This is the Message Centre for Ellen


Post 81


Ah, I'm afraid I have not heard that version.

Glad you made the interview on time, even if it was a close shave.

I miss Cyn, I'm sure you do too.

Will be back soon to post more, but I'm SO sleepy at the moment.


Post 82


Ah, now you've disappeared too. Eeep.


Post 83

Wile E Quixote

*small voice in the distance* I’m still here!

Hi JEllen

I’ve not been getting on hootoo frequently in recent months. Most of my time here is the daytime, lurking when I should be working. I can’t post from work though. smiley - erm

I didn’t get the job. Bah! smiley - erm I need to keep on applying and going to interviews. I’m sure I’ll find someone foolish enough to take me on if I keep trying!

Let It Be... Naked was released a few years ago by Paul McCartney. It’s the original mixes from the Let It Be sessions, but without the Phil Spector orchestral parts that were added on afterwards. I think he wanted to release the album as it was envisioned at the time of recording. The songs and running order are also a little different to the original release.

How’re you doing at the moment?


Post 84


Hmmm, mood wise I'm bouncing up and down. I'm coming out of a depression, and some days I feel fine, while other days the depression creeps back in. It's frustrating. I'm sure things will even out soon.

Got a lot done today in terms of laundry and dishes, etc. Yay!

Saw and enjoyed Notes on a Scandal. I especially liked the Phillip Glass music.


Post 85


I'm reading an excellent book called Atonement. I'm halfway through. It's by Ian McEwan.


Post 86


Woo hoo, guess who's baaaaaaaack! smiley - bluelight


Post 87


smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - lurk
*giggles... and hiccups from too many fizzy drinks...*


Post 88

Wile E Quixote

Hi Jellen, depraved cinephile!

smiley - bluelight *battons down the hatches* smiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrin

Did you finish that Ian McEwen book? His name sounds familiar, but I’ve not read anything by him. What kind of fiction does he write?

Thanks for reminding me about Notes on a Scandal. It’s coming out here in the next week or so, so I’ve put it near the top of my rental queue. I saw The Black Dahlia thise weekend and found it very unimaginative, clunky and silly. I thought LA Confidential was a far superior adaptation of an Ellroy novel.

It sounds to me like you’re slowly coming out of the rough patch you’ve gone through recently. Are things feeling any better than last week? You just need to hang in there and you’ll feel more yourself sooner or later. smiley - hug

Do I hear hiccups? *leans over the chocolatey wall* smiley - spacesmiley - panda BOO! smiley - pandasmiley - spacesmiley - smiley


Post 89


I am feeling much better! Yay!

Atonement is the only book I've read by McEwan. It is set during the 1930's and 40's, and centers around a girl about 13 years old, and her older sister and a young man. The girl sees a series of encounters between her sister and the man, and wildly misinterprets them. She makes a critical mistake, and spends the rest of her life trying to atone for it. LOL, it sounds like such a downer, but it was powerfully written.


Post 90


Hello. Have been playing on YouTube.


Post 91


Hi Wile E, thanks for joining Spout!


Post 92

Wile E Quixote

Hi Jellen

I’m going to check out Spout properly this weekend. It looks pretty good from what I saw. I’ve got a few things I’d like to say about the waste of time that was The Fountain, I could write about over there!

Is there anyone else from hootoo, besides yourself? Have you got involved with any of the conversations over there?

Oh, when you mentioned McEwan, it rang a bell, but I couldn’t figure out why. But I remembered they made a film out of one of his novels a couple of years ago, with Daniel Craig playing the lead, so you might want to check it out since you liked that novel. It’s called Enduring Love. It got good reviews when it came out, as I recall. Have you seen it?

I’m having to take things easy at the moment. I had a bad asthma attack last week, and I’m still not completely over it, though I am back at work now. Really good to hear that things picked up a bit for you. smiley - biggrin


Post 93


I have not seen Enduring Love.

I did try and watch The Fountain, but stopped it after about 20 minutes. The dark cinematography and confused script really got on my nerves.

I don't know of any other Hootooers who have joined Spout. Maybe we can get Cyn to join?


Post 94


Hope your asthma is better this week.

I've mostly been tidying up today. Laundry and such.


Post 95

Wile E Quixote

Hi JEllen.

Sorry I’ve not been around much. I’ll come back and write something more substantial when I’m feeling more awake! smiley - sleepy

My asthma is ok now, and I’m feeling pretty much fully recovered. Hope everything is ok with you. See you soon.


Post 96


I've been sleepy too. *waits for beefy post* smiley - ok


Post 97


smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - lurk
smiley - spacesmiley - space*waits for a distinctly veggie and tofu-ey post!smiley - tongueout*


Post 98


Hi there Cyn! Hootoo's a bit of a ghost town tonight, eh? Not many postings. Let's leave Wile E a bit to lurk!


Post 99


smiley - winkeye Okey dokey!

*sigh* We really must take pity upon such a poor, smiley - skullzombiesmiley - skull(but cute), deprived lurker, as he!smiley - cry

What a load of misplaced commassmiley - doh


Post 100


Have you been reading the new Eyes thread? Eyeballs? So far they are being extremely risque.

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