so on.

Ah, the Departed! Let me know what you think!


Post 76


How was the hootoo meet?


Post 77

Wile E Quixote

Hi JEllen. How’re you?

You’ve probably heard from Cyn, but we didn’t make it to the meet. Her mum had an accident, so she flew straight home from France. It’s pretty hectic for her at the moment, but it sounds like her mum is doing better. *crosses fingers for next time*

I thought The Departed was a hugely enjoyable film. I really liked Infernal Affairs, but felt it didn’t live up to it’s potential, and The Departed was the film it could’ve been. Scorsese does that kind of film better than anyone, but I wish he’d push himself to do something different. It seems a long time since he made a boundary-pushing film, and I’m sure he’s got another in him.

And Leo wasn’t bad, either!smiley - winkeye

I’m starting to feel a bit nervous (but excited, too) at the moment. I’ve got a job interview in London on Friday. I usually can’t stand interviews, but I’m trying to stay as positive as possible about it. I had a successful interview a few months back where I w**k, and that helps my confidence.


Post 78


How did the interview go?

I still haven't heard from Cyn at all, which is worrying.

Found out this week that two good friends are moving away, which has be down in the dumps even more. *sigh*


Post 79


Hey, saw Spiderman 3, and liked it. Also saw preview for the movie Across the Universe. WOW, I mean, WOW.


Post 80

Wile E Quixote

Hi JEllen

The interview went quite well, although I got a bit smiley - flustered when my train arrived in London late, and it took longer than anticipated to get there on the underground. I got there *just* in time – at least I didn’t have time to worry about the interview itself!

I did a written assessment as well. I think I did ok with that, but it’s hard to tell if I made any mistakes. I met some of the other candidates and they all seemed very capable and likeable.smiley - erm

I should find out if I got the job or not this week.

The last time I spoke to cyn, she sounded very busy and said she wouldn’t be able to get online much for a while.

I’ve never heard of Across the Universe. I watched the youtube link you put up – it looks very promising. smiley - ok

smiley - biggrin Across the Universe is possibly my favourite John Lennon song. I’ve been tempted to get a copy of Let it Be...Naked for some time now. I could do with hearing a few opinions about it – have you heard it?

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