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Number Six is not a myth

Post 21



I can think of lots of people who are married to non-h2g2 people and sitll come along, Caerwynn, Mol, Agapanthus, Teuchter, etc....

Still would a daytime activity make married people more likely to come along?

Number Six is not a myth

Post 22

McKay The Disorganised

I was very tempted last year when there was a London Walk - but thats just my history button being pressed.

Maybe its just me then, but I find it very hard to legitimately say I'm off for the day to do something that no-one else in the family is interested in. (though of course me and the lad have our season tickets....)

smiley - cider

Number Six is not a myth

Post 23


Just in the interests of absolute and chilly accuracy, my husband is an h2g2 person, but he is a very quiet shy one who spends 99% of his limited time on H2G2 over in Peer Review being helpful. He didn't come to the Meet because he had other commitments and by the time he got back to London it was 8pm and he was knackered and headache-stricken. But he and I do have our separate friends and neither of us have a problem with ourselves or each other doing our own thing with our own friends.

Number Six is not a myth

Post 24

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I think there isn't a single reason why people don't attend; from what I've seen the common reasons are work, expene, travelling distance/times/cost to London, family comitments at the weekend, and then a few 'meet' related issues; such as people wantitng to keep their online anonamusness and people wondering if they are too 'new' to come along and meet people they might not that well know, amongst others smiley - ermsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - run

Number Six is not a myth

Post 25

Mu Beta

It's quite sad, but Harry Potter was actually quite a big factor in my decision to miss this one.


Number Six is not a myth

Post 26

Number Six

That's what we said smiley - tongueout You could have read it on the train, after all...

smiley - mod

Number Six is not a myth

Post 27

Mu Beta

I wouldn't have taken the train - I usually drive down.


Number Six is not a myth

Post 28

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Dont you have to pay the congestion charge then?

Number Six is not a myth

Post 29

Mu Beta

Not if I sleep at Serephina's. In Croyden.


Number Six is not a myth

Post 30

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - evilgrin So you missed the meet to read that 'book'? smiley - yikessmiley - run

Number Six is not a myth

Post 31


Well if you wanted to know what was kicking off with Harry Potter, you could have checked out this site -

It gives you all the key plot events in three pages. You can read it in less than 10 minutes flat smiley - ok

Number Six is not a myth

Post 32

Number Six

That is *so* tempting. I'm meaning to buy the book whenever I get round to it - I'm interested but not so interested as to know if it's if it's available in paperback yet or only out in hardback. And I'm a pretty quick reader so it shouldn't take me *that* long to get through.

But I'm curious enough to go and have a look and find out. And I know that's going to take the edge off reading the book. So I must resist!

Damn these consultants...

smiley - mod

Number Six is not a myth

Post 33

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

smiley - laugh

Number Six is not a myth

Post 34

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

<< But he and I do have our separate friends and neither of us have a problem with ourselves or each other doing our own thing with our own friends >>

Sounds like a marriage made in heaven, Agapanthus.smiley - ok

Pity my last husband didn't feel like that.

smiley - galaxy

Number Six is not a myth

Post 35

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*from the backlog*

Z said: <>

smiley - erm

There was.

I know, I was there, I took photos, I met Marvin. I goggled at Zahod's costume and stood in the cherry-picker which took Arthur and Slartibartfast through the smiley - planetfactory floorsmiley - mars

So did Metal Chicken, Phil, B'Elana, Mazin' Mad Fiddle, Ged, Dusk and Croz.

smiley - galaxy

Number Six is not a myth

Post 36


There's no congestion charge at the weekend and parking in some of central London is free after lunchtime on Saturday and for all of Sunday. I always drive up and park quite close.
smiley - bluefish

Number Six is not a myth

Post 37

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Bother - did I miss a meet - has RL really got in the way that much smiley - cross I guess that puts PF and I in similar boats smiley - erm

Glad it sounds like you all had fun smiley - biggrin

Number Six is not a myth

Post 38


I sometimes think I should give up having a Real Life (such as it is)... smiley - winkeye

Number Six is not a myth

Post 39

Lighthousegirl - back on board

It does rather get in the way does it not!

Number Six is not a myth

Post 40

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - ermsmiley - huh wats a 'real life'? smiley - winkeye

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