This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 201


>that you simply can't tell, that people with mental illness are not all the clichéd shambling homeless guys talking to themselves (although I've met those too, who are probably people with a psychosis related to alcohol abuse...) <

Now I know you don't intend being insensitive, but this is just the kind of comment I *don't* like. I *hate*. I've told you I will pull you up on this kind of stuff. (I hope we are good enough friends now, that you'll take notice of me without feeling unduly criticised.)

I truly find such comments hurtful. You're guessing about someone's reasons for falling on hard times in a really contemptuous way. I know what you mean about such people but so what if it's alcohol abuse? You haven't the first clue what horrors they may have been through in their lives to come to this. You've spoken about this before in respect to 'smelly people' at bus stops.

I once spent a few months in a hellish hostel for homeless people in London; no, not as a bloody do-gooding worker, like you've done so much of, but as a homeless person just turfed out of a lunatic asylum. We weren't allowed to stay there during the day, so had to wander the streets.. You learn a lot about not judging people, even if you find them difficult and they make you feel angry. But you get angry for *specific harm* they do to you, not just because you judge them as shambling and pathetic.

You don't begin to know some of the stuff I've been through. And I'm pretty sure if you met me in real life, you'd have nothing but contempt for me, and have a million critical judgemental opinions of me. And had you known me when I was in that hostel, you would most certainly have walked past on the other side, or patronisingly chatted to me and given me some stupid Christian 'Good News' leaflet.

Where does this critical judgemental thing come from?

I'm guessing your mother.

Vicky you don't need to be like this. I get the feeling that *you* are not really like this at heart. That's why some of this stuff you come out with upsets me. I don't think it's really *you* to be like this. I hate it.

And I won't be getting anymore forthcoming with you about myself if you keep coming out with remarks like that. I keep thinking, crikey if Vicky met me, there'd be no end to her condemnation of me. You'd see all the negatives, and none of the positives.

You absolutely should not judge people so much on appearances. All this christian doing good works stuff is meaningless, if you don't *care* in your heart for people, whatever nastiness your mother may have thought.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 202


Vicky I reckon a nervous breakdown might actually do you the world of good. Cut through all this dead brittle spikey stuff, to something more real, that's you.

You know what you'll get from talking to me. More of this type of thing. I'm never going to just chit chat with you. It's only because I really do care about you, whether you see it or not.

Little miss nicky and WG await you for christian chit chat.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 203


What you'll get here is the blackbird song, whether you can hear it or not. smiley - erm

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 204


Goodnight. Somewhat sadly. smiley - erm

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 205


Your stupid insincerity is more than I can deal with. I've explained to you already about my over sensitiveness. I just can't deal with you I'm afraid. Your stupid games are all too much for me.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 206

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Good grief woman, you took my remark about homeless people drinking out of paper bags as being hostile and judgemental, but I meant the precise opposite! Haven't I told you my father was an alcoholic? I know much more about alcoholism than I've ever wanted to know, and from firsthand experience, which is why I avoid alcohol myself...

The only scary person I've ever come across with mental health issues, was a guy I was talking to in a pharmacy while he and I waited for prescriptions - he spoke about himself in the 3rd person, and I honestly wondered if he might be possessed. He scared the living donuts out of me as Leon used to say when he was a child, and he looked perfectly average, which is the point I was making! That one can't judge by appearances.

An example if when I was driving with Garth, to get to the airport to pick someone up, and the muffler fell off the car on a main road. A "seven foot tall Hells Angel" to quote the Australian song, came up to us, and loomed over us, a scruffy Maori guy, and then he said, gruffly "How can I help?" and he did - he and Garth disappeared under the car and somehow tied the muffler back on.

Not judging by appearances, see?

If you turned up here in 6 months, I wouldn't know you were you, if I met you in the street. I'd talk to you if you wanted (as I do to all sorts and types of people) and make no assumptions.

There are at least 3 Human services within half a kilometre of us, and this neighbourhood is very racially mixed.

Not judging by appearances, see?

You've made me very cross with your judgementalism!

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 207

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


What makes you think I *haven't* had one?

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 208


And that post just confirms to me what a lack of heart you really have. You are clearly too stupid to have the first clue what I'm talking about. I really did think there was a heart under all that judgementalness.

You continually give yourself away by the way you speak.

You detest and have contempt for everything I am. You are far worse than my mother I think for your nasty way of speaking about people and judging them.

Your excuses cut no ice with me. You forget just how intelligent I am. You can't get away with pretense with me Vicky. I see through it. I kept thinking there must be more to you than all this insincerity and dishonesty. There isn't.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 209


Vicky I'm only going to respond to any of your posts here from now on if they indicate honesty.

You are upsetting me horribly with your lack of honesty. I absolutely can't stand it. It makes me feel ill, literally. I've told you I'm not like other people.

You'd be much better off chatting endlessly with little miss nicky. I'm wasted on you.

Your brother was well out of it!

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 210

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


I haven't the first idea what you mean by my lack of honesty. I am being honest, and if you don't like it, or don't believe in it, tough.

You just do whatever the hell you please, because you've put yourself beyond the pale with that remark about my brother.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 211


> you've put yourself beyond the pale with that remark about my brother. <

Yes that was my intention.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 212


I read your disgusting post on the What is it about 'God/religion that you object to?' thread. Your hatred and contempt for homosexuals knows no bounds.

You are truly a very, very nasty person towards vulnerable people. I wonder how you live with yourself.

You put *yourself* completely beyond the pale when you come out with this stuff, because you hurt real life alive people, who are more capable of love than you will ever know in your uptight cold, nasty, frigid, little puritanical existence.

You absolutely need to know how hurtful you are all the time with the stuff you come out with. Yeah I really don't know how you live with yourself.

smiley - erm


Post 213


This post has been removed.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 214

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I can't believe what an incredibly horrible person you've turned out to be! You are attacking me where you absolutely know I am most vulnerable.

I am glad I've never told you any of the details about Garth, goodness knows how you'd be using them against me now!

It's just the same as the way you put some snide comment about my mother's misdiagnosis on some thread... How dare you?

You whinge about being vulnerable. Well, I made myself vulnerable to you, and I seriously regret it now.

You've built me in your own deeply self-centered mind, into being some kind of heartless person who won't be hurt whatever you do or say. Well, that's utter bilge. I am hurt, more than I ever was by azahar's pretended friendship - because I never really trusted her. I did trust you, and I can't now.

Don't ever bother talking to me again. Ever. I won't answer you, here or on any thread, no matter what you say to use against you. It's all very well you saying you don't give a toss about your family, that's exactly what I'd expect. But *I do* care about mine.

I can't believe I was ever so foolish as to trust in, and confide in you.


Why am I on your friends list?

Post 215


For the benefit of anyone else reading this thread who will assume I said something awful about Vicky's brother from her response and my now invisible yikesed post. I didn't. There was absolutely no *attacking* of Vicky where she is most vulnerable. Despite what she'll want others to think due to my now yikesed post. Anyone who knows me, knows I would never sink so low as to *attack* someone on such subject. It was an attempt to communicate with Vicky about something 'real'. She knows full well how much I respect something like that because of my own difficulties.

And my only crime is to continue to be ruthlessly honest.

There is nothing untrustworthy in that, or two faced. Painful maybe. Real things often are.


Post 216


This post has been removed.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 217

badger party tony party green party

Down the years one thing has become clear. One of the people on this htreads is incapable of forming healthy relationships with people.

All of her on site friendships degenerate into one of the people calling the other spiteful, hurtful or someother name that indicates something that is not a widely held opinion by other users of the site. This name calling is usually accompanied by unfounded claims about how the other person has caused them more pain then anyone else ever has here.

So far there have been around ten people who have hurt Della more than anyone else.

Still Della is a fantasist and cant help but defend her own stability within in her mixed up emotions other than by attacking others and making them into monsters to explain why yet another relationshi[p has gone tits up.

Della you really need to seek help or atleast disengage from thie site I dont think its doing you any good. I actually agree with your point that being here is painful for you. Why its painful is something we may not agree on but I dont think you will heal from the real traumas in your past, family deaths, abusive relathioships, being forced into having one of your children adopted and goodness knows whatelse if you allow yourself to come here and behave in a way that is going to lead to conflict over and over.

This conversation thread has brought both you and Fanny a lot of pain if hootoo is as bad as you say go away till you feel better but the emotional turmoil of htis place is probably one of possibly other things stopping you getting over real life stuff.

one love smiley - rainbow

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 218


Thanks blicky.

She's hurt me horribly.

Why am I on your friends list?

Post 219

Researcher 1300304


Why am I on your friends list?

Post 220


Vicky I know you won't reply because you've made that clear. But will you please stop being so vicious. It's not funny. I just can't take it psychologically. I know I've said hurtful things about 'sociopath' but that was because I felt so scared.

It's just not in my nature to *really* think that way. I can't keep it up even if I think it briefly. My optimism about people always comes back. I won't listen to people warning me by email that you are just 'playing' with me. I might say stuff in the heat of the moment. But I just can't conceive of someone really being 'it' as 3dots says.

So can you please just be a bit more friendly.

I *literally* can't take any more of you being so vicious and nasty. There's too many reminders of horrible suffering from when I was younger. You have managed to get under my skin because I refused to listen to all the warnings about you.

Can't you give me some respect for that.

Seriously Vicky I *am* a very vulnerable person emotionally. You maybe don't know what you're doing to someone like me. So *please* can you just be a bit more friendly. I just can't handle it. I'm sorry if I've hurt you.

Effers. smiley - ant

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