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Happy Birthday H2G2 , oh, and I'm not dead by the way!

Happy Birthday Hootoo! smiley - cakesmiley - bubblysmiley - cheesecakesmiley - wow
Is it really 4 years now?smiley - bigeyes It means I've been here nearly 2. A great thing from a little idea (well DNA's big idea really!) has grown.

It's an amazing community, and I love it to bits. I've been off line for a bit, but that don't mean I'm not interested.smiley - smiley

I'll have to do a proper update entry to fill in my gap. It's been "interesting"...... if you "enjoy" ill healthsmiley - ill

Meanwhile... Party on Dudes!smiley - discosmiley - bubbly

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2003


Yesterday (20th Jan) was my Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary. They've been married 41 years. They have been saying that you do less time for murder in this country, and they've been saying it for years. It's an awesome thought that they have been married all that time and that they married so young. They have raised 2 children, now in their late 30s (very in my case) who are happy in the main, not overly dysfunctional and they have a good life. Right now they are off skiing in the US - they will be 61 and 62 on their birthdays this year. Not bad at all. They are still happy, as far as I can tell. smiley - smiley

I am 1 year younger than their marriage. It is now less than 3 weeks to that birthday.
a) I have never been married - although I got engaged once - a very bad move. It died a death mercifully.
b) Neither my sister, who is married, or I have produced any children.
I'm not sure what I'm thinking here. Just thinking I guess.

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Latest reply: Jan 21, 2003

So here it is.........

Merry Christmas, Everybody's having fun!......... smiley - santasmiley - reindeersmiley - xmastree

Well, I wouldn't go that far. My lunchtime foray to the shops was somewhat disastrous, in that I couldn't get a lot of what I was after. Sorry Mum, you'll just have to get an IOU. If only you'd told me sooner than yesterday (22nd!) what you wanted.smiley - erm

Town was mad, people everywhere, and money being spent at a rate of knots. I got back to work tired, hungry and thirsty. After I've done this, I'm going home. I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to login tomorrow, so here it festive message (well if the Queen and Sharon Osborne can do then so can I!).

Merry Christmas everybody, peace on earth (we can hope)smiley - peacedove and good will to all men (again,we can hope). Live Long and Prosper, and keep your hurdies warm. I am wishing hard for snowsmiley - snowball, but, my mystic powers aren't that good *sigh*. Don't do anything I wouldn't at the Scottish Christmas Meet , and if you do........... tell me all about it!smiley - winkeye

Tonight my man arrives, and we will have almost a fortnight together. I'm looking forward to it, I've missed him, and he's missed mesmiley - loveblushsmiley - smooch

Viva christmas! Viva New Year! Have fun! smiley - smiley

Rock on in Peace Joe Strummer. You will be missed.

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Latest reply: Dec 23, 2002

The English House Buying System II

The evil nasty double crossing vendors haven't signed for their new place yet, their vendor hasn't completedsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh. Serves 'em right.
Alas, still no news on accommodation for my mansmiley - erm. Our New Year plan is probably not going to happen for ussmiley - blue. Still we should get Christmas as we planned itsmiley - smiley. It could be worse.

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Latest reply: Dec 16, 2002

The English House Buying System Sucks!

My man is/ was buying a house (in England...). He was due to sign on the 13th December (a friday). On mon 2nd December, his vendor (a friend) phoned to say that, if he (my beloved) could not sign on 13th, they had a cash buyer who would. The vendors were assured that thunderbirds were go, for the signing on the 13th. A quick call to his solicitor confirmed the fact. Just awaiting the receipts and guarantees for the reinstatement work post flooding. "No problem" he was told.
Next day Tuesday 3rd December (10 days presigning) his solicitor phoned, somewhat gobsmacked with the news.... the friend vendors had sold to the cash buyer....smiley - huh 3 weeks before Christmas. Merry smiley - bleeping Christmas my friend! There is no redress. He now has a big solicitor's bill coming, nowhere to move to and may well be homeless from the 13th December, although his friends, that he is staying with, will not throw him out. However, this has gone on for 6 months. He wants a home to live in.
So far he hasn't been able to get anywhere to rent or buy (but that would be too late for Christmas/New Year anyway). This is the worst time of the year to try and get accommodation. I am in Scotland, 300 miles away, so a temporary move to mine would not solve the problem, except for the holidays.

Words fail me when it comes to the behaviour of his so called friends, as they have his other friends who know about this. They are horrified and disgusted. He stuck with these vendor friends for 6 months even though he could have refused to go ahead after the flooding, but he didn't. He liked the house, AND they were his friends.

Hopefully something will be sorted for him sooner rather than later. The good thing is, he lives in a small village, their behaviour will come back to them, once the word spreads. Hopefully in spades. Very big spades. smiley - grr

The English house buying system sucks.

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Latest reply: Dec 9, 2002

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