This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
The truth about cats and dogs
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Started conversation Aug 13, 2001
So, I have been zapped - and more fool me... In truth, I have been busy working on (and dithering over) an entry on reincarnation. That subject is one of my obsessions... along with less important things, such as Blakes Seven (and Avon, the yummiest of all - well he was in 1981). I also freak about weather, which here, is acting somewhat sinister. After raining stair-rods, now it's sunny - or is it? I don't mind, I am delighted.
I read Chamiel by Edward Pearson (pubbed a very long time ago) Hey, it's BRILLIANT!
Who agrees (if anyone is listening to this,and if you are, tell me please) that we're as likely to be headed for another Ice Age, as to Global warming? My feet sure think so.
I want to write the great (not NZ)novel.
Time to go look outside.
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The truth about cats and dogs
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