This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Nearest Star

Post 1

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

What is the nearest star to earth? smiley - earth Got you! It's not Alpha or Proxima Centauri smiley - star, it's Sol, our sun. What is the effect of the sun on the weather? How come all you people out there falsely believe NZ is a tropical paradise? As Jared Diamond says in 'Guns, Germs and Steel', parts of the Sth Is., are colder than any other inhabited place on earth! Yes, as Kurt Angle says, 'it's true, it's true'!
We cats smiley - cat do not like cold, and respond properly only to a nice, warm fire or patch of sunshine. Especially with 'Star Trek' or Blakes Seven on the telly, and a nice snack. smiley - strawberries
Books to read:

Broken God David Zindel

A Stitch In Time Andrew J Robinson

Chamiel Edward Pearson

Dark Passions Susan Wright

Preservers William Shatner

Life Essential George MacDonald. (Sorry, I just finished that, it's really Ragamuffin Gospel's turn.)

Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency Douglas Adams

But it's nearly time to EAT! We love to eat, even Mr Grouchy the 14 year old, who will just have to tear himself away from Dr Who's latest graphic novel, sadly.

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