This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Started conversation Jul 11, 2001
This has (so far) been a day in which nothing has worked as planned. I was doing email someplace else, and it was (a) slow as a wet week and (b) just not working! It is as cold as the hairs on a polar bear's whatsit, and well, as it's school holidays well, the boy is acting like a troll! To top it off, Blakes Seven last night, was a stinker! A turkey, with mayo on rye! The first bad ep., of B7 ever. I thought such a thing was I M possible.
Pikachu is frustrated too, because the boy keeps setting its alarm to go off so we'll leave, but I am not fooled.
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