This is the Message Centre for Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 821

Researcher 179388

Its Pratt's Bottom that makes me giggle the most!

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 822

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Now that is a place I am glad is not near Upham or on my address!

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 823

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

smiley - run
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 824

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

wot on earth has happened while i bin gon?!?!?
why r we discussing bizarre place names? smiley - erm

smiley - fairy

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 825

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Why not?

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 826

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

Don't we talk about strange places most of the time here?
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 827

Researcher 179388

Ponders End smiley - laugh

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 828

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - laugh

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 829

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

Patrick's house! smiley - laugh!!!

oh ok then smiley - erm

smiley - biggrin!!!!

smiley - fairy (etc...)

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 830

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

just pobbled in the Kitchen and engrossed on several scrummies.
Scrummies wern't as yumishous as many scrumatasticle delisheions, but did their bestist to precurdle my pericabobulations.
I might smiley - musicalnote again later. Once the fantomashint has worblished satisfactoryily.

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 831

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

ok then smiley - erm

smiley - fairy(etc...)

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 832

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* Thinks of Pod and hopes he is OK and that its all going well smiley - biggrin *

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 833

Researcher 179388

*sigh*, well it looks as if Pod has gone and got himself a life.

If we haven't got him to amuse us we shall have to make do on our own. Any more smiley - silly place names?

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 834

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Well he may come back with some new place names soon Caerwynn smiley - hug

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 835

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

cornflake place names? hmmmm.........

smiley - fairy (etc...)

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 836

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

How about "Bucharest", as a good place name? Pronounced: "Book a rest". Arf arf arf arf arf arf arf arf arf arf!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - wow
Yes, indeed, this is Pod calling in from Eastern Europe, having a wonderful adventure with his "podette" smiley - winkeye Hello hello hello!

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 837

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

avez-vous une podette? indeed!
*makes whip noise whilst elbowing u in a suggesting way*
smiley - winkeye

smiley - fairy (etc...)

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 838

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

HAy! smiley - biggrin Pod! smiley - smiley Having a smiley - erm good smiley - winkeye time I see smiley - bigeyessmiley - smiley its darn windy here today, the Pertunia's are suffering and the Swamp Beasts don't like it one bit...
I expect the bushes have all huddled together again, behind the compost heap.
Actually, its not that* much of a heap, quite good condition really, for its milage anyhow...
I was forced* to go out for dinner yesterday... With my Aunt's...
Aunt Peggy's birthday was the ocassion... 79 I believe, though she wasn't releasing anything....
I've never met a bunch of three ladies who can talk so effectivily, and continually for so long...
They forced me to eat, roast turkey, potato's, stuffing batter pudding, and veg...
Then, Roast beef, potato's, stuffing, battered puddings, and veg...
And then Roast pork, stuffing, potato's, stuffing, and veg...;
Couldn't manage the final Battered pudding, which was a shame, though I did eat the bread rolls.
Chock and icecre dessert.
Cheese and crackers..
and ale.
Red wine.
Choc mint.
more beer.
and the water was rather high.
Exterious tempurature 11 Celcius..
But that was yesterday, which is history, tomorrow, that's a mystory, but today, well, I've not decided yet. though it is windy.
Except of course where the wind doesn't blow, on the side of the lawn creation, where fribbles can desiminate the language of teh sparrows, hastling the wood pigeons...
Oh, how they amass in the hourse chestnut.
Pertunia's don't like that either, luckly the Swamp Creatures take no delight in ice scating.

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 839

Researcher 179388

Glad to hear things are still spangly gorgeous Pod!

2legs, how does your digestion cope with all that food?

*looks around hastily*

The fact that there are three starmix sweets on my desk does not necessarily mean I'm eating them.

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 840

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Of course, Caerwynn--if you were eating them, they'd no longer be on your desk! smiley - winkeye

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