Journal Entries

Randy rabbits and manic moves

Update time!

So I'm now officially "moved in" to the new apartment. Yesterday was my first full day here as a resident but I came to stay the night before.

Yerosmiley - bunny joined me last night and he is settling quite nicely so far. He came early (without Elphaba) because he has hit PUBERTY!smiley - yikes He constantly assaults his toy rat, Ratticus, and attacked my dog.smiley - cross He is getting comfortable here so I can get him neutered with as little stress as possible and Elphaba can move in after he's all healed up.

Yesterday I got two goldfish and in the not-to-distant future I'm going to get bala sharks (in a different tank). My cousin got two oscars and a very lovely placo that are happily swimming around his aquarium in the livingroom. And Squeakerssmiley - cat and Killersmiley - cat (who we've adopted from another cousin because he and his wife have moved in with my grandfather) are very much at home here, which Kitty doesn't like. This apartment is full!

I went out and applied to work at a chocolate shop today.smiley - drool (Won't jaz'd be jealous!smiley - winkeye) And I'm still waiting to here from universities.

Anywho, I've probably forgotten something but it'll come back to me.

How's everyone else?smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Mar 24, 2006

Just when you think things are getting better...

My grandmother died this morning.smiley - cry

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Latest reply: Feb 26, 2006

Update on me...

Hello all! How goes?

Here's an update on me...

I am going to the optometrist tomorrow and I probably need glasses (nothing new there), bunny is going to see a special vet tomorrow and my wallet weight will dramatically decrease. I am not too bad at the moment so I thought 'twas a good time to write a journal entry and I will tell everyone how the appointments go after I finish with them.smiley - winkeye

smiley - ok

How is everybody?smiley - hug

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Latest reply: Feb 21, 2006

Craving attention...

Somebody pay attention to meeeeee.... smiley - somersault

*waiting for attentive friends to rush in*

Ask me questions... Tell me what's new with you... Anything!!!

I got a needle today.smiley - wah It wasn't too bad though. The worst part was that it cost me just under $60.

My bunny is being a punk about his new antibiotic even though it is strawberry syrup flavoured. I think he knows that he's getting fixed as soon as his infections are gone.smiley - evilgrinsmiley - laugh

Watch me dive!!!!

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2006

I wrote this at work this morning...

I am writing this at work on a piece of purple paper.
I will post this when I get home tonight. (I actually went out for dinner when I got home but I'm posting it now, so that's better than nothing.smiley - tongueout)
I am working for my mom again today, as I have all month, and I'm in a whole lot of pain!

I'm annoyed because I've again been told that I'm "too young to have knee problems". smiley - grrI was told this by someone who doesn't know me or anything about me. She is the lady who did *most* of my parents tatoos as well as my sisters tatoo. I met her for the first time when I saw her do one of my dad's tatoos and have seen one other time between then and today.

Before she dismissed me as being "too young" she told mesmiley - zen that I should sit on the chair under the metal pyramid. I really don't think sitting under a pyramid is going to do too much good. Especially since my knee doesn't always think sitting is a fun way to be.smiley - erm Besides, I *do* sit in that chair quite often so I can see both doors while I read and guess what... It does NOTHING good for my knee!!!

She then accused me of "wanting the pain".
What the smiley - bleep???
There is not a lot you can smiley - bleeping do when you have chronic knee pain!smiley - groan You cannot command it to go away or smiley - magic it away. The knee is the boss and it sucks! I find it extremely insulting for someone to come along and say that I "want the pain" when they have NO IDEA what it feels like.smiley - cross
Somedays (like today) I'm surprised that I'm not constantly screaming and crying with pain. The first week or two that I hurt it I was and it's worse now because my right knee and hip have decided to protest. But you do learn to cope pretty quickly.smiley - erm

Then I got the too young comment.
Too young to have knee problems?
Well I must be smiley - magical because I smiley - bleepin' do!


I am in a much better mood now because I went out for dinner.
smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Jan 24, 2006

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