This is the Message Centre for GreyDesk

Creeping Limits

Post 21

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - yikes! You cant call the person formally knows as Gosho, OJ - I will get way way way too confused coz in my mind he is not OJ my other half is smiley - erm and if I am confused others will be to and the gossip will start ...

I am very lucky with my broadband - I have unlimited and for free - well work pays so its more or less the same thing smiley - smiley

As to supermarkets ... Sainsburys for the basics, independents when we can - the problem is time and them not beeing open so late. My two favourites are an Italian Deli and a Health food store. I also go to Waitrose quite a lot - they stock a good range for those of us with food allergies - special breads that actually taste good etc ...

Creeping Limits

Post 22

I'm not really here

I just can't stand Tesco. If that makes me shallow I don't care, but I've worn second hand clothes for most of my life and I don't care about that. I've just got a thing against buying any value or cheap stuff. Probably to do with being brought up and being 'forced' to always buy on the cheap because we had no money has made me want a step up from that for my family.

Creeping Limits

Post 23


Ooh how odd, I grew up being forced to buy the cheap stuff, and now I look at the expensive stuff and think of how much futher my mother could have made the money go and feel guilty for spending the extra money.

Creeping Limits

Post 24

I'm not really here

My mum used to be sad that my cousins would get around £100 each spent on them each christmas and she could barely manage £100 between four of us. So I imagine I'm living her dream. smiley - winkeye

Creeping Limits

Post 25


Doesn't work for me. If my parents knew what an extragent lifestyle I lead (I'm only a student, but my total income for the year is about half what they live on for a family of four) they would say 'stop being extravagent and give us some of that spare money'.

Creeping Limits

Post 26

I'm not really here

Aren't families strange? My parents never let me pay for anything, even though I'm pretty sure I've got more money than them.

Creeping Limits

Post 27

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

i know nothing about tesco's products, but i know that the german hard discounters here leke Ed, lidl, leader price, carry some items at rock bottom prices that are amazingly good. examples: a dark german beer, different cakes, beans in tomato sauce, all better in my opinion than any french brand at any price. the real surprise is their canned ravioli: now normally i wouldn't eat canned ravioli if it was the last can in the cupboard, but these, with a little cheese grated on top and heated up in the oven, could be served in a restaurant; that's how good they are!

Creeping Limits

Post 28

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Lidl is a surpisingly good idea for wine. Most of the supermarkets have no idea whe it comes to decent German wine, but Lidl just imports the stuff that Germen people drink.

smiley - ale

Creeping Limits

Post 29


German wine sales in the UK never recovered after it was shown that their neighbours, the Austrians, were putting anti-freeze in the wine to make it taste better. Since then the market trend in wine consumption in the UK has been towards large bodied red wines - Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot sort of thing - which are grape varieties that do not grow successfully in the German climate.

All that said, I still wouldn't go anywhere near a Lidl store. They're full of chavs and poor people smiley - yuk

Creeping Limits

Post 30

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Right now I probably fall into the 'poor person' bracket, but I know what you mean. Go early Saturday morning when they're still all in bed.

smiley - ale

Creeping Limits

Post 31

Lighthousegirl - back on board

You mean as GD would be?

Creeping Limits

Post 32

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I am with Telewest on the 2mbps connection.

Not the cheapest but far and away the best broadband I have ever had and I highly reccomend it.

30gig a month???? I often do that in just over a week.

Creeping Limits

Post 33

McKay The Disorganised

Some of you people have too much time on your hands.

smiley - cider

Creeping Limits

Post 34


We don't sit there and watch the traffic counter tick away you know. I go off and do something else whilst I'm waiting. It can take hours and hours to get a full download of somethings.

Creeping Limits

Post 35


As a strange person who still uses a dial up connection and finds it adequate for my needs I don't really get that. I really can live with waiting for h2g2 pages to arrive.

Some *ahem* high resolution pictures, take ages to download, but frankly I'm not spending extra money to look at that sort of website..

When I lived in the sort of house that had a home network back in the days when not everyone had a home network, we had a Telewest Broadband account 1MB, and very good it was too! It was certainly faster than all of the limited broadband connections that everyone seems to be using now.

Creeping Limits

Post 36


I received the threatening letter from Wanadoo today.

It says, cut back on your activity or else!

Creeping Limits

Post 37

Number Six

Lor lumme! Sounds a bit Allan Border to me.

Or else what, anyway?

smiley - mod

Creeping Limits

Post 38


Allan Border?

Creeping Limits

Post 39

Have a look at this website, it's pretty good for finding the best deal around in your area.

Creeping Limits

Post 40

Number Six

Sorry, I lapsed into rhyming slang...

Allan Border > Out of order

smiley - mod

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