This is the Message Centre for Pandora...Born Again Tart

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 941

Floh Fortuneswell

Thank you, mari smiley - smooch

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 942

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Nice philosophy, mari-rae. smiley - ok

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 943


smiley - cheers Floh!

Where'd Pandora go? *Looks in her closet and is stunned by the stunning display of gowns and shoes in there. No Pandora, though.*

smiley - erm Want to play dress up?? smiley - devil

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 944

Floh Fortuneswell

Is this a rhetorical question?

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 945


*Shoves a diamond and ruby tiara on her head and begins looking through the racks of shimmering gowns.*


smiley - biggrin

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 946

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

What is this thing with you girlies about borrowing each other's clothing?

Bassman smiley - cool

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 947

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Gosh, I bet Pandora's gowns are
beautiful. smiley - smiley Just like she is. smiley - biggrin

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 948


*Holds one gown up to show Paul. It is the color of mist and almost as weightless. There are tiny diamonds carefully sewn on in a scattering pattern across the gown.*

What do you reckon?? smiley - biggrin

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 949

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

I just love being ignored.... It gives me an enormous sense of.... Normality

Bassman smiley - cool

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 950

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Bassman, if you're not busy, you
could try on that gown that's like
mist with little diamonds sewn on
in a scatter pattern.

Or, maybe you'd prefer to wear the
black one with all the flounces and
lace. I understand that J. Edgar Hoover
liked to wear that style to parties. smiley - smiley

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 951


Bassman... it's fun!

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 952


*Thinks that Bassers might be taking the fun a tad too far*

I don't think that Mari meant for you to try on Pan's underwear though Bassers and especially with that colour lipstick! smiley - yikessmiley - cdouble

Somehow it doesn't quite go with the leather biker's jacket me old fruit... smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 953

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

If you're gonna go with leather, I say
go all the way. Anybody see a leather gown
in there? smiley - huh

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 954


*Rummages around in the cupboard and produces a voluminous red leather gown, which she chucks at Paul*

Fortunately the sides are merely laced up so there's lots of room to accommodate your physique Paul... smiley - biggrin

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 955

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - zoom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - starCRASHsmiley - star
smiley - weirdgotta' practice those landings.

...*rubs fists into her eyes...blinks...*smiley - headhurtsWhat are you people doing in that closet?!?smiley - crossWhat on earth is wrong with you?!?...*stomps past where everyone is holding up bejewled gowns and leather whot-nots...opens a large temeperture controled walk-in closet...* smiley - biggrinThis is the good stuff!
smiley - ermYou guys have no fashion sense whatsoever.smiley - puffThat's
all Last Year's stuff!...*reaches in and twirls around holding a
teal green strapless gown with matching shawl, with teal ballet slippers tied to the satin hanger...*Now THIS'll getcha' into any club! ...*holds it up...*see how it criss-crossed fron the shoulders to the top of the butt-cleavage. smiley - bigeyesThat's style.
...*dons the matching teal and gold half veil with the dragonfly hold-me-on...*smiley - bubblyChampagne? All 'round? There's some
cheese and apple pie in the mini fridge. smiley - bigeyesLet's chow & you can all pick out your favorite gowns. Mari & I can modle them for you.
smiley - biggrin There is a 'gents dressingroom' right over there. If you like black tails or biker stuff. smiley - biggrin Just happen to have several 'gentally'
worn items on the rack. smiley - whistle

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 956

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!


Lay off me - have you never heard of the Rocky Horror Picture Show


"You asked nothing of me, and I gave it to you in abundance"

Bassman smiley - cool

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 957

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - smoochHi Bassers.
You may as well be howling at the moon. Gwennie's on a trip.
So, she'll probably not pick on you for sometime.
smiley - angelI have no idea where she even got the idea to pick on you. smiley - whistle

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 958


*Squeezes into a creamy ivory satin shift that clings here and there; strappy 3" sandals; and clips a diamond butterfly barrette in her hair. Throws on her favorite cardigan and helps herself to the applepie and cheese.*

smiley - biggrin Thanks, Pan!

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 959

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - cheersAnytime mari. Hope the pie's alright. It always comes out a bit tart when I make it. smiley - winkeye

The Pandora Fan Club!

Post 960

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Born-again tart, perhaps? smiley - winkeye

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