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Time, that is. and money, too, no doubt smiley - shrug

Hospital appointment yesterday.
Got to it, and then found out what the appointment was for... no test, no scan, no bloods, just an app with a nurse, in bone clinic.

"How many times have you fallen recently?" smiley - huh
"how many bones have you broken?" smiley - huh

never, and none whatsoever, of course, but. really. smiley - shrug

So, the vast vast majority of people with osteoporosis, and osteopenia, are elderly, very elderly, and useually very unsteady on their feet, but. really?- Nope, I look like none of these smiley - laugh

observent this nurse. smiley - yawn

Nurse then says how they want to do a repeat blood test on me, repeating the one from last year, on bone turnover. Which is fine with me, although as soon as she starts mentioning it, I begin thinking they might have wrote to me beforehand.

Because, its a fasting blood test, that has to be done early morning, and for which I must withhold taking some of my suppliments, namely calcium, until after the test.
So. I can't do the test whilst there as it is nearly 4 PM, and I'm not in the fasted state.

C O M M U N I C A T I O N smiley - grr

So. a complete waste of time, nurse did not examine me, did not give me the results of the test I had a year ago. and, as I wasn't fasted, and as it was too late in the day I couldn't have the blood test.

No advice about my fractured spine, although I did try asking her, in terms of exercise with it... smiley - shrug

She did mention again my needing medication at some point; again she mentioned the drugs I've told them I refuse to take. smiley - shrug

Head. wall. smiley - grr

In otter news my sleep is terrible again, so I'm re-trying taking melatonin, which I'm not sure is helping; last night took some, and slept, maybe nearly 2 hours in total. smiley - sleepy

Going to buy a new mattress in case that helps.

In otter otter news. Still not resolved the misprescription of my medication by hospital, so not sure yet If they'll fix in time for my next testosterone injection. - officially easier now for me to precure my medication on the black market smiley - shrugsmiley - yawn - but we did go to GP surgery yesterday, to attempt sort out the mess-up manually and without Dr intervention as Dr can't intervein without getting it wrong or incorrect smiley - groan

New clinic app with endocrinology, at end of October; I'm now on the final consultant at the hospital they have left. all the otters I've seen there have subsequently left the hospital, cept one, who's retiring soon.
smiley - erm
I'm giving up going gentle on the consultants. so this one might not last as long as the others. smiley - evilgrin
smiley - yawn

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Latest reply: Sep 26, 2019


smiley - crysmiley - wahsmiley - grr

7 weeks until my next testosterone injection. 3 weeks since the last one. 3 weeks of administrative smiley - bleep ups, as the hospital fail to correctly write a letter to my GP.
Letter 1; tells GP I have an injection every 12 months. smiley - huh
Letter 2, following E-Mail exchanges between me and specialist nurse, Dr re-writes letter, to say 12 weeks. Dr fails to send letter, only updates it on online hospital MyChart account thing. smiley - grr
Now writing again back to specialist nurse, to try persuade the Dr (who I've never seen), to
a) look at my hospital records,
b) acknowledge I'm a (sort of) human, and that aafter 4 years of blood tests, my interval between injections is set at 10 weeks, not the 'default 12 weeks).
C) remember a letter needs to be received by the intended recipient, so, oddly, has to be sent to them smiley - headhurts

William has also been spending the morning trying to sort out a future appointment of his own at hospital, for a regular six--monthly scan he has,- they'd forgotten to book it, but had requested it - judging by his nurses E=-mail reply, this smiley - bleep up, had extended to not just him, but every other patient in the entire department smiley - rofl

Its astonishing anyone ever walks out alive from a hospital smiley - shrug

In otter news, I got 4 hours sleep last night smiley - wow first sleep for four nights smiley - ermsmiley - shrug

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2019


100% mental and 100% manual handling. smiley - erm results that is, for the courses to do with work smiley - yawnsmiley - yawn in otter news, now studying for my fitness instructor gym based, course, albeit without the course manual as they can't seem to provide it to me accessibly... so I'm just learning my way through the course silibus… smiley - zen already seem to be getting over pass mark on past exam papers, without having studied it all yet smiley - laughsmiley - whistle

in otter news, its too hot for me to exist again. melting cooked a massive curry last night smiley - drool

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Latest reply: Aug 26, 2019


Everyything seems war at the moment. apparently the uk has declaired war with Europe, well, I assume that is the function of calling it a war cabinate, for 'sorting out brexit' smiley - snork just a pity the sorter-outer's, couldn't organise anything if they tried.

In otter news, oncology clinic appointment today, I'm on once-yearly check-ups now, for oncology, so first for a while. We've already done the bloods they requested, whilst I was in hospital last week, for the cardiology check-up. Cardiologist was rather helpful; also asked if I wanted any other bloods done whilst she was putting her's on to the 'system'- oncology bloods wehre already there, so she added the heart-related bloods, and I asked her to throw in electrolytes, TSH, T3 and T4 (thyroid). - Thyroid results show that without medication my TSH is normal, and T3 and T4 are low; but not very* low; the active one, T3, in particular is higher than it was whilst I was on medication smiley - huhsmiley - shrug

One of the main gym PT's has declaired war; a few weeks back I did the squat challange; just body-weight squats; I could do 56 in 60 seconds. The smiley - bleep an ex-pro rudgby player, has only gone and done 57.

OK. war. I'm practising for 60 squats in 60 seconds, and I'm so close now I think.

Additionally, because winning isn't enough; I need to crush him at the same time; I'm perfecting single leg squats; also called piston squats; but using my ninja like balance, doing them with no support just standing on the floor smiley - zen - I can now so nearly get parallel on both my left and right legs. - I'm pretty sure he won't have my ninja balance and composure to do them smiley - evilgrin - of course I've been practising them at home, whilst wearing a dress, so do them like a single legged curtsy natch. smiley - divasmiley - evilgrinsmiley - handbag

The otter outcome of the meeting with cardiology, is they are going to start investigating the operation I'll eventually need for my enlarged aorta; current thinking is, that, due to my hormone treatment, namely steroids, plus my osteoporosis/osteopenia, I'll probably not be able to have the operation, which, of course, means, eventually just dieing from it smiley - shrug - but we will see what their surgin says/comes back with. smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Jul 31, 2019


As in a break/holiday away, not a misfortune with my leg on the BoSU smiley - laugh

Back Sunday. Visiting a beer festavil Friday, and hoping to catch up with one or two friends whilst there on Thursday, Saturday nights smiley - zensmiley - alesmiley - diva - will be interesting now, with my mega-clever watch, to see just how far we do walk whilst away; a lot I think, but now we'll know smiley - wow - I tested the step tracker the other night; I counted 100 paces; the watch got it spot on, as 200 steps (it counts each foot moving forward as one step, not as I thought it might, by each pace; just counting one leg) smiley - weird Most steps to date, just 'ordinary walking about' whilst here in Cambridge, is 18000, though that was a day we walked out to the university sports ground/gym, plus did ordinary walking, I'm thinking we oughta hit over 20000 steps each day we're away; heck walking to the rail station here, oughta be about 3000 steps, and that's 'no distance', well, about 2 miles I guess from here smiley - weirdsmiley - magic right, must finish packing, and then search the fridge for things we must use up before we go, smiley - runsmiley - chef

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2019

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