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10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6061

Existential Elevator

Thankyou for your welcome Hermi. Best not to flit around my base; you may make a nice cat pancake.

As much as the East Pole sounds nice, I hear it's warmer at the South this time of year.

Anyone up for a poodle juggling contest?

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6062


I am pleased to invite kat err I mean Doctor Jackson the archaeologist, and 2legs the crack layabout to join me on an epic expedition to the East Pole.

Any other volunteers?

By the way, Existintual evaelator, the South Pole has already been discovered. If you join us on our quest, you will gain fame, money and dangly ear-rings. All at a fraction of the cost you pay for BUPA.


10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6063

Existential Elevator

All that AND dangly earrings.....? How can I refuse!

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6064


I'll carry the sandwiches and the mushroom traps, if you like. All I ask in return is to be granted the kingdom of Devon and a loyal retinue of weasels.

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6065


Can I bring the spoons as part of an experiment to see how long it takes for them to go rabid...

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6066


Snailrind, the kingdom of Devon is not mine to give away. As for the weasels, I'll need to recruit weasel trainers, weasel handlers, weasel taxi drivers, weasels, weasel-men and female weasels to occupy the male weasels in the ports. Oh yeah, and weasel chefs. But I'll see what I can do.

Doctor Jackson, bring as many spoons as you like, just keep them in a tightly sealed box. (With airholes obviously, we don't want them to suffocate)

EE, I would be honoured to have you on board.

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6067

Researcher 556780

Ambles in and sitz down... smiley - bigeyes

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6068


smiley - whistle Someone has weasels on their face...

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6069

Researcher 556780

vix woz ere smiley - ok

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6070

Researcher 556780

I just stubbed my toe smiley - wah

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6071

Hermi the Cat

Ooooh! Can I come? I could be be the official team cat. And, I can catch my own food so I only need a masseuse and a few servants.
smiley - cat

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6072


Snailrind, I have managed to recruit a retinue of weasels for you at great personal cost. But watch it, they have very strict union rules.

Hermi, I would be honoured to have you along.

I feel our intrepid team is nearly complete. Are there any other last minute volunteers. Someone who could read a map would be nice.

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6073

Researcher 556780

me, me, ME......MEEEEEEEEEEE, oh....smiley - boing

smiley - runPICK me, me smiley - boing pick me...........MEEEEEEEEEE! smiley - boingsmiley - magic

*mad purple hairy cheese plants, are eating me cottage cheese*

smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - cheers

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6074


Maniacal Vixen, you are quite clearly deranged, and therefore an ideal candidate to join us on our historic expedition. Can you read maps at all?

I have planned an official leaving for the East Pole at the plushest restaurant money can buy. I planned it. But I can't afford it. Anyone got some spare cash?

(Maybe we need some corporate sponsorship)

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6075


Captain Khamsin, please accept my apologies for mistaking you for your learned Jedi colleague. I would like to offer you the position of chief spoon scientist. The title is good but the pay is abysmal. I haven't even got a shoe string. Sponsored by shoestrings are us.

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6076


Pay? what is pay? Scientists have pay?....

I will accept the position.... do you mind if I test other eating implaments or rapidness too?

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6077

Researcher 556780

maps, no, definately not, I think not...smiley - boing

I can hold it in front of me, and follow it...does that count? smiley - boing

smiley - oksmiley - runsmiley - oksmiley - runsmiley - oksmiley - runsmiley - magicsmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - bubbly

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6078


Captain Khamsin, test what you like, as long as YOU know what you're doing. You lost me with Science-speak at the end of that question.

Maniacal Vixen, as long as you can follow maps you don't have to read them.

In the abscence of any further volunteers, the list of team members, and ETD will be released in a press release to the press, and printed by the press, to be read by people who read the press (although some press releases are televised which kind of defeats the object)soon.

10,000 posts of nonsense.

Post 6079


I will get one rapid spoon and put it in a box with other spoons forks knives and sporks

Parrot History Compilation!

Post 6080

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

my brothers parrot impersonates the microwave Post all your peculiar parrot stories here...

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