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something done
Posted Jul 18, 2001
Well, I have done some things, but not eaten. Well, I'm going home to eat, and so for now, TTFN everyone - p.s., I've changed my boring nickname.
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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2001
Something done...
Posted Jul 18, 2001
Well, I have still to eat... Did some shopping, now I am back - to change my nickname, which was so boring! I am now what I am - and TTFN, all you girls and guys...
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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2001
Getting nothing done,,,
Posted Jul 18, 2001
It's about 13:07 NZ time, but Pikachu is at home, because we are (supposed to be having) having thunderstorms. I am hungry, so I'll probably go soon... I have tried to print something here at the library, from the Doctor Who site... I have begun a story on the Round Robin, and no one has done anything to complete it! I did manage some Blakes 7 info, however... which is good - I don't feel I have achieved very much today. Is NZ a matriarchy? Some tosser just said so on the radio. A radio in a library, you ask? No, no one's bothered, I have earphones. It's 'cos I walk a lot, and it's darn BORING!!!
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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2001
Posted Jul 11, 2001
This has (so far) been a day in which nothing has worked as planned. I was doing email someplace else, and it was (a) slow as a wet week and (b) just not working! It is as cold as the hairs on a polar bear's whatsit, and well, as it's school holidays well, the boy is acting like a troll! To top it off, Blakes Seven last night, was a stinker! A turkey, with mayo on rye! The first bad ep., of B7 ever. I thought such a thing was I M possible.
Pikachu is frustrated too, because the boy keeps setting its alarm to go off so we'll leave, but I am not fooled.
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Latest reply: Jul 11, 2001
Photos and stationery
Posted Jul 5, 2001
Now, we have just got back from the developers, a bunch of photos Jim took at The Wedding. Everyone has 'red eye', and there is a roolly cool one of the groom, with one red and one green eye. Horizontal traffic lights! I look hideous of course, but that's my role in this family. We also went to a new shop and looked at Stationery. (One of my peculiarities - some women spend their time browsing clothes shops and interior decorating thingies, Jim wants to browse electronics shops, for me it's stationery. Give me a whole heap of pens and notebooks and I am wrapt!) But, I do not relate well to spending money. $$$$$ make me nervous. I'm gonna get right into this h2g2 thing and do more than just journal entries - but for now, with Jim and Pikachu both telling me to get a move on, I don't have time. Pikachu, who loves ya, baby!!!!
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Latest reply: Jul 5, 2001
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