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Creeping Limits

Post 41


They will cancel my contract and chop me off from the web if I ever go above a 40Gb transfer limit again.

I think I'll be OK with that. It does mean obviously that I'm going to have to shut off Shareaza for much of the time. I'm just going to have to learn to be less generous with what I offer up for upload.

Creeping Limits

Post 42


I thought it was me - googled "Allan Border" and couldn't figure out what he had to do with creeping limits... smiley - erm

Must be nice to be able to get broadband GD smiley - envy

Creeping Limits

Post 43


Tefkat, I know you live out in the back end of beyond, and then a bit. But can you *still* not get broadband there?

I was sure that BT announced some thingy a few months ago, saying that they were massively increasing the maximum distance that a subscriber could be from one of its exchanges for broadband access issues.

Creeping Limits

Post 44


Have you looked at you can specifically search for broadband providers without limits in your area.

Creeping Limits

Post 45



Excuse me - I was hysterical for a moment there. We're only about 4 miles from the exchange but we can't even have a phone conversation without getting cut off several times, more than half the time when someone rings me they get "BT Answer" telling them I'm not available (when I'm sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring) and we have to put up with dax (or is it dacs?) units because they don't have any spare lines. BT CLAIM it's because the council won't let them dig up the road...

Apparently we could have Home Highway if they had any spare lines

Creeping Limits

Post 46


Apparently we could get "midband" if they had any spare lines, but since we're still putting up with dax units because they can't be bothered to install any that isn't likely in the near future. We were supposed to get broadband by February this year but they still haven't even managed to give us a reliable voice service and they say they have no duty to provide a data service.

Creeping Limits

Post 47


Oops! Sorry. It told me it hadn't posted and I hadn't copied it to the clipboard so I tried to paraphrase. smiley - blush

Creeping Limits

Post 48


I take it a 40GB transfer is something quite enormous, something most regular internet users wouldn't reach? Just asking because I also have broadband/adsl with Wanadoo and I find it works very well. There have been the occasional glitches but I'm told that Telefonica (the Spanish equivalent of BT) is much slower.

My main complaint with Wanadoo is that they occasionally shut down certain areas to 'improve service' without warning, so then I suddenly find myself with no internet connection for a day.


Creeping Limits

Post 49


Forty gigs is quite a large amount of data. But if one watches a load of streaming media, and gets into P2P, then it quickly adds up.

Certainly I can see more and more people making it up to those sort of levels of activity as time progresses.

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