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Effers;England. Posted Apr 7, 2008
Yeah that sloth was really funny. They are pretty amazing creatures. (Of course you reading that thread is fine. I hope you enjoy some of those adventure tales).
And I suddenly remembered the funniest thing in my flat after what we talking about on that other thread. The drawers in the kitchen are not in the best state of repair. One of them has completely lost the bits of plastic at the side that hold the drawer up. Someone gave me this giant megaphone ages ago. It no longer works as a megaphone, but it's ideal to put in the cupboard under the drawer, to hold it up. The funniest thing was once when my mother went to that drawer for knives and forks and it came crashing down showering cuttlery everywhere, and the megaphone fell out.. She let out a kind of scream.
What's your place like?
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 7, 2008
BTW I've unsubbed from that 'snob' thread, so I won't be able to reply to you there if you post to me.
It's all part of my excessive nervousness at present of getting involved in any sort of 'heatedness' with anyone. That's not appropriate behaviour for someone on probation.
Can I say how much fun it is, talking to you here.
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Apr 7, 2008
A megaphone holding your drawers up! Oh, wow, I am laughing to think of it! (That's great lateral thinking, by the way...)
Our place is a Housing NZ house, it's 50+ years old, cold as a witches tit in winter (that's what my father would have said, not a remark denigrating pagans... ) and some parts of it are in shocking disrepair! (We have a kitchen cupboard that's off its hinges, and the problem is that any repair people they send always act on the assumption that the tenants are pensioners and available any time!) What a nuisance!
But the beauty of the house is its location, in the middle of a suburb that's handy for transport, bus and train, and surrounded by a veritable forest of greenery. There are trees all over our section, planted by a previous tenant long before we'd ever heard of the place - and our neighbour said once, that the old man would be amazed at how enormous all these trees now are...
As I was leaving for work today, I surprised a kitten, who ran for her life as I came out, she'd been sitting on the porch, probably. I wanted to call her back, but I knew I'd only scare her, I've no idea where she lives... I see cats in the backyard, lazing under the trees, but they run if we get close. (Either they belong to the neighbours, or even more likely, they're feral!)
I'd love to have frogs and foxes and herons here, like my friend Tom does in Liverpool, but only the frogs even live in New Zealand, and they're very shy!
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 7, 2008
Hey Vicky, Yes feral cats are something else. I certainly wouldn't one as a pet. It wouldn't be much of a pet. My cat is now 17, and I still love her as much as I ever did. She doesn't hunt much now. She did when she was younger, hunted birds, (thank goodness no blackbirds.
) and mice. She was always very fierce when out in the garden, but never stopped purring and being friendly once she came in doors. I'll be devastated I think when she dies. But I'll get a new kitten I reckon pretty soon.
It's good you have lots of trees where you live. And I reckon you have plenty of wildlife actually. Even stuff like insects are brilliant. Everything is brilliant actually. Animate and inanimate. It's interesting to hear about things in NZ. I've always had a thing about NZ, since reading the Chrysalids.
I think I have that same thing as you about repair men coming when I'm out. My flat is housing association as we call it, ie rented. I have some bloke supposedly coming very early tomorrow to service the heating system. See not everything about me is dead interesting.
I can't tell you how much talking to you here as helped me during this return period when I've felt so ridiculously nervous. You are one of the people I've felt safest with. It's *good* for you to know this considering all the flack you get from people, and plenty from me in the past. And I like you just the way you are. Sorry I kept saying you were like my mother before. You are a bit, but naturally I'm fond of her as well, which I don't talk about. But you are most certainly you, which I like, even if I get cross sometimes. (And I hope that's the last time I have to apologise to you for a while).
Go Lewis! Stick it to Alonso and Massa
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 7, 2008
I've just seen your latest foray into 'those' threads. I can't tell you how good I feel at present keeping away from them.
Take care eh?
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Apr 7, 2008
I feel like keeping away from those threads as well!I will do so, for a while at least, I think.
When I was a child, I had a thing about insects, I used to collect them and study them. We had a heap of what my mother called "slaters" (woodlice) living in our front garden, and also ants!
I like spiders and I've never been frightened of them, and it weirds me out that both Leon and his brother are frightened of insects. I can't understand why, as I didn't bring them up that way!
Yesterday, there was a grasshopper on the outside of the kicthen windpw, watching me do the dishes, at night.. It's unusual for them to come out at night, and yet sometimes, not very often, they come inside! Leon yelps and panics, and I take them outside and put them on the tree that overhangs our front porch...
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 8, 2008
>there was a grasshopper on the outside of the kicthen windpw, watching me do the dishes, at night..<
That's brilliant Vicky...I don't understand why you don't like Monty Python; you could have written for them....
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 9, 2008
Yes, grasshoppers are cute. I get plenty in my garden in the summer. I've always loved them, nearly as much as ants, and caterpillars, and moths and butterflies. I love that sound they make, that most species make by rubbing their back legs against the base of their wings, (that's a territorial message to other grasshoppers, similar to birds singing for similar purposes); and naturally their incredible ability to hop. And they can 'also' fly. Some species tend to come out at day and some at night.
I find all insects absolutely fascinating. When I did my biology degree I did research on a particular species of caddis fly larvae, living in high mountain streams in the Pyrenees, for my thesis. They construct beautiful little cases by means of silk they produce and attach very tiny bits of stones to the silk case to anchor themselves in the fast flowing streams in which they live, and offer some protection from predation by trout which eat them. Looking at the cases through a microscope, they appear almost like mosaics. Different species make their cases out of different materials. They hatch out as caddis flies eventually, much as caterpillars eventually become butterflies.
I've seen HonestIago's reply to you on the 'Not Hating Christians' thread. As a friend I advise you not to get involved in a pointless protracted flame war with him, that will just get both of you angry and miserable. You and I have found a way to get friendly even though we strongly disagree on some subjects. We got to know each other a bit better as 'people', so we can live with our different views now. Once we absolutely couldn't. And I *much* prefer this way to be with you. As I've told you, talking to you here has really helped me after the ban. I won't forget that, Vicky.
Just let it drop as much as you can with HI. You've accepted my categorical insistence on 'no appeasement', as you hopefully, got to like me. That may or may not 'not' be possible for you with HI, for all sorts of complicated reasons. I hardly know him as a person, but I get the impression he is genuinely caring and intelligent person. What I've seen of him, I really like. And maybe you don't realise just how deeply hurtful it can be to be despised for who you love and have sex with. It makes people angry, as it did me before.
I know how much happier now on h2g2 I am in general, in trying to avoid endless aggro that goes *absolutely* nowhere. And I do understand how easy it is to get drawn into things personally. I have it too, you well know.
You know you can *always* talk about how you feel here, if you want. And as I've said, it's not about you necessarily feeling you have to reveal anything personal; but maybe a bit calmer away from the 'heat'?
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Apr 9, 2008
Those caddis flies sound absolutely fascinating, and quite beautiful! Did you actually get to go to the Pyrenees, or did you have to study them long distance?
My ex-mother-in-law hated cabbage white butterflies, and had a bounty on them for her grand-kids (she probably still does!) But it is beyond me to kill an insect, or for my sons...
Occasionally we see Monarch butterflies, but they were threatened a few years back, because MAF (Min of Ag and Fish) was spraying for something called the Painted Apple Moth... the spray killed not only the Monarchs, but the Swan plant they live on.
About HI, I plan to simply not answer him... You're right that it would just become a pointless and awful flame war.
Truly, I don't despise him, or any homosexual person... but I am unhappy about what they do, I really consider it sub-optimal even for their own sake! (I know you don't accept that, and it's fine, really, because I can't really explain it, and until/unless I can, it's reasonable for you/them to take it amiss...)
So, you and I can agree to disagree. I seem to have hurt HI, and I understand why, but there's nothing I can do - he sees me as insincere. He's hurt me as well, but no doubt he thinks that's justified, and from his p.o.v., it probaby is.
So, I shan't continue to argue with him.
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HonestIago Posted Apr 10, 2008
Sorry for interrupting ladies, but I just wanted to make one thing very clear:
>>I seem to have hurt HI, and I understand why, but there's nothing I can do<<
You haven't hurt me. I'm not that sensitive. The reason I continually challenge your views is because all that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to stay silent.
Obviously, I don't consider you to be evil, nor myself to be an especially good man, but I like that quote and it does make my point.
Opinions like yours have to be challenged, because otherwise implicit acceptence is given to them. This probably seems a little draconian, but from my point of view it's justified. Our rights are coming into conflict here - you think your opinion is harmless and that you're entitled to express it. I think your opinion unchallenged is a threat to my fundamental right to live my life with whomever I choose.
I think my right is more important, you think your right is more important. So we bicker.
However, I've said I'm going to leave you alone and I'll stick to that. I'll wait for a response to this post, if one is forthcoming, and then I'll unsub. I have no desire to read a private conversation.
Again, excuse me ladies,
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 10, 2008
Hey no worries HI. Thanks for your politeness. But I realise your message is principally aimed at Vicky. I concur with what you say HI; Vicky knows that and accepts it.
Vicky I really hope you can reply fairly and reasonably to him. I absolutely can't afford to be around a load of aggro at present. I don't want it *here*.
And he says he will unsub after your reply. But even so it would really upset me if it turns nasty, because unlike what HI has said I am personally very *sensitive* about all this.
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 10, 2008
Yes I went to the High Pyrenees with a friend. We camped in the mountains. I just took a load of biology equipment with me, like microscope, dissection kit, formalin, test tubes, ph paper, sampling equipment, etc etc, and of course fishing tackle for catching fish, and a giant net forgotten what that was for, tent, clothes, sleeping bag. I can tell you hacking all the equipment around was pretty tough. I shared bits of the tent with my friend, but it was still completely bonkers. I had no idea what my project would be until I got there and started studying stuff. I just had to improvise. I'm so glad I did.
Monarch butterflies are lovely, well in my butterfly book they are; I've never seen one live, they are very rare here. They migrate huge distances. I found this brilliant image of its amazing caterpillar.
Cabbage whites. I'm amazed you also get them in NZ. Surely introduced? I won't say from the UK, since I got a ticking off the other day for colonial arrogance.
I'd appreciate it if you kept your reply, if any, to HI, in a completely separate post from a reply, if any, to this post Vicky.
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 10, 2008
Actually Vicky having thought more about things I've decided I can no longer speak to you here. The reasons being (1) the fact that I take the probation thing very seriously. If I put a step out of line I'll be permanently banned and (2) this is a public forum and people are fully entitled to post here, which people do periodically. HI was very polite about it, but I still find it difficult, because you have such big problems with so many others I get on with and like. It always seems to create conflict of some sort whenever this happens. I also like you as you know; I've always been a person that enjoys relationships with a wide mixture of people. I find that makes life far more interesting, whatever others may think about my choices.
In the present circumstances and my taking the probation seriously, I find the conflict uncomfortable and difficult *here*. I've explained to you before that I am over sensitive compared to others. But I can't expect people to understand that on an entirely public forum.
If you want to speak to me you are very welcome to email me on the address I use specifically for h2g2.
It is:
[email protected]
And yes I know it's a bit funny But you know I am a bit funny. And you have to make sure you spell it right. But it's entirely up to you of course. I think it makes sense at present.
I don't normally make it public but I'm making an exception. And there really is no problem as I can always change it any time if I need to.
I hope you understand my concerns about things. And of course I have no problem about interacting with you on other more general type threads.
Effers; flying ants
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DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Apr 10, 2008
Aaaaaaaaarrrgghhhhhhhhh! I was composing a reply and the computer wigged out...
Thank you for trusting me with your email address (I don't know if you'll read this but if you do, I want you to know I feel honored.)
Yes, HI was polite and reasonable, and I will answer him elsewhere, if I do, but I have to think about what to say...
Your expedition sounds fun! Yes, I am almost certain that the cabbage whites were imported, a huge number of animals and plants were, some accidentally and some on purpose...
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Effers;England. Posted Apr 10, 2008
Hi Vicky
After noting the early stages of the re-commencement of your relationship with SoRB on *those* threads, and the recent history of things on this remarkable thread, this will be my last post here.
I really have no idea if you understand. But I have a hunch you do. But it's best I'm upfront with you. Some of the dynamics which go on, on h2g2 are very difficult for me. Most people could probably laugh off stuff that I can't, due to my excessive sensitivity. Being like this is good in some ways. I can feel and appreciate some things that others can't. But the difficult side is that things come in on me, more than they do for others, and affect me in a very difficult way. I can usually deal with these difficulties to a degree using my intellect - which is pretty good, if I say so myself. But when it comes to the battle between my strong feelings and my strong intellect sometimes the emotions get the upper hand. And emotions although fun are frequently irrational.
Yes you are truly honoured to get my email address.(Note I'm spelling 'honoured' the English way, unlike the American spelling you used
I very much look forward to getting an email from you. It'll be fun.
PS. You are now on my friends list. So why am I not on your friends list?
Why am I not on your friends list?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Apr 10, 2008
Yes, about the re-commencement of a relationship of sorts, with SoRB, I am gob-smacked! Really! (There never really was a relationship even four years ago, but that I can and he can, exchange words without vitriol makes me very happy!)
Thanks for pointing out my mis-spelling of 'honoured'...
Yes, I fully understand where you are coming from..
H2g2 is making me very nervous today, it's taken me 30 minutes to get back on, it's "error 502-ing" everywhere today!
But if it co-operates, I'm putting you back on the friends list.
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- 241: Effers;England. (Apr 7, 2008)
- 242: Effers;England. (Apr 7, 2008)
- 243: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Apr 7, 2008)
- 244: Effers;England. (Apr 7, 2008)
- 245: Effers;England. (Apr 7, 2008)
- 246: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Apr 7, 2008)
- 247: Effers;England. (Apr 8, 2008)
- 248: Effers;England. (Apr 8, 2008)
- 249: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Apr 9, 2008)
- 250: Effers;England. (Apr 9, 2008)
- 251: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Apr 9, 2008)
- 252: HonestIago (Apr 10, 2008)
- 253: Effers;England. (Apr 10, 2008)
- 254: Effers;England. (Apr 10, 2008)
- 255: Effers;England. (Apr 10, 2008)
- 256: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Apr 10, 2008)
- 257: Effers;England. (Apr 10, 2008)
- 258: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Apr 10, 2008)
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