This is a Journal entry by DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Well, it's Saturday, 2 days later, and I have taken time out from thinking about The Wedding (one week to go, and I'll be a yikes.. mother in law!) Then, all the stupid mother in law jokes will apply to me. That bites! The Other Son won the BP Technology Challenge along with his school team at a Technical Institute last nite, and is big-noting all over the place. Typische! I am thinking about putting in a contribution - about language and culture, I just searched 'language' in h2g2 and discovered some really heavy stuff - I tho't I was fairly expert - I did my sociology essay on language while at Teachers' College in 1999/2000. (The lecturer is a psychologist and wasn't impressed). I did linguistics at Uni in 1983, and if grammar had been compulsory, we'd all have failed. I still don't understand the pluperfect. But then, who does? That'll be it for now, as the other son is sat here, looking over my shoulder and saying "Don't you think that is a bit excessive?" Isn't he a bit poncy at times, especially for a 14 year old?

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