This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Pikachu says it's 4.55 seconds past noon, on a sunny Wednesday (nb, Pikachu knows nothing about the weather outside of cyberspace and is busy brushing its teeth after lunch. Today, I got an email from a woman called Peta Haigh, who said she'd found my original entry.I just want to thank her and bless her for that! I tried replying to her email and got nowhere, with public computers, it's a great big nuisance! Thank you Peta wherever you are. My son told me today that I had embarassed myself forever, for mentioning Pikachu. I don't care - I LOVE Pikachu, Chikorita and Bulbasaur. I do not love Dragonball Z, tho' various of my special needs students do, which shld tell you something about Dragonball, Jimmy!

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Hi, Debbie

Peta, our esteemed community editor, has a personal page at:

go say howdy, she'd love to hear from you smiley - smiley

BTW, I hope you are having a great time here at h2g2

have some smiley - strawberries

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