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Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Jul 25, 2009
Homer has now attracted a band of binge drinkers who are all dancing the congo.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Not-so-bald-eagle Posted Jul 25, 2009
Are you sure they're not Congolese drinkers on a dancing binge
*and 'orf I dance for 3 or 4 days*
Let's dance.....
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Jul 25, 2009
Yes they are giant congo Congolese snakes that have been binge drinking before they started on the congo.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Jul 26, 2009
Now the local have joined in as well as Doctor Who
, a group of mad scientists
, geeks and nerds,
, and the eight
Alans who are all one person.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Jul 30, 2009
Homer has been acting strange, every time he has the television/radio/cd player, he opens the windows and puts the sound on full blast as well as having 4 large stero speakers. And when he is on the telephone, he goes with the telephone and megaphone and puts his head out of the window so that everyone can hear him on the telephone.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 1, 2009
One parrot and his dog went to mow a meadow.
One parrot, and his dog and an elf went to mow a meadow.
One parrot, and his dog and an elf, a wizard went to mow a meadow.
One parrot, and his dog and an elf, a wizard and a witch went to mow a meadow.
One parrot, and his dog and an elf, a wizard, a witch and a fairy went to mow a meadow.
One parrot, and his dog and an elf, a wizard, a witch, a fairy and a vampire went to mow a meadow.
One parrot, and his dog and an elf, a wizard, a witch, a fairy, a vampire and a monster went to mow a meadow.
One parrot, and his dog and en elf, a wizard, a witch, a fairy, a vampire, a monster and an alien went to mow a meadow.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 2, 2009
Homer, Homer pride of all Rome,
who lives in a dome made of foam.
Where he likes to roam and moan at Jerome,
about the state of the chrome.
Homer, Homer pride of all Rome,
who only uses a 100% pure gold comb,
as he whispers om when fixing the light's ohm.
Homer, Homer pride of all Rome,
why do you bathe in loam?
Is it because you are think you are living in a sea holm?
Homer, Homer, pride of all Rome,
you are greatly admired by the followers of Boehme.
When skies are grey there will be Homer, Homer, you are wonderful zoomer.
As you woosh around on your magic broom shouting out schussboomer to all latercomers.
Homer! Nomer! pride of our alley, where you are the king of the tally.
Homer! Homer! pride of our alley, there will be a great rally organised by O'Malley.
You bring hope to all of our allies as they gather the cauli from the valley.
And you will become victorious and when you win the race, you always make the finale.
Homer! Homer, bane of my nutty neighbours, lets go and celebrate in the star ships galley with Sally.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Not-so-bald-eagle Posted Aug 4, 2009
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 4, 2009
Homer is now sitting on a wooden pole, eating a piece of sole. And is talking to a mole, who is a coal miner that is a fan of Nat King Cole. Every night he goes on patrol with Nicole to watch the trolls roll as they stroll.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 10, 2009
Homer went on holiday to Florida where he drank Florida orange juice 5 times a day and also at every round of golf. A lot of the time Homer could not complete a round without having several snacks which included ,
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Not-so-bald-eagle Posted Aug 11, 2009
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 11, 2009
Then he went on a bender and had ,
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 18, 2009
Homer has been noticing that the has been absent in the sky, even when the sky is clear, the
cannot be found. There are rumours that someone is eaten the
as it is thought to be made out of
. At supermarkets at the
counter there have been
on special offer.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 19, 2009
Homer has got drunk again and has been heard singing a very strange song
The Donald Duck song
Donald duck where have you put your truck?
Did you give it to Chuck for his muck?
And did he pay you with lots of bucks?
And did you go out and buy your favourite tuck?
Then did he also give you a sweet so that you can suck?
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 30, 2009
Homer's neighbours have been acting strange again, they have been having practise fights before they hold their karaoke fight parties where they invite each on consecutive nights for a right old ding dong and punch up. The singing does it as every time they sing, they usually sing the wrong words to the song or out of key or even the wrong tune. So they argue about it and then things get nasy and they fall about on the floor and get up and start shouting at the wall. You can hear them arguing with the wall and punching the wall and then falling over. Some go out in the street to have a fight with the invisible person or persons.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Not-so-bald-eagle Posted Aug 30, 2009
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Aug 30, 2009
Some of Homer's neighbours are attempting to dance in the street by doing the congo but keep on collapsing to the ground and others are trying to do the congo with parked cars and street lights. Whilst others are ranting and raving at cars that either moving or parked on the street or in people's driveways.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 4, 2009
Dettol be the day when Mr Dettol learns to fly.
With a widdle and a waggle as he waffles at his waffles.
Arguing with himself about if he will have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 7, 2009
Here is one of Homer's funny songs:
I have heard of bees that eat cheese,
along with mushy peas.
They do this to make themselves the bees knees.
I have heard of fleas that freeze,
when they fly on to a frieze.
Where they find keys and learn how to ski.
But when they ski they start to sneeze.
Sending themselves to cats who are Burmese,
when they play cd's of songs about Aziz from Cadiz.
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
Not-so-bald-eagle Posted Sep 7, 2009
Key: Complain about this post
Target: OK then 19,999 Posts Of Nonsense - Land of Wine, Women and Song
- 10301: Reality Manipulator (Jul 25, 2009)
- 10302: Not-so-bald-eagle (Jul 25, 2009)
- 10303: Reality Manipulator (Jul 25, 2009)
- 10304: Reality Manipulator (Jul 26, 2009)
- 10305: Reality Manipulator (Jul 30, 2009)
- 10306: Reality Manipulator (Aug 1, 2009)
- 10307: Reality Manipulator (Aug 2, 2009)
- 10308: Not-so-bald-eagle (Aug 4, 2009)
- 10309: Reality Manipulator (Aug 4, 2009)
- 10310: Reality Manipulator (Aug 10, 2009)
- 10311: Not-so-bald-eagle (Aug 11, 2009)
- 10312: Reality Manipulator (Aug 11, 2009)
- 10313: Reality Manipulator (Aug 18, 2009)
- 10314: Reality Manipulator (Aug 19, 2009)
- 10315: Reality Manipulator (Aug 30, 2009)
- 10316: Not-so-bald-eagle (Aug 30, 2009)
- 10317: Reality Manipulator (Aug 30, 2009)
- 10318: Reality Manipulator (Sep 4, 2009)
- 10319: Reality Manipulator (Sep 7, 2009)
- 10320: Not-so-bald-eagle (Sep 7, 2009)
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