This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
Getting nothing done,,,
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Started conversation Jul 18, 2001
It's about 13:07 NZ time, but Pikachu is at home, because we are (supposed to be having) having thunderstorms. I am hungry, so I'll probably go soon... I have tried to print something here at the library, from the Doctor Who site... I have begun a story on the Round Robin, and no one has done anything to complete it! I did manage some Blakes 7 info, however... which is good - I don't feel I have achieved very much today. Is NZ a matriarchy? Some tosser just said so on the radio. A radio in a library, you ask? No, no one's bothered, I have earphones. It's 'cos I walk a lot, and it's darn BORING!!!
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Getting nothing done,,,
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