This is the Message Centre for Ellen


Post 121


Awfully quiet tonight, on hootoo and in RL. Just been doing dull stuff like dishes and laundry. Tomorrow I'm going to the mall again to walk. Micio hasn't been eating her food very well, which has me worried. Vet should call me back tomorrow.


Post 122


Talked to vet today and she okayed going down on Micio's medicine a little bit. Hopefully she will recover her appetite now.


Post 123

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

It is tricky sometimes getting the thyroid levels just right.
Boh of you hang in theresmiley - lovesmiley - cat I think she will get adjusted in short time. I am cheerng her on.


Post 124


Thank you Abbi dear! Micio does seem to be doing a little better.


Post 125

Wile E Quixote

Hi JEllen

How’s Micio doing? Is her appetite improving?

smiley - biggrin I really liked Notes on a Scandal. I agree, I think it was the performances that made it – it could’ve been distinctly average in other hands. The incredibly awkward dancing of Judie Dench to Toots and the Maytalls really made me smiley - laugh , which was a nice bit of light relief in an otherwise creepy and uncomfortable film.

Have you seen anything good since Perfume? I think you told me (or I lurked you saying) that you like Nicole Kidman. Have you seen Fur? I’ve added it to my rental queue on the strength of seeing a trailer, but know very little about it.

I’ve been enjoying having a few sunny and (mostly) dry days since the weekend. I’m feeling starved of the sun this summer and I don’t want to see anymore rain! We had some flash flooding at work last month, but it only affected a small part of the grounds. I take it, things are swelteringly hot and disgustingly sunny where you are? smiley - envy


Post 126


It been hot, hot, hot! Even for me, who usually likes hot weather, it has been too hot.

Micio IS doing better. She has her appetite back. She's staring at me even as I type.

I liked Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge. But no, I haven't seen or even heard about Fur.

I'm thinking about MOVING. I am fed up with my stupid neighbors. They keep making lots of noise, and writing obscenities in the dust on my car! It will be a lot of work to pack again, but I think it may be worth it. If I do move, it will be to a gated complex.


Post 127

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Very happy to hear Micio is back at the computer- maybe begging for foodsmiley - cat

Bummer about the neighnors- I'd asked you on my page if a move was pre-planned. No need to repeat yourself! Hope I catch you here.

I am sorry it is not working. How creepy of them to write nasty stuff in the dust on your car! smiley - crossMeanies

Maybe they will leave. Any case they might? Anybody you can talk to?
Is a different apartment within the same complex a possibilty or is it small?


Post 128


Doubtful they will leave, so I will leave instead! I think I've found a really nice place, but it's not written in stone yet, so fingers crossed please.


Post 129


Hi y'all! I am moving in December! Woohoo!


Post 130

Wile E Quixote

smiley - bigeyes What’s the new place like? Are your neighbours still being a pain? Has Micio made a full recovery?


Post 131


Micio seems to be doing just fine, but we won't know for another month whether the heart murmur has gone away. Hopefully the meds she is on now will take care of it.

Yes, my neighbors are still being a pain, being noisy.

So, I'm glad I am moving and can't wait. I have a bunch of stuff already packed. The new place will be a two bedroom, two bath -- about the same size as I have now. But it will also have a garage - yay! Plus some nice features like real tile in the kitchen and bathrooms, and brand new appliances. In fact, the whole place will be brand new -- they are still building it. It's near a park, and close to church and good shopping locations. I am so impatient to be there!

Saw an excellent art exhibit this week. In fact I liked it so much I went twice. It's called Blue Dog -- see my journal entry about it!


Post 132


Hmmm, what can we do to lure Cynthesis back? It's been weeks now.


Post 133

Wile E Quixote

smiley - applause Well done for finding somewhere good so fast! It must be frustrating not being able to move right away, but no matter how annoying the neighbours get, at least you know you have an escape plan in action!

I’m going to leave some bait on the Night Music thread to see if we can lure cyn out into the open. smiley - laugh

And then I’ll check out your journal entry smiley - ok


Post 134


Hi Wile E! I've been making a bunch of dreamcatchers. Do you know what those are? The big hoops with a woven center and beads on it. It's very tedious stuff, but the results are beautiful. I am donating some to the church auction, rather than painting this year.

Watched Hudsucker Proxy this afternoon. What a fun movie, it's one of my favorites!


Post 135


Hi ho, come back.


Post 136

Wile E Quixote

smiley - laugh Thanks for prodding me out of my lurking ways! I guess I’ve fallen out of the habit of posting these days.

I like that film too. I thought Jennifer Jason Leigh was outstanding in such a smiley - silly role! Blood Diamond came through the post this weekend. I’ll assume you liked it smiley - winkeye , and it looks pretty good.

Yeah, I’ve seen dreamcatchers before. Did they sell well at the auction? Have you done any painting lately, or have you not found the time?


Post 137


LOL, yes, I liked Blood Diamond. I think I have liked all of Leo's movies except Total Eclipse.

The auction is not till the end of October, so we'll see how they sell!

The neighbors have been especially noisy this past weekend. I am soooo ready to move! Must be patient.

No painting this month, or indeed this year -- except for one abstract that turned out crummy. Well, after I move I'm going to paint a beautiful abstract for my sister.

Did I tell you I've ordered a book on insomnia? I would love to be able to get my days and nights turned back around so that I am up in the daylight. Oh, and I ordered a hypnotic help-you-sleep CD. So I have all bases covered.


Post 138


I've been managing to get up at least some during the daytime. Which is good.

Went to a metaphysics class this weekend where we studied numerology. Do you know that my full name, when converted to numbers, has 9 fives in it? Fives mean change, to sum up briefly. No wonder things are always topsy turvy! I lack fours and twos in my name, so it's very interesting that I chose 42 for my handle.


Post 139

Wile E Quixote

smiley - ok Thumbs up for Blood diamond. Very hard viewing in places.

Have you managed to get into a routine, getting up in the daytime? How do you convert the letters in your name to numbers?


Post 140


Hey you! How goes it?

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