Journal Entries
The Wedding
Posted Jul 3, 2001
14:00 on 30th June 2001, in Rotorua, New zealand. Gerard Kean married Megan Jean Wilcox. (Or - should that be two 'ls' in Wilcox?) Either way, I am a mother in law. The wedding was awesome - mostly because I met 1000 people I'd never known before, and saw again some I hadn't met in 20 years (one of them an ex-husband, less said about that the better...) Another reason why it was so good - nothing went wrong! Gerard's little brother was a groomsman, and freaked out when he had to *give* *a* *speech* - it was 'short, sharp and sh** hot', in the words of one of the bride's uncles.
Then, we went to house-sit the home of the bride and groom and baby sit their cat, who is a fesity little madam named Cleo, after the character in the Rob Tapert/Sam Raimi show, 'Cleopatra 2525'.She (Cleo) is 11 weeks old and she sleeps with humans, whether they want that or not. We wanted to conceal her in our luggage and bring her back from Rotorua but she might get car-sick. My brother and his 'intended' were there also, and we travelled down with them. Therese is a lovely woman, and she looked beautiful enough to be mother of the groom - I, in contrast, looked a right fright. Sunday, 1/7/01, it was sight seeing and lunch at a police station turned restaurant, the Pig and Whistle, recommended for anyone who visits Rotorua New zealand. (It's in Haupapa Street (I think) I'm not too good on street nanes)
So, we're home, Gerard and Megan have been married for just over 4 days, as Pikachu says it's 14.19. and 34 secs. TTFN
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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2001
It was found!
Posted Jun 26, 2001
Pikachu says it's 4.55 seconds past noon, on a sunny Wednesday (nb, Pikachu knows nothing about the weather outside of cyberspace and is busy brushing its teeth after lunch. Today, I got an email from a woman called Peta Haigh, who said she'd found my original entry.I just want to thank her and bless her for that! I tried replying to her email and got nowhere, with public computers, it's a great big nuisance! Thank you Peta wherever you are. My son told me today that I had embarassed myself forever, for mentioning Pikachu. I don't care - I LOVE Pikachu, Chikorita and Bulbasaur. I do not love Dragonball Z, tho' various of my special needs students do, which shld tell you something about Dragonball, Jimmy!
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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2001
My entry
Posted Jun 25, 2001
Well, it's 11.06 am, according to my Pokemon Pikachu pet which has a clock, and the entry I spent an hour adding just got lost. It was an adaptation of a roolly excellent sociology essay I did in 1999. I want to cry... waaah! You just cannot trust **** computers! Am I a big baby or what? Well, I may have the heart to try again, anyways. Ta for the chance, h2g2.
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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2001
Back again
Posted Jun 23, 2001
Well, it's Saturday, 2 days later, and I have taken time out from thinking about The Wedding (one week to go, and I'll be a yikes.. mother in law!) Then, all the stupid mother in law jokes will apply to me. That bites! The Other Son won the BP Technology Challenge along with his school team at a Technical Institute last nite, and is big-noting all over the place. Typische! I am thinking about putting in a contribution - about language and culture, I just searched 'language' in h2g2 and discovered some really heavy stuff - I tho't I was fairly expert - I did my sociology essay on language while at Teachers' College in 1999/2000. (The lecturer is a psychologist and wasn't impressed). I did linguistics at Uni in 1983, and if grammar had been compulsory, we'd all have failed. I still don't understand the pluperfect. But then, who does? That'll be it for now, as the other son is sat here, looking over my shoulder and saying "Don't you think that is a bit excessive?" Isn't he a bit poncy at times, especially for a 14 year old?
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Latest reply: Jun 23, 2001
Beginning my life in cyberspace
Posted Jun 20, 2001
This is all so relatively new to me - I got an email address only 6 months ago, for goodness' sake! Everyone I know was way ahead. So, why am I here? Because I have just discovered what h2g2 is. Because I spend a lot of time here at the BBC, or the Beeb, as it's known here in NZ amongst aficionados. (Of which there are many but not enough).I have three sons, 2 grown, and will from 30/6/01 (D.V.) have a daughter-in-law.Yes the Wedding approaches. I write science fiction and articles for the newspapers. I am a special Ed., teacher (or will be) bit shaky there for a mo. Typo there, I put amo, which of course, is Latin for 'I love'.Good quote from an old Roman guy- 'Odi et amo,excrucior'. Which apparently means- 'I love, I hate, it hurts'. Feelings are universal, irrespective of time and space. Cool, eh?
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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2001
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