This is the Message Centre for The Banned

We are the Banned!

Post 401

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)


We are the Banned!

Post 402

Uncle Heavy [sic]

you mustnt be so hard on yourself. we can quite easi;ly do it for you

We are the Banned!

Post 403

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

So how's everyone? Everyone fine? Any chance of a conversation that makes sense?

We are the Banned!

Post 404

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Good! Yes! No!

We are the Banned!

Post 405

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Shhh. We're rehearsing here!

OK guys one more time guitars singing voices music at all ..not even a whisper or a moan Nothingness!
Y'almost had it there for a day or two, so c'mon, waddya don't say, let's not try again, shant we.
Here we go:

We are the Banned!

Post 406

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

smiley - ok

We are the Banned!

Post 407

Uncle Heavy [sic]

mmm...i dig

We are the Banned!

Post 408

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

*doesn't post*

We are the Banned!

Post 409

Munch Dûnadan, The Technical Cynical Heifer & Actor

And now for a shameless plug of another fine group, new on the h2g2 scene:

GIRT BIG HEIFER has arrived.

smiley - cheers

smiley - geek Technical Heifer

We are the Banned!

Post 410

Uncle Heavy [sic]

ooh... we can have battle of the bands

We are the Banned!

Post 411

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...


We are the Banned!

Post 412

Munch Dûnadan, The Technical Cynical Heifer & Actor

I'm not sure we DO battles... why can't we all just get along smiley - winkeye... I don't think our interests collide, surely, what with you being a non-band and that... um.... eloquent today, ain't I? smiley - erm

OK, um, we'll see smiley - winkeye

-Munch the Technical smiley - geek Heifer

We are the Banned!

Post 413

Rt. Hon. David F. Porteous, Scottish Researcher, Keeper, Minister and rarely seen member of The Banned

We shall move against your band with great speed and force, and you shall feel as if God had turned his face from your fields which will grow black with the visible stench of evil.

And those of you who have no fields shall experience more lightbulbs burning out and slightly higher quarterly telephone bills.

Yae, and there shall be a great missplacing of important small items, etc. and, God willing, etc.

-- David, non-denominational prophet of non-specific, fairly general doom

We are the Banned!

Post 414

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

It'd be no contest anyway. We'd deafen them with our silence.

Like everything else in this forum it's a non-issue.

We are the Banned!

Post 415

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

You've got a point there. Be careful where you point it!
smiley - headhurts
Ouch damn! Okay that does it, NO MORE points allowed!

We are the Banned!

Post 416

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Sorry. I guess I won't go on to point out that it will also be a non-event.

We are the Banned!

Post 417

Uncle Heavy [sic]

like our gigs? yes.

We are the Banned!

Post 418

Uncle Heavy [sic]

like our gigs? yes.

We are the Banned!

Post 419

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

*holding hand over one blinded eye*
Well not to put too fine a point on it but we got them GBH folks whipped before we start. No way can they come up to our standards for zerobility, no matter how hard they don't try. I mean there might be some rehearsal time left for them to try and get an act together, but what are they gonna do... I mean we got the market cornered.
Like, I mean, no way, eh! We're gonna win this one hands down. With our hands in our pockets. Without lifting a finger. Without breaking into a sweat. We are chillin!
*tries to see with both eyes - flinches, covers one eye again*
Who are these guys anyways. "Girt Big Heifer" sounds like they're into Big Macs and milkshakes. Do they actually normally play and sing and dance and all that lark? How unsmiley - zen!

We are GBH!

Post 420

Munch Dûnadan, The Technical Cynical Heifer & Actor

I stand by my earlier statement- I don't think our interests are mutually exclusive with a non-band like yourselves. Surely we can just get along?? I wish you wouldn't curse us though, have you no pity? smiley - headhurts We're based in CORNWALL!! smiley - yikes

And BTW (or FYI,) I certainly am a fan of Big Macs, but ONLY the see-through curvy plastic kind. smiley - biggrinsmiley - geek

Hmm, OK then. Off to get the other members to get their H2G2 memberships sorted out... yoink!

Munch- the Technical Heifer

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