Journal Entries
Posted Jul 20, 2007
Well I just finished enrolling in my courses for September. Huzzah! It's a nasty schedule but there's nothing I can do about it. At least I have what I need (mostly).
I had to stay home from babysitting to do this and I was planning on cleaning up afterwards but I think I may change that plan and go back to bed. I definitely don't feel as sick as I did yesterday (which was a nasty but nice day), but I also didn't have to get up at six this morning and it's only ten now so we'll see how it is when I have to start moving around. It might be a good idea not to clean up today.
Anyways, course enrollment is now out of the way! Yippee!!
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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2007
Oh happy happy happiness!
Posted Jul 15, 2007
I'm at home!!!!!
I'm home for the weekend. I'm in my own room, sitting at MY coputer which is on MY desk in front of MY chair. And I'm going to sleep in MY bed!!!!!!!!!
I came home because this is the only weeked my cousin-in-law / bestest friend has a day off. So I came here Saturday morning (it's now Sunday morning, 1:37am) and she's gone to bed because she has to work tomorrow. (Even though I've been trying to convince her to call in sick. I even made a poster and a logo and drew pictures! And she NEVER takes time off and was told she couldn't even though almost everyone else there is taking weeks at a time. She's supposed to wait until September.) It's so good to see her because we haven't seen each other aaalllll summer and even before summer we didn't get to see each other or talk much because so much was going on.
Anyways, tomorrow I will wake up in MY room. I will have a shower and then wash MY other set of blankets (because I want everything to be clean when I come home in September) and clean MY room with MY little tiny vacuum!
It's so nice to be in my own space. It's also kind of weird.
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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2007
Looky looky...
Posted Jul 6, 2007
I drawed a picture!
'Twas fun.
It used to just be this:
But then I put more.
You can click on the picture to make it bigger. Fun times.
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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2007
Happy Canada Day!
Posted Jul 1, 2007
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Latest reply: Jul 1, 2007
Home, Cleaning, Roxy Music, Stir-fry and Tom Waits
Posted Jun 25, 2007
That's pretty much my day so far.
I was out last night, got back here at about quarter after eleven this morning. Then I went with my dad to take my mom to work, we came home and cleaned up, made nachos, watched a Roxy Music dvd. We began watching Jethro Tull then I fell asleep, we went to pick up my mom (listening to Concrete Blonde), got back and I watched my nephew for a bit, then my dad and I made supper while listening to Tom Waits. We also had to clean up again. The kitchen was a HUGE mess. Then I did all the cleaning up after dinner... Which worked out to about 4 sinks worth of dishes... Because no one else can do anything. I was cleaning long enough to get through all of Rebuild the Wall (Luther Write and the Wrongs, hilarious country version of The Wall, "if ya don't eat your meat ya can't have any chicken) and part of The Levellers. Sooo much cleaning.
And on going dog stuff. Ben has decided that he can't walk down the stairs anymore.
Good weekend, but kind of frustrating day. There's more to it than that... But I'm not going to complain too much.
"Golly! What a spread. Are all them yer gee-tars?"
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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2007
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