This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 League of Super Powers

The Great Library

Post 61

Tony2Times/Prof. Chaos

*Wanders into the library and takes a seat by the fire. Takes off his gauntlet and picks up a graphic novel to read while he smokes his pipe.*

A month ago I ordered Batman: Year One, the graphic novel, from Amazon once I discovered it could be ordered from there. However it was to take two weeks to import and while passing Forbidden Planet near me, I went in and perused the comics. While there I saw a new comic book series by Frank Miller, Batman and Robin: The Boy Wonder, the first two issues were both on sale.

These are the first two comics I have ever bought and I'm rather looking forward to the next issue, sadly this looks like it will take a while as they were meant to have one a month, but in four months two have come out and this month has seen a re-issue of the first copy with uncoloured sketches and the script that was written by Miller.

Still, I now am more fully affiliated with comics having bought them and its quite nice to do so, though I didn't realise how corny they were, still it seems to be a charm.

The last time I was in Forbidden Planet I managed to find Batman: Year One, a hardback version too, for £13 so I just had to buy it seeing as Amazon had e-mailed me two days before to say they could not find it. I have only read a little but now that my semester is over at university (well, technically not until exams finish in January but the terms finished) I'll have time to read it all. So far it seems pretty good and keeps up with the dark, adult and complex psychology that other characters, such as many Marvel faces, lack.

The Great Library

Post 62


Alex Ferrous: *Walks up and says hi to all.*
*walks back out "for a breather"*
smiley - whistle
*comes back into the room in his Grey Swordsman costume/suit*

then adds, "Are you the one-they call Professor Chaos? Say, do you like bashing stuff in?"

*Holding a vintage copy of an old issue of The Spirit*

*Shows deswtructive potential by quickly curling into a ball while sprouting spikes and then going back again.*

"If you think that part's handy, check these out."
}Snikt!{ }Snikt!{

"Pretty neat, huh?"

The Great Library

Post 63


"And," G.S. says, *while eating a sheet of tin*
"I can do stuff like this too."

*Spontaneously generates a length-of-chain (in place of spiderman-like webbing) off of himself with one hand, and then generates a sledge-hammer with the other.*

"Nice, eh?"

*For a split second his body color changes to somewhere dull-and-shiny, between iron-and-steel.*

The Great Library

Post 64


"I've heard stuff about that hand..."
G.S. says, (knowing full well that this is likely to annoy Professor Chaos)... "You wanna sparr?"

The Great Library

Post 65

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

*wanders in and reads CS Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia again to compare to the movie*

The Great Library

Post 66


"Hi, guess what I've got?"

*holds up "A Smithsonian Book of Comic-Book Comics" *
smiley - biggrin

The Great Library

Post 67

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

I've been checking out some of the Batman stuff and can I just say ALAN MOORE ROCKS! The Killing Joke has made a believer out of me.

ALso, has anyone read any X-Statix or Toxin? Anything by Peter Milligan? I got hold of the Toxin mini series a while ago and I really enjoyed it, this guy made me laugh

The Great Library

Post 68


i bought a copy of the new Ultimate Spiderman and Xmen comic a while ago and it was quite good if a bit short. also got the spiderman annual which suffers the same way. i haven't bought anything else yet but i was thinking of getting myself a copy of 'Spiderman: Blue' because i was watching the special features on the spiderman dvds and it was talking about all these classic comic editions and that was one of them. also there was this one they did after 9/11 which looked really powerful which i would like to track down if i can.

never heard of X-Statix of Toxin. are they done by another company or by this Peter Milligan guy?

The Great Library

Post 69


Anybody here also like to read manga/watch anime... boy have I got a truckload of dramatic & dynamic 'flat' stylized stuff for you!
smiley - winkeye

The Great Library

Post 70

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

Peter Milligan is pretty much a new talent working for Marvel. He created the X-Statix team which is a kind of parody of the X-Men. The heroes are more bothered about getting rich and famous than saving the world (I haven't read too much but I am on the lookout), and Toxin is a new Spider-Man character who the powers that be decided was a strong enough idea to get his own mini series. He's a Symbiote like Venom and Carnage execot his host is a former police officer who is trying to keep it on the side of the angels.

And while I may not be too big on Manga my brother loves it. He likes Battle Royale and Cowboy Bebop. I've got him some Trigun stuff for Christmas (just hope he likes it)

The Great Library

Post 71


I think he might. Haven't seen it myself... but I've heard from some that it is wickedly funny. At least, the ads make it to sound as though it has some potential.

Did you know that ninja-turtles staarted out as a parody of certain manga (Notably I suspect, perhaps/probably gekiga style)?

The Great Library

Post 72


this Peter Milligan stuff sounds wuite good although i've not come across any of it myself. the Toxin thing especially sounds rather interesting, i've always liked Venom and Carnage as baddies.

The Great Library

Post 73


-Posted 19 Minutes Ago by thornthedruidguy (elsewhere)-
}smiley - musicalnote!{
Hear ye! here Ye!
-My mom has ruled in a moral ethic./ethnical dictum on the Quintessentialness of morality(/ how to live one's life under her roof, etc.) that I am now only allowed 2-3 hr.s of computer time a day, from 7-ish P.M. or where ever in the evening (for that is the 'designated slot' that she 'chooses' til then... in my own time zone (Where as I am posting this it is about 9:42 P.M. ) and will hear none of otherwise... because even my Magician's Guild lunkhead of a character Ecg, pales in comparison to how stubborn she is. I'm screwed, just because she won't hear anything of any sort -of otherwise. Goodbye h2g2... goodbye Comic book appreciators. T'were nice 'knowing' you all.... smiley - skull.
}!smiley - musicalnote{

smiley - wah... treats me like she assumes I were still 12.
*Pounds his fists against the table/top of desk*
swearing -mildly (so smiley - dontpanic). smiley - cry
smiley - bleepsmiley - bleep, smiley - bleep-ita. smiley - bleep... .smiley - brave

P.S. : The clever smiley - devil that I am... I might be able to put-up some of my own comic artwork up on a website... think something like or somewhat... on the sly smiley - evilgrin. I'll try to keep you folks posted on any updates w/how any of that is headed. Now to find myself a public library... and someone somewhere where I can go and bully them for/into letting me use a scanner... & photoshop.

The Great Library

Post 74


aw sorry thorn. hope you still find time to get on in future.smiley - cheerup

The Great Library

Post 75


I'll probably have to find a 'smiley - pirate -ish' way...
Secure funding...
go underground.
w/some of my own equipment.

<- Of course it'd be too suspect to say that that is what I want for X-Mas ... that, and Pops already said "oh, h*ll no! Don't try to drag me into 1 of those argument/debate (power-struggle) thingies w/your mother again..." when I'd already tried that. smiley - rofl

sneaky... about time theft...
free-thinkers... shall be 'vaporized' ... vaguely Orwellian, like in 1984. btw... did you know that MicrosoftWord does not as-of-yet recognize the word "orwellian" in any of the many, many versions of the spellcheck dictionary?

The Great Library

Post 76


i didn't know that was even a word.smiley - erm

The Great Library

Post 77


It's not. Just part of 'Critic language'. smiley - tongueout
smiley - yikes...
Aaah!smiley - skull
smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

The Great Library

Post 78

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

smiley - applause hey Thorn good to see ya here

no critic such as oneself

The Great Library

Post 79

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

smiley - somersault well friends, it is been some time since I last came here

*is filled with familiar yearnings* smiley - runs for smiley - coolsmiley - book

The Great Library

Post 80


: Yeah, You bet! smiley - skullsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

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