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If I could write a poem
Posted Aug 21, 2001
I would, after visiting the pages of Ben and djsdude. Because poetry is way cool and it's like music, I immensely admire people who can do it. I'll stick to prose... or will I?
Not a Limerick
If I could write a poem
It would be about being in love
And knowing that love doesn't end
Even if the lover goes away
Or goes mad
Or both or neither and I ask
Is he trying to send
Me mad (or madder than I am)
I cannot really say
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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2001
Posted Aug 20, 2001
Fir Blakes Seven, which finished its run on Prime TV last night, here in NZ. What a superb amazing and magnificent episode the finale (Blake) was! Terribly sad and awesome, my son and I spent the evening discussing ways around events in the final, so as to carry it on for a season 5.
Talking about Christian reincarnationism, something I have lately come to believe passionaltely in.
In a few minutes, I'll go and eat and look for some books. Have finished Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, and it's wonderful!
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Latest reply: Aug 20, 2001
An August Day
Posted Aug 15, 2001
Snow,meteors and sunshine here, where there is snow and power 'outages' just an hour and a half away by car,what is going on? I just heard an old woman talking on the radio about her cats
freaking out about the meteor shower - and they're rare here. Weather is a weird thing anyway.
Sometimes I think I am Rob McKenna, the Rain God. Still, I am going to see if this sun is warm...
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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2001
The truth about cats and dogs
Posted Aug 13, 2001
So, I have been zapped - and more fool me... In truth, I have been busy working on (and dithering over) an entry on reincarnation. That subject is one of my obsessions... along with less important things, such as Blakes Seven (and Avon, the yummiest of all - well he was in 1981). I also freak about weather, which here, is acting somewhat sinister. After raining stair-rods, now it's sunny - or is it? I don't mind, I am delighted.
I read Chamiel by Edward Pearson (pubbed a very long time ago) Hey, it's BRILLIANT!
Who agrees (if anyone is listening to this,and if you are, tell me please) that we're as likely to be headed for another Ice Age, as to Global warming? My feet sure think so.
I want to write the great (not NZ)novel.
Time to go look outside.
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Latest reply: Aug 13, 2001
Nearest Star
Posted Aug 11, 2001
What is the nearest star to earth? Got you! It's not Alpha or Proxima Centauri
, it's Sol, our sun. What is the effect of the sun on the weather? How come all you people out there falsely believe NZ is a tropical paradise? As Jared Diamond says in 'Guns, Germs and Steel', parts of the Sth Is., are colder than any other inhabited place on earth! Yes, as Kurt Angle says, 'it's true, it's true'!
We cats do not like cold, and respond properly only to a nice, warm fire or patch of sunshine. Especially with 'Star Trek' or Blakes Seven on the telly, and a nice snack.
Books to read:
Broken God David Zindel
A Stitch In Time Andrew J Robinson
Chamiel Edward Pearson
Dark Passions Susan Wright
Preservers William Shatner
Life Essential George MacDonald. (Sorry, I just finished that, it's really Ragamuffin Gospel's turn.)
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Douglas Adams
But it's nearly time to EAT! We love to eat, even Mr Grouchy the 14 year old, who will just have to tear himself away from Dr Who's latest graphic novel, sadly.
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Latest reply: Aug 11, 2001
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